Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3078 Origin

Chapter 3078 Origin!

Ye Xinghe and others have disappeared in this hall.

These people were at a loss.

After a while, they all left.

At this moment, they have lost the memory of Ye Xinghe and others.

It's like Ye Xinghe and others have never been here before.

In their memories, they only came to attend the wedding banquet.

The wedding banquet seemed to have not continued due to some reasons.

Everyone returned disappointed, that's all.

At this moment, I stood on the ruins of the ruined wall and looked at the people leaving.

A deep throbbing flashed through Ye Xinghe's eyes.

This Lan Yunxi's strength is too weird and too perverted!

With just one move, the memories of thousands of people were completely erased and tampered with!

this is too scary!

What kind of power is this?

What kind of rules does he have?

These methods are almost miraculous.

Even though Wang Feng traveled throughout the mission world, he had seen so many powerful people.

But at this time, he was also shocked and speechless.

At this time, Lan Yunxi clapped his hands.

"Okay, now that all worries are gone, let's go."

After that, he waved his hand.

Ye Xinghe was like flying in the clouds, unable to control his body shape.

Don't know where to go.

A moment later, when he regained control of his body, he realized.

It has already reached the sky.

The entire Lieyang Imperial City is at your feet.

Ye Xinghe's face looked a little wary.

"Who are you?"

And that frail scholar just now erased everyone's memory with just one move.

At this moment, she walked up to him with great solemnity, then half-knelt on the ground, cupped her hands and said, "My subordinate, Lan Yunxi, has met the young master!"

Behind him, Qian Tianfeng also knelt down and said respectfully: "My subordinate Qian Tianfeng has met the young master!"

The names Qian Tianfeng and Lan Yunxi made Ye Xinghe's heart tremble.

He has been in Lieyang Imperial City for so long, and Wang Feng is asking for news again.

Naturally, it is clear that in Lieyang Imperial City, there is a king of the underground world, who is Lan Yunxi.

It is said that this person's cultivation level is not weaker than any giant in the righteous path.

But he doesn't like to establish sects, and he is not attracted by the royal family.

Just hidden in the underground world.

Secretly controlling everything underground in Lieyang Imperial City.

Qian Tianfeng is one of the kings of the underground world.

The two top powers in the underground world in front of them knelt in front of Ye Xinghe and called him Young Master.

Wang Feng rubbed his eyes beside him, almost unable to believe this scene.

Ye Xinghe quickly calmed down and just asked three words: "Why?"

Lan Yunxi's eyes flashed with appreciation.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Feng and Qian Tianfeng were sent far away.

He said softly: "Young Master, let me tell you all this."

Ye Xinghe had vaguely guessed something and waited quietly for him to continue.

Lan Yunxi said: "Young Master, since you have come into contact with Jishi Daoguan, you have also been chased by that person."

"Presumably, you should also know about the ancient Yunlong clan and know something about your mother."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"Could it be that you are also the one left behind by your mother?"

"Which family among the four major families?"

Lan Yunxi smiled lightly.

"I don't belong to any of them."

"In fact, you can think that these four major forces are all under my control and obey my orders."

He smiled and said: "Let me formally introduce myself as the captain of the bodyguard next to my wife and the commander-in-chief of the Ancient Divine Dragon Army!"

Ye Xinghe was horrified when he heard this, but he didn't show it.

"He is actually the captain of the bodyguard at my mother's side. No wonder he has such terrifying strength!"

Lan Yunxi said in a deep voice: "That day, in order to avoid being pursued by a powerful enemy, my wife was forced to seal herself, leaving me to lead the four major forces and take care of the young master, who is you."

Ye Xinghe immediately asked the question that had been in his mind for a long time.

"Who is the mother?"

"Who is she being chased by?"

He has always been very confused.

Judging from her mother's arrangements back then, her strength should be extremely terrifying.

Far beyond his current level.

I'm afraid that even the level of Lieyang Dynasty is not enough to compare with her.

So what was the reason that allowed her to give up on herself and have to leave some arrangements in a hurry?

Who is she?

Who is chasing her?

Lan Yunxi was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "I can't tell you this yet, you just need to know that Madam is an unparalleled and extraordinary woman!"

"At that time, she also practiced to a level that was difficult for ordinary people to match, and she was arrogant among the others."

“But if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.”

"Because of this, she attracted some people's attention."

"After being severely injured, I knew I was no match, so I hurriedly sealed myself and hid somewhere to avoid trouble. This was also to protect you, young master!"

Although he didn't make it clear.

But Ye Xinghe could vaguely feel the thrilling aspects of it.

Lan Yunxi skipped this topic. Obviously, he didn't want to mention it more.

"Young Master, when you are strong enough, you will naturally know what's going on. Telling you now will do more harm than good."

Then, he said: "On that day, Madam sealed her body and made arrangements here."

"There was no Lieyang Dynasty back then, and the four major forces were scattered everywhere and did not contact each other to avoid being discovered."

"And I am the one who leads the four major forces."

"It's just a pity"

There was a rare hint of hatred in his eyes.

Ye Xinghe asked: "Is it the Yunlong Ancient Clan?"

Lan Yunxi nodded and said, "That's right."

"The Ancient Yunlong Clan is the strongest among the four major forces, and I value them and have given them many things."

"I didn't expect that they were so ambitious that they actually rebelled!"

"Not only did they chase the other three major forces, they also sent countless masters to hunt me down for seventy years!"

"It wasn't until the end that I used a secret method to fake my death and escape."

"But because of this, my physical body cannot last long and must be replaced every hundred years."

Ye Xinghe was speechless.

Looking at the face of this frail scholar, he nodded and said, "No wonder it's like this!"

Lan Yunxi's eyes were slightly red and his voice was trembling.

"Back then, my wife was sealed and powerful enemies attacked. Our comrades in Paoze suffered numerous casualties."

"And you, young master, are nowhere to be seen. I don't know where you are wandering."

"Every time I think about this, I feel that I have been entrusted by my wife, and I wish I could just die to apologize!"

"Later, I hid in the Lieyang Imperial City, practicing hard in secret, cultivating my power, and at the same time looking for traces of you, young master."

However, there was no trace of him even after searching the Xuanhuang Continent. "

"I didn't expect to see you here. It's like a curtain hanging from heaven!"

There was some consideration in Ye Xinghe's eyes, and he said softly: "I have fallen into other worlds long ago, but I still came to this big Xuanhuang world under the guidance of someone."

"Maybe there is mother's arrangement in it."

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