Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3113: Suffering a Loss

Chapter 3113 Suffering!

A few days ago, Xingguang Immortal sent him a message.

He said that arrangements had been made for him to become a disciple.

It was Chu Zhongyuan, his eldest disciple, who accepted him as his disciple.

Ye Xinghe also learned a lot about Chu Zhongyuan.

Knowing that this person is one of the Hanyue elders with the highest status in the entire Guanghan Dao Sect.

Moreover, he is very good at preaching and teaching.

It was Starlight Immortal’s good intention again, so Ye Xinghe naturally wouldn’t refuse.

He nodded and said, "I have met all of you senior brothers and sisters."

But there was some slander in my heart.

"Chu Zhongyuan himself is not weak. Why are all the disciples he taught so bad?"

Qiu Shaoci smiled slightly.

"Master is not here, so I will lead the master and accept the disciples, but the etiquette must not be abandoned. I will fill in the work capacity after the master comes back."

"However, from today on, junior brother, you are equivalent to entering the wall."

He patted Ye Xinghe's shoulder carelessly.

It looks like a light palm, but actually it contains a strong power of rules.

If it is a strong person with ordinary Yuan Ying's third and fourth turns.

This palm was probably going to knock him to his knees on the ground, and he wouldn't be able to get up for a long time.

Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed.

"This senior brother is extremely hostile to me. Are you trying to intimidate him?"

He remained calm, and the rules of blood operated quietly.

An invisible golden-black light flashed across the surface of the body.

In an instant, the body became extremely hard.

The power of ordinary rules cannot be shaken.

With a smile on his face, Qiu Shaoci landed this palm seemingly accidentally.

There was a cold look in his eyes.

This light palm, in his opinion, was enough to push Ye Xinghe to his knees directly on the ground.

This is both a show of authority and a humiliation!

He wanted Ye Xinghe to suffer a little, lest he dare to be disrespectful to people like him.

But the next moment, his expression changed.

It turned out that when his hand fell on Ye Xinghe's shoulder.

The power of rules surged and fell hard.

But it feels like being pressed against an extremely tough and high-level spiritual treasure.

The power of the rules cannot be revealed at all.

The power of the rules came out and hit his hand hard.

It shocked his flesh and blood to the point of severe pain.

Moreover, that power came.

His wrist made an inaudible 'click' sound.

It actually shattered the bones of his palm into several pieces.

He also suffered a big loss.

In an instant, Qiu Shaoci's expression changed.

At this time, Ye Xinghe smiled brightly, turned around and said, "Senior brother, what's wrong?"

Everyone also looked at Qiu Shaoci in astonishment.

I don’t know what happened just now.

Qiu Shaoci was furious and was about to fall out.

However, in front of so many junior brothers and sisters, I can't say that I just stole the chicken and lost the rice, and suffered a big loss.

I had to endure it forcefully.

He smiled and waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, I just thought of something and was a little confused."

He smiled and said, "Let's go. Today, Junior Brother's entry wall is also a happy event. Let's celebrate."

Xu Yanhong immediately said: "Senior brother, we have long been tired of eating, drinking and having fun in Guanghan Dao Sect. What's the point of gathering together?"

Qiu Shaoci laughed and said, "Of course I'm not in the sect. Let's go to Bai Yujing."

Upon hearing this, everyone became excited.

Xu Yanhong even cheered.

Bai Yujing is one of the top restaurants in Lieyang Imperial City, and it is also a gold-selling cave.

Its grade is a bit higher than that of Louwailou.

Everyone walked outside.

Qiu Shaoci's eyes flickered slightly, but he fell behind.

Ling Wenxia whispered: "Senior brother, did you suffer a secret loss just now?"

Qiu Shaoci had nothing to hide from her. He nodded and said softly: "This kid is a bit weird. He is not a high level, but his body is extremely hard. He seems to have practiced some special magical powers."

Ling Wenxia sneered and said, "Senior brother, let's see how I deal with him later to vent my anger on you!"

Soon, a group of people left Guanghan Dao Sect, got on the flying boat, and arrived at Lieyang Imperial City.

Half an hour later, he appeared in front of Bai Yujing.

Bai Yujing is quite special, but it is not located under Lieyang Imperial City.

Instead, it was suspended in mid-air and actually built on a cloud.

The surrounding area is open, with clear skies and white clouds.

Standing here, you can overlook Lieyang Imperial City.

In the distance are the endless green Datianlong Mountains.

It makes people open their minds and makes me feel like the world is in my arms.

The White Jade Tower is nine stories high, and its entire body is made of a special white gemstone.

Like the finest mutton-fat white jade.

On the stone tablet next to Bai Yujing, there are several lines of large seal script written on it.

The stone tablets are mottled and have traces of countless years.

Qiu Shaoci sighed with emotion: "According to rumors, this place was once the place where an ancient sage practiced Taoism. Later, the ancient sage disappeared and the cave was shattered. Only this stone tablet remains here."

At this time, many people gathered around the stone tablet.

One by one, they walked forward laughing and used the power of the rules.

On the stone tablet, traces were outlined with force.

I want to leave my own masterpiece on it.

But no matter what their cultivation level was, they could not leave the slightest mark on it.

After all the attempts failed, a strong man at the fifth level of Nascent Soul got angry with shame.

He roared angrily: "I still don't believe it!"

He slapped his palms fiercely, directly urging Nascent Soul.

Use all the power of your own rules and hit the stone tablet.

The stone tablet remained motionless.

This person had no choice but to retreat angrily.

Ye Xinghe looked at it and couldn't help but feel fascinated.

He had also heard of this stone tablet.

It is said that when Lieyang Imperial City was built, this stone tablet stood proudly here.

No one knows when it was erected or where it came from.

Even its material is unclear.

Almost all the top experts in Lieyang Imperial City have tried here before.

I want to leave a few words on it.

But even His Majesty the Great Emperor couldn't do it and returned angrily.

But everyone can see it clearly.

There are clear traces of fingerprints on the four lines of large characters outlined above.

It was obviously carved on it with someone's finger.

It is hard to imagine how powerful the ancient sage who was discussing Taoism here was.

It makes people think about it and yearn for it.

Several people entered Bai Yujing and came to a private room.

They are not weak in strength, and they all have some wealth.

Naturally, he would not be stingy in this kind of thing.

Soon, a table of delicious food was ordered.

The private room is antique and the environment is excellent.

Ye Xinghe was deliberately arranged by Ling Wenxia to sit near the door, that is, at the bottom of the table.

However, he didn't care.

After all, he has just started, and everyone here can be considered his seniors.

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