Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3098: Vulnerable

Chapter 3098: Vulnerable!

"In a moment, the four of us will attack him at the same time, and the power of the rules will explode. I don't believe we can't defeat him!"

In an instant, the four people had completed the communication.

Be aware of the upcoming battle situation.

Then, the four people came directly to Ye Xinghe and surrounded him.

The four of them said in unison: "We will challenge Ye Xinghe!"

Song Yuan waved his sleeves helplessly: "Okay, the challenge begins."

"You are four against one. If you win, you can decide for yourself who will take the first position."

Several people's eyes were shining with excitement at this time.

If he defeated Ye Xinghe, he would not only be able to become famous.

Moreover, there is a chance to get this first position!

This is something they never dreamed of.

Ye Xinghe came to the ring.

The four people also stood at the four corners of the ring.

Following Song Yuan's order, the battle began immediately.

Of these four people, one is at the fourth level of the Nascent Soul, and the other is at the third level of the Nascent Soul.

The remaining two are both at the peak of the second level of Nascent Soul.

He can no longer be considered weak among newcomers.

In an instant, the four people's tyrannical power of rules surged.

He went straight towards Ye Xinghe and killed him.

Surrounded by the power of rules from all directions, Ye Xinghe had no way to go and nowhere to hide.

The four of them fought side by side for the first time, but they cooperated extremely well, and they were quite proud of themselves.

"Ye Xinghe, quickly admit defeat and suffer less!"

"That's right, for the sake of being on the same level, the four of us won't be ruthless."

"The power of my four-person rule has fallen, you have no chance!"

They laughed loudly.

There was a smile on Ye Xinghe's lips and he shook his head slightly.

These four people are not too weak.

But it's a pity that in Ye Xinghe's eyes, he is like a chicken or a dog.

He had no idea what a strong opponent Ye Xinghe had defeated in an instant just now.

Just now, any one of Xu Pengbin's three people could easily kill these four people.

At this time, the battle here also instantly attracted the attention of most people.

Especially Duan Huaishan and others took it very seriously.

I want to know what is Ye Xinghe’s background after this year.

In an instant, the power of rules is close.

Looking at the next moment, this tyrannical rule will violently explode on Ye Xinghe's body.

One of the four people sneered: "Ye Xinghe, why don't you draw your sword?"

"You still have the strength to fight when you draw your sword!"

Ye Xinghe just glanced at them and said calmly: "Are you the only ones worthy of me drawing my sword?"

The next moment, gray-black clouds suddenly filled the air above his body.

The thick clouds spread around.

Collision with the power of the four people's rules.

The four of them were originally very proud.

"Can the power of your rules alone be comparable to the power of the rules of the four of us?"

But the next moment, his face was filled with horror.

It turned out that Ye Xinghe's cloud rule collided with their four rules.

These four rules unexpectedly bounced back quickly!

Not only that.

The gray-black clouds and mist were still spreading to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the four of them were swallowed up.

The four of them entered the gray-black cloud and mist and felt deeply trapped in it.

It seems that all five senses and six senses are lost, and I can't tell the direction.

You can't even feel the existence of your own body.

And the next moment, strange things like invisible hands and feet appeared, clinging to them.

Making them unable to move.

Then, there was pain in my body.

That numb and itchy feeling came over me, and my body immediately lost consciousness.

In the eyes of outsiders, this battle only lasted a moment.

They saw clearly that the four of them came to Ye Xinghe's side.

Then, Ye Xinghe suddenly activated a rule and drowned them instead.

In the next moment, Ye Xinghe's rule suddenly disappeared.

Four figures flew out and landed heavily under the ring.

Ye Xinghe flicked his fingers, a little bored.

"The chickens and dogs are vulnerable!"

Everyone looked at the four people who fell under the ring, and they were all shocked.

"What happened to them?"

"It looks like he was poisoned by a very powerful poison!"

"It's terrible. These four people are considered to be mid-level experts among us. The four of them besieged Ye Xinghe, but they didn't even manage to meet each other. They were all seriously injured and on the verge of death!"

"Ye Xinghe's strength is really terrifying. There is a reason why he can be the number one newcomer!"

In the eyes of everyone, there is no longer the previous sense of provocation and eagerness to try.

It was more of awe and fear.

At this time, the four people were lying on the ground, trembling all over, their faces black, and foam coming out of their mouths.

It was obvious that the poisoning was very deep and he was on the verge of death.

Song Yuan said helplessly: "Ye Xinghe, give them the antidote. Fellow disciples, please don't kill them."

Ye Xinghe laughed and gave Song Yuan face.

Ye Xinghe looked at the four people lying on the ground: "Are you convinced?"

"I'm done with it, I'm done with it!"

The four of them nodded like garlic.

It was only then that I realized how vulnerable I was.

How dare you not be convinced.

Ye Xinghe threw out a few antidote pills for them to take.

Several people detoxified their bodies and quickly retreated to the back, not daring to fart more.

For fear of angering Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe stood on the stage and glanced at everyone.

Many people made eye contact with him and quickly lowered their heads.

Ye Xinghe smiled.

"I heard just now that many people are dissatisfied with me. They feel that I, the newbie, have gained an unearned reputation."

"It's been a year and you think you can challenge me?"

"Don't say I didn't give you this chance. Whoever is dissatisfied now, come up!"

"One, ten, twenty, fifty, no problem!"

Everyone was as silent as a cicada.

Only after the battle just now did they realize how big the gap was between themselves and Ye Xinghe.

The thought of challenging Ye Xinghe before was so ridiculous.

Someone murmured in a low voice: "The method we used just now will cost so many people!"

Yuan Konggu's eyes also showed a bit of splendor.

He felt that Ye Xinghe had just shown a little bit of his strength.

But even so, the skills displayed and the improvement of the rules are shocking.

Of all the people present, only Duan Huaishan's eyes flashed.

He thought to himself: "It turns out that Ye Xinghe has not made any progress in this year!"

"I thought he had become so powerful, but he just improved the original rules a little bit."

"Although it's not bad, but against me who is at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, it's not that good!"

Ye Xinghe's methods are terrifying to others.

But in his eyes, it was only suitable for group battles.

Moreover, they are relatively weak in combat.

If he were to face him, he could defeat him easily with just one point!

But he is much more cautious now than before.

He did not take action immediately, but winked.

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