Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3121: Why are you pretending to be a master?

Chapter 3121 Why pretend to be a master?

"Fang Tingxue, you won't die today as long as I am here."

Hearing this, Fang Tingxue was stunned for a moment, and then a gleam of light burst out in her eyes.

She shouted in surprise: "Ye Xinghe, it's you, you actually came!"

She had a smooth journey before, although there were occasional twists and turns.

But generally speaking, everything was under her control.

So, she didn't ask Ye Xinghe for help.

Of course, deep in her heart, there were also some childish emotions.

She wanted to prove to Ye Xinghe that she was not bad.

When she was desperate today, she didn't know what to do.

She turned to the mother-child connection talisman that Ye Xinghe left for her.

But deep in her heart, she didn't have much hope.

Knowing that although Ye Xinghe was in Lieyang Imperial City, he might not come to save her.

After all, this was a matter of risking her life.

But unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe actually came.

At this time, Ye Xinghe slowly walked forward.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on him.

Fang Qiyou frowned slightly, and was a little wary in his heart. He shouted coldly: "Who are you?"

"This is my family affair of Prince Ping's Mansion. How dare you interfere? Don't you know the rules?"

Ye Xinghe ignored him and just walked forward.

Everyone behind Fang Tingxue cheered.

"Our reinforcements have arrived. It seems that this is the reinforcements invited by the little princess!"

"Great, now you don't have to die!"

"Haha, didn't you act quite determined just now? I didn't see you afraid."

"Nonsense, if you can survive, you will survive. Although I am not afraid of death!"

Fang Tingxue's eyes suddenly turned red, and she looked at Ye Xinghe and said stupidly: "You didn't have to come. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't come!"

Ye Xinghe smiled: "If you are in trouble, why wouldn't I come?"

The little princess seemed a little dazed.

It was as if she had returned to the scene in the Qingyang Holy Land that day.

Ye Xinghe came leisurely.

After Fang Qiyou arrived in front of him, he saw his strength clearly.

Suddenly, he shook his head and sneered.

The previous vigilance in his heart disappeared without a trace, and he felt a little ridiculous.

He laughed and said, "Fang Tingxue, you are a joke, and the person you invited is also a joke!"

"This is what you are counting on. A mere waste of the second turn of the Nascent Soul, you think he can save you!"

"Hahahaha, are you crazy?"

He laughed wantonly.

At this moment, Fang Tingxue's men also saw clearly the strength of Ye Xinghe.

Suddenly, their hearts sank.

A young man of the second turn of the Nascent Soul, no matter how you look at it, it seems a little unreliable.

"How can he save us?"

Someone secretly complained: "The princess put her hope on such a person, isn't it a bit confused?"

And those under Fang Qiyou, seeing this scene, also laughed wildly.

"Not bad, the reinforcements we've been waiting for for a long time finally arrived, right?"

"This is a great master of the second stage of the Nascent Soul. I'm really scared!"

"Hurry up and let this great master of the second stage of the Nascent Soul come and kill us!"

Faced with this series of ridicule, Ye Xinghe didn't take it to heart at all.

Fang Qiyou winked.

Immediately, one of his masters understood and rushed forward to kill.

In an instant, he came in front of Ye Xinghe and chopped down the long knife in his hand fiercely

To kill Ye Xinghe directly.

He laughed wildly: "What are you pretending for? You're pretending to be a master. You really take yourself seriously!"

In his opinion, his knife slashing in the air can directly chop this person into powder.

Facing this knife, Ye Xinghe's face was calm and he continued to move forward.

Even his speed did not change. He just slapped it casually.

In fact, during the whole process, he didn't even look at this person.

Just a palm.

This powerful man who had reached the fourth stage of the Nascent Soul immediately felt the overwhelming force of rules rushing in.

It slammed into his body fiercely.

He could not resist this force of rules at all!

It felt like a huge mountain pressing down on him.

He let out a shrill roar and slashed the long sword in his hand towards the palm, trying to break the attack.

But it was useless.

Compared with this palm, he was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

The long sword was directly smashed by the force of rules carried by the palm.

Then, it slammed into his body again.

He only had time to let out a scream before his body was directly knocked back.

His muscles, bones and internal organs were all shattered.

He fell to the ground and died without a groan.

In an instant, everyone in the square in front of the hall was stunned.

There was complete silence.

All eyes fell on him, full of amazement and disbelief.

A master of the fourth stage of the Nascent Soul was killed by him so easily!

Moreover, from beginning to end, Ye Xinghe's pace did not change at all.

It was as if he was not killing a fourth-level Nascent Soul expert, but just stepping on an ant!

After a while, Fang Tingxue and others cheered.

"This time we are really saved!"

"It turns out that the master invited by the young princess is really strong!"

Several people were ashamed: "Oh, I looked down on him before, but I didn't expect that this person's strength is far beyond our imagination!"

Fang Tingxue was also stunned, and then said in surprise: "Ye Xinghe, when did you become so strong!"

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but you have improved so much!"

She said slightly frustrated.

I just felt like I couldn't catch up with Ye Xinghe no matter how hard I tried.

And everyone on Fang Qiyou's side also had a thought flashing through their minds at the same time.

This person is so powerful!

Fang Qiyou whispered to Xu Yanchen: "Can you deal with him?"

Everyone's eyes were on Ye Xinghe.

Xu Yanchen was very unhappy as he instantly stole his limelight.

He felt jealous and sneered: "Don't worry, I can deal with him easily!"

"I am also a well-known expert in Lieyang Imperial City. Who is he? He is worthy of competing with me!"

Hearing what he said, Fang Qiyou felt relieved a little.

But he was deeply scheming, but he still raised his voice to Ye Xinghe and said: "Brother, you and I have no grudges at all, how about we turn our hostility into friendship?"

"Whatever price Fang Tingxue paid, I'll give it to you double, no, triple!"

There was a proud and reserved smile on his face.

In his opinion, what high price could Fang Tingxue get for losing his family dog.

No one can compare with myself.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "You can't afford this price!"

Seeing that he didn't talk nonsense to her at all, she refused directly.

Fang Qiyou's face suddenly darkened, knowing that there was no further discussion.

Without any hesitation, he waved his hand.

In an instant, all the powerful men under his command attacked Ye Xinghe at the same time.

"Since there's nothing to talk about, then just die!"

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