Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3084 Apology

Chapter 3084 Apologize!

Several people looked at each other, and their eyes showed a deep sense of horror.

A disciple trembled and said, "I have accumulated for decades, but I don't have a thousand merits. How did he get it?"

It turned out that they all saw it clearly after the disciple token fell to the ground.

There was a storm in their hearts.

Zhou Zeyu couldn't help but ask, "You, this junior brother, you actually have a thousand merits?"

His eyes were already a bit solemn.

And the title of Ye Xinghe changed from this kid to this junior brother.

Obviously, he realized something.

Ye Xinghe fiddled with the disciple token in his hand and said casually, "It's not a thousand merits."

Everyone was relieved and felt much more comfortable after hearing this.

A newcomer who just entered the door had a thousand merits, which was equivalent to what they had accumulated for decades.

How could they bear this? They were very unbalanced in their hearts.

But then, Ye Xinghe's words directly hit them into the abyss.

Ye Xinghe said with a half-smile: "I just exchanged for the first chapter of Yuanying Dazhenjie Pian, which cost me 500 merits. I originally had 1,500 merits."

This sentence almost made Zhou Zeyu and others vomit blood!

1,500 merits!

A newcomer has merits that they have accumulated for decades!

Moreover, he still downplayed it and didn't care at all.

It seemed that the merits were worthless like cabbage on the street.

Xu Chenghe didn't want to believe this reality at all, and said sternly: "You lied!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head helplessly.

A jade talisman appeared in his hand, and he smiled faintly: "Do you recognize this thing?"

Everyone recognizes it of course.

They are all people who have exchanged the first chapter of Yuanying Dazhenjie Pian.

Naturally, they can sense the breath clearly.

Zhou Zeyu nodded and said, "It is indeed the first chapter of the Yuanying Dazhenjie Pian."

"You actually have 1,500 merits, you are not lying!"

Ye Xinghe glanced at them sideways and smiled faintly: "You must slap me in the face!"

Xu Chenghe's face turned red, and he couldn't say a word beside him.

The faces of Zhou Zeyu and others have become very serious.

They are not fools, so they know very well.

A newcomer can have 1,500 merits on the first day of entry.

The background of this newcomer is definitely not simple!

Or he himself is very complicated.

But no matter what, no matter what, they can't afford to offend him.

Zhou Zeyu showed a respectful look on his face, bowed his hands, and walked in front of Ye Xinghe.

"My junior brother, we have offended you just now. Please be magnanimous and don't treat us like this. I apologize to you!" It's not in vain to be able to stay in Guanghan Dao Sect for so many years.

Zhou Zeyu is flexible and apologized to Ye Xinghe immediately.

As for Xu Cheng and several others, anyone who had just mocked Ye Xinghe and wanted to attack him came forward to apologize. Zhou Zeyu smiled and asked, "What's your name, junior brother?" They were all very curious about Ye Xinghe's origins. You know, Guanghan Dao Sect has an extremely sophisticated design for this merit system. In order to prevent powerful people, people of high rank and high status from taking advantage of the people below and plundering the merits of the other party. According to the formation design in the disciple token and elder token. Only high-ranking superiors can give merits to inferiors. Inferior people cannot give merits to superiors. This is why Ye Xinghe was able to get the 1,000 merits that day. This setting is extremely strong. And there is no doubt that they already understand. Behind this newcomer, there is probably an extremely terrifying and high-ranking existence! One or two thousand merits can be given at will! How can they afford to offend! The attitude is very humble and respectful. At this time, the new disciple smiled and said, "You don't even know him. This is Ye Xinghe, Senior Brother Ye!"

"What, he is Ye Xinghe!"

Zhou Zeyu and others were surprised when they heard this.

They had also heard of the name Ye Xinghe.

This year, he entered Guanghan Dao Sect by crushing a group of Tianjiao strongmen as the first newcomer!

Zhou Zeyu and others apologized again after hearing this.

"I'm sorry, we didn't recognize Taishan just now!"

Ye Xinghe waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

These people were respectful and had good eyesight.

Ye Xinghe was unwilling to argue with them.

He suddenly said, "However, there is something that I am quite interested in."

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "According to the rules of the sect, only the superior can give merits to the inferior."

"Just now you said you wanted my merits, how are you going to get them?"

Ye Xinghe was quite confused about this matter.

Zhou Zeyu was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, and whispered: "Guanghan Dao Sect has been around for tens of thousands of years, and some rules can always find loopholes." He said something, and Ye Xinghe couldn't help laughing after listening. It turned out that this method was actually worthless. According to the rules of Guanghan Dao Sect, merits cannot be transferred privately. Even the skills and magical powers exchanged for merits, and even spiritual treasures, can only be used by oneself.

Because, at the moment of redemption, the soul of this disciple was already imprinted on it.

It is equivalent to something exclusive to him.

If anyone else uses it, both parties will pay a heavy price.

This is Guanghan Dao Sect's greatest guarantee of fairness.

However, the items exchanged in Guanghan Dao Sect cannot be used.

Then the things I buy outside can always be used.

You can always teach others the secrets of spiritual treasures bought from the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, over a long period of time, they actually developed a system for exchanging meritorious deeds and Fierce Yang Jade.

Roughly speaking, one meritorious service is equal to ten Fierce Yang Jade.

For example, Ye Xinghe was extorted from twenty meritorious deeds.

Then, Ye Xinghe had to find a way to get the two hundred Fierce Yang Spirit Jade and give it to them.

Or buy items of the same price.

This cleverly avoids the matter of meritorious deeds.

Ye Xinghe shook his head, turned and left.

Zhou Zeyu and others breathed a sigh of relief.

I know he won't care about what happened today.

They all stood up and sent each other off respectfully: "Best farewell to Mr. Ye!"

After Ye Xinghe returned to his cave, he didn't stop.

Immediately he started to take out the first chapter of the Nascent Soul Dazhenjie and practice.

The ten-year agreement is still vivid in my mind.

At that time, if the strength is not enough, everyone will be wiped out by the Yunlong Ancient Clan!

He doesn't waste any time.

Ye Xinghe sat cross-legged, holding the first chapter of the Nascent Soul Dazhen Explanation in his hand.

Then, the magic circle began to slowly activate.

From the large magic circle, the mica true spirit began to gather into Ye Xinghe's body.

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