Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3103: Organ Puppet

Chapter 3103: Machine Puppet!

It turns out that this is the biggest threat in this level!

The previous ones were just appetizers.

No one could survive this blow.

Everyone looked desperate.

Even Yuan Konggu's face was filled with fear and trembling at this moment.

He knew very well that his mental attack could not break this blow.

But with what kind of character he had, how could he close his eyes and wait for death? He was ready to give everything he had.

And no one noticed.

At this time, Ye Xinghe quietly came to the front of the team and gathered with Yuan Kong Valley.

Yuan Konggu suddenly heard Ye Xinghe’s voice transmission.

"Why did you ask me to hide my strength just now?"

Qiyuan Konggu whispered a few words.

A look of understanding appeared on Ye Xinghe's face.

In fact, if Yuan Konggu hadn't signaled to him just now.

Ye Xinghe has already used the inner demon rules.

He uses the inner demon rules to kill these evil spirits, which is definitely much faster than Yuan Kong Valley.

He whispered: "I'm here to help you kill this giant evil spirit. Let's put on a show."

Yuan Konggu understood instantly and nodded.

The next moment, he pushed his Nascent Soul to the extreme.

The bright blue light spread out immediately.

The giant blue shield was thirty times larger than before.

Blue light filled the sky, directly covering everyone.

The next moment, the blue shield collided with the giant evil spirit.

The giant evil spirit looked with disdain in his eyes, and drew out his long sword, ready to chop the giant shield into pieces.

The next moment, the two collided.

And it was at this moment.

A flash of light flashed in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

The inner demon rules suddenly activated.

The rules of the inner demon, which have been promoted to the upper eighth level, burst out with extremely terrifying power.

The invisible and massless shock wave instantly smashed into the body of this giant evil spirit.

In an instant, this giant evil spirit's eyes became numb and it froze in place.

At this moment, its body was shaking violently.

If the inner demon rules are used to deal with other cultivators.

Naturally, it will make the other person have inner demons, lose control of himself, and suffer emotional breakdown.

And this giant evil spirit was originally evolved from the inner demon.

Therefore, this inner demon rule turned into a terrifying mental attack.

It actually tore it apart!

So, after a brief moment of solidification.

The next moment, its body collapsed.

It was beaten to pieces and turned into green fluorescence before disappearing.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

The next moment, everyone cheered to Yuan Kong Valley with expressions of gratitude on their faces.

"Yuankonggu, thank you so much, otherwise, we would all die here today!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Yuan, I would like to respect you as the number one in this class. No one can compare with you!"

Yuan Kong Valley experienced this battle.

Vaguely, there is a posture that surpasses Duan Huaishan and Ye Xinghe.

Because, in the eyes of everyone, the blow just now was done by Yuan Konggu.

Of course they don't know.

This is the role played by Ye Xinghe's inner demon rules.

Because, the offensive in Yuankong Valley just now had already enveloped everyone.

They can't tell the difference either.

Everyone stepped onto the other side and looked back, feeling as if they were surviving a disaster.

Soon, we rested on the other side for more than half an hour.

Everyone swallowed a lot of healing elixirs and regained some strength.

Just keep walking forward.

A gate appeared in front of him, but it was ajar.

After pushing the door open, everyone froze.

It turns out that behind the gate is an extremely vast space.

It seems to be a giant square.

On that square, there were heavy cuts and cuts of swords and axes, and there were heavy traces of previous battles.

It seems that a terrible battle has just occurred here.

On the ground, there are broken walls and ruins everywhere.

Soon, everyone discovered that these ruins were not human.

It is the creation of some machine puppets.

It seems that there was a battle between the puppets here.

I don’t know how many years have passed since this battle.

Because Ye Xinghe and others saw it.

On both sides of this giant square, there are actually tens of thousands of machine puppets on each side.

These machine puppets are leaning against the wall, sitting or standing.

It seemed that he was tired from the beating and was resting, as if he was dead.

His body was covered with dust, and he didn't know how many years he had been here.

It was as if the battle between them suddenly stopped and was sealed here by time.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands of machine puppets in the huge square.

And what made everyone feel horrified was.

At the moment they pushed open the stone door and entered.

The tens of thousands of machine puppets all turned their attention to them.

His eyes instantly turned red.

This feeling of being stared at by tens of thousands of cold, emotionless eyes is really not a good feeling.

The next moment, tens of thousands of machine puppets came to kill them together.

Behind them, the stone door slammed shut, the magic circle was formed, and they could not leave.

There is only one way forward.

However, when facing these machine puppets that came over, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

What they are afraid of is not this kind of tangible opponent.

Rather, it is a terrifying existence like an evil spirit, unable to attack at all, but unable to defend itself against the other party's attack.

Everyone had been unable to exert any strength at that first level, and had long since held back their bad breath.

At this time, instead of retreating, they all roared and charged forward.

In an instant, he fought with these machine puppets.

The power of tyrannical rules continues to surge.

Ye Xinghe thought for a moment.

Although, Yuan Konggu reminded himself to preserve his strength.

But if he conserves his strength too much now, it will easily arouse suspicion.

He had a plan in mind and faced a machine puppet.

The machine puppet waved the giant sword in his hand and slashed it down.

Ye Xinghe has already assessed his cultivation level, which is probably equivalent to the second level of Nascent Soul.

He walked straight forward, waved his hand, and blue light swayed out.

The rules of ice directly seal the hole inside.

The blue ice layer made his body unable to move, frozen in place.

And Ye Xinghe stepped forward and punched out.

The extremely powerful rules of blood surged, and golden and black light flashed.

His physical body became extremely powerful.

One punch shattered the mechanism puppet together with its ice layer.

Then he turned right, and the rules of ice spilled out again.

He sealed the three machine puppets who came for a sneak attack and smashed them into pieces with one punch.

His battles feel extremely monotonous and simple.

Use the rules of ice to cooperate with the tyrannical body.

Almost any attack can kill several machine puppets.

At this time, everyone was also fighting with these machine puppets.

The cultivation level of the machine puppets is generally between the first and third stages of Yuanying.

They found that it was not difficult to deal with it on their own.

At this moment, they also showed the powerful strength of the top ten new disciples.

Either a spiritual treasure or a magical power.

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