Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3069 Three Questions

Chapter 3069 Three Questions!

"People from the Guanghan Dao Sect would appear at this wedding banquet. What does it mean?"

"Is he here on his own behalf or on behalf of the Guanghan Dao Sect?"

"I don't know, but I know that the appearance of an elder from the Guanghan Dao Sect here is enough to make everyone afraid to act rashly!"

Xue Jun wore a moon-white robe of the Guanghan Taoist Sect with a black moon embroidered on it.

He walked into the hall with indifferent eyes.

His eyes slowly swept over everyone's faces.

The time it stayed on Yang Luofeng's face was extra long.

But that's all.

At this moment, Chu Xiaohe, Shen Zhaohai and others laughed triumphantly.

The two of them walked down and came to greet Xue Jun in person.

Then, he was respectfully invited to take a seat.

Xue Jun came to the top and most distinguished seat and sat down carelessly.

He said calmly: "This seat was not occupied just now. Now I will sit down. Does anyone have any objections?"

Naturally, no one has any objections. Guanghan Daozong has this qualification.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, Xue Jun took his seat.

With his arrival, the atmosphere in the entire venue changed instantly.

Chu Xiaohe pointed out something and said with a smile: "Elder Xue, if you hadn't been here to uphold justice, I don't know what would have happened today!"

Shen Zhaohai also said: "Someone wants to bully others, please ask the elders to make the decision for us!"

Xue Jun said calmly: "Don't worry, everyone, as long as I am here today, the Guanghan Dao Sect is here to uphold justice. No one can think of being able to overpower others!"

Many people shook their heads with sarcasm on their faces.

Why didn't they say this when they called the eight first-rate forces suppressing Ye Xinghe just now?

However, of course no one would dare to say such words.

Yang Luofeng also frowned.

As the Black Moon Elder of Guanghan Dao Sect, Xue Jun is of high rank.

He was a little confused.

Xue Jun came here, did he represent the entire Guanghan Dao Sect, or did he come here on his own.

If he represented the Guanghan Dao Sect, then this matter would be difficult to handle.

Even the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce is not qualified to offend the Guanghan Dao Sect.

This is a terrifying force comparable to the Lieyang Royal Family.

Seeing this shocked Yang Luofeng, Xue Jun no longer had any scruples.

His eyes fell on Ye Xinghe and he said coldly: "Ye Xinghe, you have really brought shame on my Guanghan Dao Sect!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Only then did they realize that Ye Xinghe was actually from the Guanghan Dao Sect.

"It seems that Ye Xinghe entered the Guanghan Dao Sect this year!"

"I heard that the Guanghan Dao Sect has hundreds of people, and if Ye Xinghe can enter the Guanghan Dao Sect, his talent and prospects are good!"

"No wonder he is the one favored by Guanghan Dao Sect. He is indeed a peerless genius!"

Everyone was amazed.

Suddenly someone said in shock: "I remembered, the number one newcomer in Guanghan Dao Sect this year seems to be named Ye Xinghe!"

"I said this name sounded so familiar before!"

After hearing this, everyone was even more amazed.

"Can you actually step into the Guanghan Dao Sect with the first position?"

"You know, there are many geniuses who have entered the Guanghan Dao Sect!"

Everyone has a better understanding of Ye Xinghe, and their eyes are filled with admiration.

Ye Xinghe faced Xue Jun and said calmly: "Elder, why do you say this?"

Xue Jun sneered: "You are a new disciple of Guanghan Dao Sect. You have not officially entered the school yet, but you are doing evil outside and bullying others under the banner of Guanghan Dao Sect."

"Since I saw you today, I can't spare you!"

Ye Xinghe understood something.

He knew that Xue Jun had always disliked him.

Moreover, I am afraid that he has something to do with the God of War Palace and the Xuanming Sect.

Today is dedicated to suppressing myself.

From their previous reactions, it can be seen that this was premeditated.

Ye Xinghe showed no signs of weakness and said with a sneer: "Elder, I have reported to Guanghan Dao Sect and even redeemed my merits."

"Let me ask you, why can't I be considered a disciple of Guanghan Dao Sect?"

This question made Xue Jun suddenly choked and unable to refute.

Ye Xinghe did not pause and continued: "I, Ye Xinghe, am the number one newcomer, crushing many talented people and stepping into the Guanghan Dao Sect."

"My beloved woman was snatched away by others and forced to marry others. I, Ye Xinghe, came here to seek justice. How could I end up bullying others and doing evil?"

He stared at Xue Jun with bright eyes.

Xue Jun couldn't answer this question, and his face instantly darkened.

I just felt like I had lost face in front of everyone.

Ye Xinghe didn't stop yet, stared at him, and asked a third question.

"I am fighting outside, and Guanghan Dao Sect is my sect. Why shouldn't I mention Guanghan Dao Sect?"

"Which law in the Guanghan Dao Sect prohibits this?"

Three questions were thrown down, and they were loud and clear.

The refutation left Xue Jun speechless.

Ye Xinghe stared at Xue Jun and sneered: "On the contrary, you, Elder Xue, are going to beat me, the newcomer, to life and death. Do you have the qualifications?"

"Do you want to go back to the master's door and ask, how much potential do I have as a newcomer, compared to you, the elder Black Moon?"

This time, Xue Jun was completely furious.

His face was gloomy, he stood up slowly, nodded and said: "What a sharp-tongued junior, very good!"

With a grim look on his face, he waved his hand.

"Get him!"

As the words fell, seven or eight strong men rushed in outside the hall in an instant.

These powerful men are also wearing the moon-white robes of the Guanghan Dao Sect.

Each one is powerful and tyrannical.

Xue Jun pointed at Ye Xinghe and said in a cold voice: "This son is unruly, contradicting the elders of the sect in public, acting recklessly outside, and ruining the sect's reputation. You guys are going to kill him on the spot!"

After everyone heard this, their hearts trembled.

This Xue Jun is really cruel!

Moreover, he was not prepared to show mercy at all, and actually wanted to kill Ye Xinghe right here!

The leader of the powerful Guanghan Dao Sect also hesitated.

Not everyone can bear the charge of killing the number one newcomer.

Xue Jun was already cruel at this time.

Han Yun has been in seclusion for several years, and the power behind him is huge.

This time, Ye Xinghe was beheaded, which was difficult to resolve, but it was nothing more than a small punishment.

But Ye Xinghe is so talented and has such cultivation.

If they are not eliminated at this time, they will become enemies in the future.

Instead, it causes disaster for oneself.

He gritted his teeth and said sternly: "What are you still doing? Kill him. If anything goes wrong, I'll be there!"

These people are all his disciples and confidants.

After hearing this, I no longer have any scruples.

Immediately, they all started to kill Ye Xinghe.

In an instant, seven people formed a formation and surrounded Ye Xinghe in the center.

The power of rules surges.

Chu Xiaohe and Shen Zhaohai looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

Someone from the Guanghan Dao Sect took action.

They were able to avoid suspicion and watch Ye Xinghe die with their own eyes!

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