Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3082: The Mysterious Nascent Soul’s True Interpretation

Chapter 3082 Miraculous! The Explanation of Yuanying Dazhen!

It turns out that each hall here can only accommodate one person at a time.

After one person enters, the palace door will automatically close.

Wait for the people inside to come out before the next one can enter.

Ye Xinghe understood.

This method is very good.

In this case, people outside will not know what is exchanged inside.

Enough to protect their privacy to the greatest extent.

Let his strength not be known to others.

But Ye Xinghe quickly realized something.

That is, if the exchange is for the Yuanying Dazhenjie Chapter, the secret will not be hidden.

Everyone can see that you are entering the main hall where Yuanying Dazhen explains the chapter.

Everyone knows that this is what you exchanged.

But Ye Xinghe suddenly thought that this might be the intention of Guanghan Dao Sect.

Because the Nascent Soul Dazhen Explanation is too precious and special.

Therefore, after redeeming the Nascent Soul Dazhenjie Chapter, you need to let others know about it.

Just can't be secretive.

This seems to be to create some competitive pressure.

Let these disciples fight and kill each other.

At this time, everyone was queuing up in an orderly manner at the entrance of each hall.

The ones with the most queues are Lingbao and magical powers.

Most people are lined up there.

But at the entrance of Yuanying Dazhen Jiepian Hall, there was no one.

Obviously, even for senior disciples of Guanghan Dao Sect.

It is not easy to redeem the Nascent Soul Dazhenjie Chapter.

The starting point is five hundred meritorious deeds!

This is a pretty scary number.

No matter how many disciples have been working together for decades, they may not be able to accumulate so many meritorious deeds.

At this time, only Ye Xinghe was patiently waiting outside in the main hall of Yuanying Dazhen.

And seeing this scene.

Suddenly, everyone cast strange looks.

Whether it is Ye Xinghe's robe or his waistband, he wants everyone to know.

He is a new disciple.

And this new disciple was actually standing at the door of this hall at this moment.

But it’s very intriguing.

One person looked at Ye Xinghe up and down with questioning eyes.

Suddenly, he sneered slightly and curled his lips.

"Junior brother, are you standing in the wrong place?"

"Do you know what is exchanged there?"

The disciple next to him also smiled and said: "What is redeemed in it is the Nascent Soul Great Truth Chapter, which is the most fundamental secret method of our Guanghan Dao Sect."

"Even if you only exchange the most basic ones from the first chapter, you will need at least 500 meritorious deeds."

"As a newcomer, can you get five hundred meritorious deeds?"

Their faces were full of disbelief.


The man who spoke first smiled and said: "Junior brother Xu, do you still remember when we came to redeem the first chapter of the Nascent Soul Da Zhen?" Then Xu Chenghe said: "On that day, I will never know this in my life. forget!"

"In the fifty-seventh year after we entered the army, you and I did nothing every day. We just accepted missions, fought, and received meritorious deeds."

"It took a full fifty-seven years, but I finally got enough to redeem the merits of the first chapter!"


He looked sideways at Ye Xinghe and sneered.

"Senior Brother Zhou, this newcomer has only been here for a day. If he can redeem the first chapter of the Nascent Soul Great Truth, I don't believe it!"

Zhou Zeyu also laughed loudly.

"Junior brother, did you arrange it in the wrong place?"

There was a strong sense of sarcasm in his words.

At this moment, the door of Yuanying Dazhenjiepian's main hall suddenly opened.

A disciple walked out of it with a face full of joy.

Ye Xinghe didn't bother to pay attention to those people at all.

Although, they started a hundred years earlier than me.

Ye Xinghe walked straight into the main hall of Yuanying Dazhen Jiepian.

Several people outside suddenly showed expressions of astonishment on their faces.

But then, Zhou Zeyu laughed and said: "This junior brother, I am afraid that we just made him angry and embarrassed, and he can't keep it on his face."

"So, he has to go in anyway."


Xu Chenghe also echoed with a smile: "I guess if I go in there, I'll come back empty-handed. Why bother?"

"In order to be angry with us, he still lost thirty meritorious services in vain. I'm afraid it's all his savings!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

There is a threshold for entering every hall here.

In other halls, five meritorious deeds are required once.

Only the Yuanying Dazhen Jiepian Hall requires at least thirty meritorious deeds to enter once, even just to take a look.

It can also be seen from this that Guanghan Daozong attaches great importance to the interpretation of Yuanying Dazhen.

Guanghan Daozong did this to prevent some nefarious people from occupying the latrine after entering.

Making it impossible for others to redeem it.

They all thought that Ye Xinghe was just out of anger.

He didn't hesitate to spend thirty merit points to go inside and take a look around.

Ye Xinghe naturally didn't know about these sounds outside.

After coming in, he felt heartbroken when he saw that thirty merit points had been deducted from him.

Soon, the door closed behind him.

Inside is a small stone chamber, only three feet in diameter.

In the very center of the stone room is a stone platform.

On the stone platform, a jade plate was placed.

On the stone wall next to it, there are some words carved on it, which are the exchange rules.

Ye Xinghe took a few glances and understood.

This rule is actually quite strange.

All you need to do is place your disciple token in this jade plate.

Then chant aloud what you want to redeem.

Next to it, there are some introductions about the Nascent Soul Great Truth.

And the corresponding price of each chapter of Nascent Soul Dazhenjie.

Ye Xinghe saw that the first chapter was called the introductory chapter, and the price was 500 merit points.

But in the second chapter, the price has skyrocketed to 5,000 merit!

The price difference between the two is as much as ten times!

But after he read the introduction, he understood why.

Ye Xinghe's breathing was a little rough at this time, and he was excited inside.

It turns out that the introductory chapter of the Nascent Soul Dazhenjie Chapter records how to better absorb, improve and temper the Nascent Soul.

Control the Nascent Soul to use the power of rules and so on.

Combined with the unique mica true spirit of Shangguang Han Dao Sect.

It can increase the speed of practicing the power of rules by three to ten times!

Quickly reaching the state before the sixth transformation of the Nascent Soul is much faster than in the outside world.

Of course, how much you can improve depends on your talent and luck.

But even in the final analysis, it is actually just the use of the power of existing rules.

It does not break away from the existing rules.

But it’s different when it comes to the second chapter.

The second chapter is the fusion chapter.

Ye Xinghe read the introduction and realized that this fusion chapter could actually bring about a qualitative change in Yuanying!

It can turn complexity into simplicity and return to nature!

And its most powerful power is that it can degenerate the Nascent Soul into rules!

That's right, it's degradation.

Sounds degenerate.

After all, there is the power of rules first, and then the Nascent Soul is condensed.

On the basis of Yuanying, continue to absorb the rules of smelting.

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