Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3074: Live and die together

Chapter 3074: Live and die together!

He directly followed Ye Xinghe and grabbed him.

With his cultivation level, Ye Xinghe is naturally no match.

Unable to struggle.

At this time, Yang Luofeng and Yu Guangran roared at the same time and took action.

He immediately retreated Xue Jun's formation.

The two stood in front of Ye Xinghe.

Murong Jun was not panicked, this scene was even expected by him.

With a bit of a smile on his face, he said gently to Yu Guangran and Yang Luofeng: "You two, you are both top forces in Lieyang Imperial City. You have great status, and I respect you a bit."

"We don't have to hurt our harmony because of Ye Xinghe."

"It might as well be like this. Give me some face today. This is a family matter within our Guanghan Dao Sect. Please don't interfere."

What he said was reasonable and well-founded, and it also gave the two of them enough face.

I saw that the two of them looked hesitant.

Murong Jun then added.

"Do the two of you want the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Medicine Master Association to start a full-scale war with the Guanghan Dao Sect?"

These words were extremely lethal and struck hard into the hearts of the two of them.

Yang Luofeng and Yu Guangran suddenly hesitated.

You know, the two of them represent more than just themselves.

It’s also the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Medicine Master Association!

And if there is a full-scale war with Guanghan Daozong.

Their two major forces are very likely to be completely destroyed!

They have too many burdens to be willful.

Seeing their hesitation, Murong Jun knew that his goal had been achieved.

He stepped forward in person to separate the two.

In his opinion, the overall situation of today's matter has been decided.

But at this moment, something suddenly changed.

Yu Guangran burst out laughing: "When you walk in the world, morality comes first. How can I sit back and watch when my friends are humiliated?"

"You use the Guanghan Dao Sect to suppress the Divine Medicine Master Association, I'm convinced."

"You, Murong Jun, are here to suppress me, old man, and I'm not convinced!"

Yu Guangran laughed loudly and threw the badge on his waist that symbolized the great elder of the Divine Medicine Master Association directly to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Murong Jun's expression suddenly changed.

"What are you going to do?"

On the flying boat, many elders of the Divine Medicine Master Association and Yu Guangran's disciples also exclaimed.

"Master, no!"

"Master, calm down!"


Yu Guangran smiled and said: "From now on, I am not the chief elder of the Divine Medicine Master Association, but just a lonely old man!"

"Today, I want to stand here and fight side by side with Ye Xinghe!"

Ye Xinghe's heart was beating wildly, his eyes were sore, and he was almost in tears.

He whispered: "It doesn't have to be like this!"

Yu Guangran smiled and said: "There is nothing unnecessary. Life in this world is about happiness. I can never wrong myself!"

"Otherwise, even if I survive today, I will not live happily in the next life!"

Yang Luofeng cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Brother, you really make me ashamed!"

After saying that, he took out a small green seal and handed it to Yang Shuyue.

"Shu Yue, from today on, you are the president of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce!"

"Old man, I am alone now, and I am not bound by the Dragon Chamber of Commerce!"

He also stood in front of Ye Xinghe.

"Murong Jun, I don't have any scruples now. If you want to hit me, then hit me hard!"

Yang Shuyue was crying beside her, but she just nodded while holding the little seal.

She knew her grandfather's determination.

Murong Jun was extremely angry and said sternly: "Crazy, you are all crazy!"

"Okay, if you have to go against my Guanghan Dao Sect, then I, the Guanghan Dao Sect, will destroy you today!"

He actually killed him directly by himself.

The pressure of the third-level Elder Chiyue instantly made everyone in the hall breathless.

At the same time, Xue Jun and a group of Guanghan Taoist masters he brought took action at the same time.

Looking at it, Ye Xinghe and the others are definitely no match.

Under such a siege, there is only one way to die.

But the three of them showed no fear and instead laughed side by side.

It was also at this time that an old sigh came from the void.

"Murong Jun, when did you decide the Guanghan Dao Zonglun?"

The sound is calm and simple.

But it exploded like a yellow bell.

Everyone felt that Yu was so shocked that he vomited blood.

The stronger the cultivation level, the stronger this reaction will be.

Those heads of small families with average cultivation just feel uncomfortable.

A cultivator like Murong Jun was shocked to the point where he spurted blood and fell to the ground.

He shouted in shock: "Where did this old man come from?"

The rest of the words remained unsaid.

He suddenly realized something and his expression suddenly changed.

He actually knelt down on the ground and said respectfully: "Disciple welcomes Master!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.


"What is Murong Jun's identity? He is a third-level elder of Chiyue. He is considered a top-notch expert in Guanghan Dao Sect. Who is his master?"

"Is it the master of Guanghan Dao Sect who has arrived?"

"Why did such a big shot come suddenly?"

Xue Jun's expression changed as he recognized this voice.

Although, he had only heard this voice once hundreds of years ago.

But I will never forget it in my life!

Xue Jun and a group of powerful men from the Guanghan Dao Sect immediately fell to their knees and shouted loudly: "Welcome the Immortal!"

Chu Xiaohe and Shen Zhaohai looked at each other.

The two of them were even shocked to the point of being a little numb.

Isn't it the marriage of our two first-class forces?

How could he be able to disturb so many big shots!

Those guests who came to watch the ceremony were all looking at the excitement and talking excitedly, not caring about the big deal.

"Today is the day!"

"Yes, I met so many legendary figures!"

Amidst everyone's amazed gazes, several figures slowly walked in.

They just walked up the stairs calmly and walked in through the gate.

It doesn't look breathy either.

But standing there, it was like a towering mountain, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Ye Xinghe shouted in surprise: "Senior Starlight!"

He saw that the person arriving was Xingguang Immortal and Huo Tianjing.

Next to the Starlight Immortal, there was an old woman standing.

Kind-hearted, with a slight smile on his face.

I heard Ye Xinghe call out "Senior Starlight".

Murong Jun immediately felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

He smiled respectfully and said, "Master, you didn't even say a word when you came!"

"Disciple, I haven't seen you for such a long time. I miss you so much!"

After that, I wanted to go up and help Xingguang Immortal.

But Immortal Starlight completely ignored him and walked up to Ye Xinghe.

He said with a bit of shame on his face: "My little friend, it's my fault that I have failed to discipline you well, but I have made my little friend feel wronged!"

When seeing Xingguang Immortal's attitude towards Ye Xinghe.

When I heard the word "little friend" coming out of Xingguang Immortal's mouth.

Murong Jun only felt a buzz in his brain, like five thunders hitting his head.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

There was only one sentence echoing in his heart at this time.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to be killed by Xue Jun now!"

Xue Jun was also completely confused.

Xingguang Immortal is a figure at the level of his master.

Normally he would not be qualified to see him.

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