Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3080 Cave Mansion

Chapter 3080: Cave Mansion!

Lan Yunxi's body trembled slightly, as if he had gotten to know Ye Xinghe again.

After a moment, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Madam, you saw the right person!"

"Madam, the young master is much more powerful than you think!"

Then, without saying anything more, he cupped his hands and said, "Young Master, I will leave first. If anything happens in the future, just ask Qian Tianfeng to find me. He knows how to find me."

"As I said before, even if you ask me to die, young master, I won't even blink an eye!"

Then, he turned and left.

Ye Xinghe felt a little weird, but couldn't explain it.

He thought for a long time but had no idea.

But that weird feeling always lingers in my mind.

Ye Xinghe forcibly drove him away and then found Wang Feng.

At this time, Wang Feng looked deeply when he saw Ye Xinghe coming back.

The eyes that looked at Ye Xinghe were filled with unspeakable fear and trembling.

Yes, he respects Ye Xinghe as his master, and he also serves Ye Xinghe wholeheartedly.

But that was because of the contract with Ye Xinghe.

What is conceivable is that if the contract between the two becomes invalid.

Wang Feng will kill Ye Xinghe immediately!

Wang Feng hated Ye Xinghe to his core.

Wang Feng knew this, and so did Ye Xinghe.

Wang Feng is a man who is proud to the core. He seems to not care about many things.

But that's because he has his own firmness and persistence towards certain things.

He navigates the world of missions.

His city, his layout and calculations are all for pursuing the Tao in his heart.

And such a person was detained by Ye Xinghe, doing the work of a dog and a horse.

How could he be willing?

He knew that Ye Xinghe was very talented and could suppress him firmly.

But there was always some hope in my heart, and I felt that I was not far behind.

But at this moment, when he saw Lan Yunxi.

The mere breath of this powerful man made him tremble and surrender, and he could hardly help but kneel down in worship.

But it was when he prostrated himself in front of Ye Xinghe, his face full of respect.

He felt as if something collapsed deep inside his heart.

There was only one voice echoing in my heart.

"When did Ye Xinghe reach this point?"

When the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce appeared before, Wang Feng didn't think much of it.

He has known this relationship for a long time.

When the Divine Medicine Master Association appeared, he thought it was nothing more than that.

Even when Guanghan Dao Sect Xingguang Immortal appeared.

He didn't have much trouble in his heart.

Because, to put it bluntly, he saw it clearly.

The relationship between these people and Ye Xinghe is both teachers and friends.

But it's not yet to the point where he has to fight tooth and nail for Ye Xinghe.

For example, if Ye Xinghe faces a life-and-death crisis, and they can easily save him, they will naturally save him.

But if it is Ye Xinghe, that life and death enemy, his strength is extremely terrifying.

With a raise of his hand, he can destroy an existence at the level of Starlight Immortal.

So, will they still save him?

Will not.

They fulfilled their moral responsibility and felt no guilt.

He won't choose to fight to the death.

But Lan Yunxi is different.

He knew very well that Lan Yunxi could fight tooth and nail for Ye Xinghe!

No matter how powerful the enemy standing in front of you is!

Ye Xinghe glanced at him, smiled and said, "Let's go."

For him today, the harvest can be described as huge.

Especially I got a lot of information about my mother from Lan Yunxi.

I even know more about the situation of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Give Ye Xinghe a goal to catch up with.

He secretly thought: "Ten years may be too short for others, but it is enough for me!"

"Within ten years, I will destroy the Yunlong Ancient Clan!"

On the way back, Wang Feng had been a little taciturn.

This hit him hard.

He felt that he might not be able to get rid of Ye Xinghe in this life.

At this time, he even thought about rushing to the mission world.

Not only can he get rid of Ye Xinghe, he can also improve his own strength.

Suddenly, he thought of something, frowned and said, "Master, has the mission world time passed?"

Ye Xinghe thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Indeed."

Logically speaking, one should have entered the mission world a month ago.

But after so long, nothing has changed.

Neither of them had ever felt the call of the mission world.

Ye Xinghe felt vaguely uneasy.

But I can only suppress this uneasiness in my heart.

The Taixu Holy Realm is so powerful that it is almost an immortal, so there should be no accidents.

One month comes quickly.

On this day, Guanghan Dao Sect's flying boat came to the inn to pick up everyone.

Then, everyone saw Song Yuan in the main hall on the square.

However, there is nothing special.

Everyone is already familiar with it.

Song Yuan just explained to them some matters that need to be paid attention to during cultivation and some common sense.

Then, let everyone go to their own caves and settle down.

Official classes will begin tomorrow.

Then once every seven days, and practice on your own the rest of the time.

Everyone dispersed and went to find their own cave.

Ye Xinghe also came to his cave.

His cave is higher than other people's mountains, and his formation is stronger.

The looming spiritual energy is also more abundant.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe discovered that around the mountain peak where his cave was located.

Those peaks seemed to be deserted.

It's normal when you think about it.

Guanghan Dao Sect only recruited a hundred disciples every hundred years.

Among them, some disciples will die due to various reasons.

After all, there wasn't much in total.

But there are many places to practice here.

Ye Xinghe shook his head, threw away these distracting thoughts, and came to the door of his cave.

The cave is built on the cliff.

In front is an open space with a radius of 100 meters, and below is a huge and turbulent current.

There are waves of waves, and water vapor is steaming up.

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, I felt dazzled.

The scenery here is quite good.

The cave was dug out of the cliff, and a gatehouse entrance was built outside.

Ye Xinghe took out the key, opened the door, and entered the cave.

It's quite spacious inside, with a radius of about a hundred meters.

There is a shelf next to it with several things on it.

In the corner, there is a clear spring water.

Of course these are minor.

The most attractive thing is the magic circle in the center of the cave.

Ye Xinghe sat cross-legged in the center of the array.

This magic circle is extremely complex, with tens of thousands of lines.

At the center, they form a shape like a six-pointed star.

Ye Xinghe sat cross-legged on it.

Put your hands on your knees, palms toward the sky, and rotate slightly.

Behind it, Nascent Soul suddenly appeared.

The Zhu Jiuyin's pupils flickered slightly.

Above the yellow halo, the four rules are shining brightly.

And it seemed that he felt the existence of Ye Xinghe Yuanying.

The magic circle buzzed slightly.

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