Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3055: Condensation of Nascent Soul

Let Wang Feng guard outside and no one can disturb him.

The next moment, all the rules in Ye Xinghe's sea of ​​consciousness were spinning wildly.

Power spurted out.

Every force represents a powerful rule.

The blue mist is dense, that is the rule of ice.

Like thick white clouds, that is the rule of clouds.

There seems to be a looming shadow that shuttles through the air, changing into various shapes and turning into demonic obstacles.

That's the inner demon rule.

And in the middle position, the deep light shining out of the pupil is the brightest.

This is the pupil of Zhu Jiuyin.

The four regular rays of light were in harmony with each other at the beginning, each occupying a corner.

At the end, the light emanating from Zhu Jiuyin's pupils seemed to be impatient.

Start attacking the other three rules and break them one by one.

In the end, the other three rules were no match for it and had to surrender.

The other three colors of light lingered next to the light of Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes.

Then they blended together, began to merge, and became one.

Ye Xinghe's sea of ​​consciousness trembled, and his head hurt extremely.

But he forced himself to endure it without saying a word.

It's just pushing these rules to integrate faster.

A few days passed by in a flash.

Finally, all the rules in Ye Xinghe's sea of ​​consciousness were entangled and integrated with each other.

A few days later, Ye Xinghe felt the real sea shaking wildly.

In an instant, he was shocked to the point of severe pain in his head and bleeding from his orifices.

But he didn't care about that much and immediately looked into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The next moment, all the light in the sea of ​​knowledge dissipated.

A golden light shot straight from it, blinding his eyes.

The next moment, the golden light came to Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe's Nascent Soul condensed into shape and was officially born.

He looked at it with great excitement.

Ye Xinghe's Nascent Soul form has been fixed at this time.

It's just a huge vertical pupil.

The height is about two feet.

In the very center of this upright pupil, there is a deep black.

When your eyes fall on this piece of black, you feel as if you are seeing the stars in the universe.

It seems that even the spiritual consciousness and everything will be sucked into it, which is frightening.

And around the upright pupils, there is a yellow halo, noble and mysterious.

Above this yellow halo, there are inlaid holes that look like grooves.

There are nine inlay holes in total.

At this time, three have been inlaid on it.

They are the rules of the inner demon, the rules of ice, and the rules of clouds.

Ye Xinghe was stunned.

The form of this Nascent Soul was what he expected.

After all, his most powerful rule is his rule of time.

Mainly based on the form after refining according to the rules of time.

Zhu Jiuyin's pupil is just the shape of a pupil.

Time rules are at the core.

So, it’s not surprising that Nascent Soul is like this.

But the question is, what are the nine mosaic holes on the yellow halo around Nascent Soul?

Could it be that you want to collect enough nine rules to embed them into it?

Ye Xinghe thought for a long time and had a vague guess.

But not sure.

Then I planned to go back and ask Yang Luofeng.

As the president of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, he is well-informed and should understand it quite well.

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself: "Right now, my realm is at the first level of the Nascent Soul, but I estimate that my strength should be comparable to the ordinary fifth level of the Nascent Soul!"

You must know that in the Nascent Soul realm, the standard is used to measure whether the realm has been improved.

It just depends on the number of rules.

By absorbing a brand new rule, you can advance to a higher level.

But there is actually a way to be lazy.

It is to upgrade the original one-piece rule by three levels.

Then, it can also be improved to a higher level.

The initial rule is one grain.

After the Nascent Soul transformed, a new rule was incorporated into it.

Well, there are two grain rules.

The second Nascent Soul turns into three pills, and the Nascent Soul third turns into four pills.

And so on.

Moreover, this is still a relatively ideal state.

There are many Nascent Soul Fourth Transformation cultivators who have not absorbed enough powerful and suitable rules for themselves.

Therefore, we can only choose to upgrade a certain original rule by three levels.

In order to achieve the purpose of improving the realm.

This directly leads to a problem.

Many monks of the fourth level of Nascent Soul actually do not have the five-pellet rule.

Maybe there are only two or three pills, and the strength is just superficial.

And like Ye Xinghe now has four grain rules.

It is already equivalent to the third level of Nascent Soul.

And, because of his rules, he has been promoted more than once before.

With the blessing of many opportunities.

His strength now far exceeds that of the normal Nascent Soul level four.

Even if he exerts his full strength, he can rival the masters of the fifth rank of Nascent Soul!

It can only be said that Ye Xinghe’s starting point is too high!

Before someone else's Nascent Soul turns around, there is only one rule.

Ye Xinghe has four rules!

Ye Xinghe looked at the Nascent Soul and understood the inlaid holes around it.

"It seems that every time I refine one more rule in the future, I will be able to improve my level of Nascent Soul Realm!"

"It's just that there are still six inlay holes left at the moment, which means that I still have six rules to refine."

Although, Ye Xinghe doesn't know what will happen if the remaining six inlay holes are filled.

But he knew it.

Next, choose the rules carefully.

You can't choose as randomly as before.

Thinking of this, Ye Xinghe's mind sank into his dantian.

The rules that Ye Xinghe is still refining are the space rules that he got from Wei Shouyuan before.

However, Ye Xinghe can feel it.

The rules of this space are not high.

It should just be a type that prefers space cages.

As for the rules of the other poison, Ye Xinghe has not yet decided whether to refine it or not.

What he had thought before was to refine the rules of poison as part of his own system.

Although this poison rule is weaker than other rules.

However, it matched very well with Ye Xinghe.

It can greatly improve Ye Xinghe's overall combat effectiveness.

But the problem is, now it seems that after refining into Nascent Soul.

On top of his Nascent Soul, in addition to Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes and the other three major rules that have been formed.

There are only six vacancies left.

If you take one, there will be one less.

Rules of Poison does not seem to be qualified to occupy one of the positions.

The poison rules are just ordinary rules, and there is nothing too special about them.

The most important thing is that it is very replaceable.

Just keep some extra poisons around you at all times. There is no need to waste a mosaic slot.

"In that case, let's use the rules of poison as fuel."

But then he thought about it, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"This poison rule seems to be applied to the Nameless Broken Sword. It is very suitable!"

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