Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3115 Humiliation

Chapter 3115 Humiliation!

At this time, Qiu Shaoci suddenly realized something, frowned and asked: "Shopkeeper, this thing isn't cheap, is it?"

The second shopkeeper smiled and stretched out his right hand and made a gesture.

He smiled and said: "This bowl of Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus Soup contains five hundred Fierce Yang Spiritual Jade!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

Five hundred Fiery Yang Spiritual Jade was a sky-high price for them.

Although they have been in the business for many years, they can still be considered to have a small fortune.

But basically, the meritorious deeds and Fierce Yang Jade earned can be spent at any time.

Used to improve one's own strength.

Besides, many of them have never earned five hundred Fierce Yang Spiritual Jade in their lifetime.

Ye Xinghe also raised his eyebrows slightly.

But I feel that this thing is worth the money.

To him, five hundred Fierce Yang Spiritual Jade was nothing.

Extending life by nine years is quite tempting.

At this time, Qiu Shaoci and others, you look at me, I look at you.

There was a look of embarrassment on his face.

The total number of Fierce Yang Spirit Jade they have now is about two hundred.

I simply can’t afford this Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus Soup.

This is not the first time for everyone to come to Bai Yujing to eat. Before, they only spent a few pieces of Lieyang Lingyu.

Ten pieces of Fierce Yang Jade reached the sky.

Qiu Shaoci was about to speak.

Seemingly seeing their embarrassment, Chen Yang immediately said: "Guys, this Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus Soup is for you!"

He cupped his hands with a smile and said, "Please enjoy it slowly!"

Then, he retreated.

Everyone was stunned immediately.

Five hundred Lieyang Lingyu for a portion of Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus Soup, given as a gift.

This second-hand shopkeeper is too generous!

Whose face is this for?

The next moment, everyone's eyes fell on Qiu Shaoci.

Ling Wenxia smiled and said: "It seems that today we are going to take advantage of senior brother!"

"Without Senior Brother, I would have been able to eat this Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus Soup in the Year of the Monkey!"

Xu Yanhong asked curiously: "Senior Brother, I didn't expect that you would hide your secrets. When did you have such a deep friendship with Bai Yujing?"

Yuan Ruoxiu boasted and said with a smile: "Elder brother is very powerful and has a wide range of friends. How can we guess it!"

Everyone praised Qiu Shaoci.

Because, in their opinion.

Who in this box is qualified to let Bai Yujing's second shopkeeper deliver such an expensive dish in person.

That must be the only senior brother!

However, the senior brother acts in a low-key manner and does not want to be public.

Qiu Shaoci was also very surprised at this time.

I don’t know why Chen Yang gave him this dish.

He had no interaction with Chen Yang before.

But with everyone praising him like this, he felt a little arrogant.

If you deny it at this time, wouldn't it be a slap in your face?

Then he acquiesced.

He smiled and said: "Come on, everyone, drink!"

Ling Wenxia served him a bowl first.

"Brother, you come first."

Qiu Shaoci took the bowl and took a sip, feeling that it was sweet and fragrant.

A wave of heat rose up.

Somewhere in the air, a force surged into his body.

He could clearly feel that his longevity had really increased!

He said in surprise: "It really works!"

Everyone was waiting for him to speak, and then they all went to Sheng.

Ling Wenxia glanced sideways at Ye Xinghe, with a hint of mockery.

"Junior brother Ye, you have benefited from senior brother today. Without him, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to drink this thousand-year snow lotus soup in your life!"

At this time, next to the counter downstairs, the second shopkeeper smiled and said: "It's all done!"

In the private room, everyone finished drinking the Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus Soup.

Ling Wenxia suddenly smiled and said: "Ye Xinghe, you have just entered the door today, and you have received such great honor from senior brother Qiu Shaoci. Shouldn't you express your gratitude and propose a toast to us senior brothers and sisters?"

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

There was already some anger and dissatisfaction in my heart.

But thinking that Xingguang Immortal was paving the way for him, he did all this with good intentions.

He just forced himself to endure his impatience, nodded and said, "Okay."

He walked up to Qiu Shaoci and filled a glass of wine for him first.

"Big brother, I respect you."

But, after he picked up the wine glass.

Qiu Shaoci sat there without moving.

He just talked to the people next to him calmly, completely ignoring Ye Xinghe.

In an instant, the atmosphere above the banquet froze for a moment.

Then, everyone looked at Ye Xinghe with a playful look on their faces, as if they were watching a good show.


There is no doubt that Qiu Shaoci is deliberately humiliating Ye Xinghe.

He glanced sideways at Ye Xinghe and said calmly: "You should punish yourself with three drinks first."

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, nodded and said, "Okay."

He drank three glasses in a row, and then said: "Elder brother, I'd like to toast you!"

Unexpectedly, Qiu Shaoci smiled jokingly.

"I didn't say that after you punish yourself with three drinks, I will drink the wine you toasted."

"Why, do I want to drink the wine you toast?"

"Who do you think you are?"

Ling Wenxia supported from the side and said: "Ye Xinghe, your attitude is not good. Please persuade senior brother, maybe he will drink it!"

Ye Xinghe frowned and his eyes became cold.

He felt that Qiu Shaoci seemed to have deep malice towards him.

Just now he also wanted to make a fool of himself.

I didn't expect that he was waiting here!

He smiled coldly, put the wine glass in his hand on the table, and said lightly: "Big Brother, you don't want to drink the toast, it seems that you want to drink the penalty!"

Hearing what he said, everyone was stunned at first, and then all their faces changed.

Qiu Shaoci said coldly: "Ye Xinghe, what are you talking about, are you tired of living!"

Ling Wenxia also stood up and scolded: "Ye Xinghe, how can you talk to Big Brother!"

Yuan Ruoxiu shouted: "Ye Xinghe, apologize to Big Brother!"

Xu Yanhong said sarcastically: "Our little brother, he is not very capable, but he has a bad temper!"

Everyone also blamed Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe sneered.

He didn't want to be hypocritical with this group of people anymore.

Seeing Ye Xinghe standing there without apologizing, Qiu Shaoci slowly stood up and stared at Ye Xinghe coldly.

"Ye Xinghe, apologize to me now!"

"Don't say that I, as your senior brother, never gave you a chance!"

The atmosphere was tense and the two sides were on the verge of a fight.

But at this moment, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

A few drunken men walked in.

Then, their eyes fell on Ling Wenxia.

One of them smiled and said, "Brother, it's her."

Among these men, the one in the front was obviously the main one.

The others were gathered around him.

This man was wearing a black suit and had an extraordinary aura.

Just Ye Xinghe saw that there were several treasures shining with the light of high-end spiritual treasures.

He obviously drank a lot and was a little drunk.

But after seeing Ling Wenxia, ​​a ball of light burst out in his eyes, full of evil.

The person next to him smiled and said, "Brother, am I right? Isn't this little girl beautiful!"

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