Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3123: Admit your mistake

Chapter 3123: Admit your mistake!

"He has been practicing in the Guanghan Dao Sect for hundreds of years. How can he not be as strong as you? You just wait to die!"

Fang Tingxue said in a low voice: "Why don't we retreat first to avoid his attack for the time being."

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Pingjun Prince's Mansion is about to be yours, are you willing to withdraw now?"

Fang Tingxue bit her lip gently.

Naturally she was unwilling to do so.

However, to her, what is more important is Ye Xinghe.

She didn't want Ye Xinghe to lose his life.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Ye Xinghe patted her little head.

"Let's just wait for him to come. Today I will completely put an end to all future troubles for you!"

In an instant, the situation in the field became quiet.

Everyone was waiting silently, and the atmosphere fell into a strange bottleneck.

Fang Qiyou suddenly asked Xu Yanchen: "I wonder what level your brother's cultivation is?"

Xu Yanchen said: "Ten years ago, he had already entered the fifth stage of the Nascent Soul. Now, I don't know much about it."

Fang Qiyou said excitedly: "It is at least the middle stage of the fifth stage of Nascent Soul now!"

"Guanghan Dao Sect disciples practice very quickly, we know this!"

Everyone on Fang Tingxue's side felt increasingly heavy.

Can Ye Xinghe really be able to deal with a powerful person in the fifth level of Nascent Soul?

Fang Qiyou suddenly smiled and said: "Seventh sister, why don't we turn conflicts into friendship like this?"

"This Pingjun Prince's Mansion is divided into two, no one can take it away."

He looked at Ye Xinghe and smiled: "As for your Excellency, if you are willing to work for me, I can afford five times the price, no, ten times the price!"

He still wants to win over Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "No need."

Fang Qiyou said leisurely: "Okay, since you insist on dying, I won't persuade you."

This powerful man from the Guanghan Dao Sect arrived very quickly and did not keep everyone waiting.

About a quarter of an hour later, a powerful aura suddenly came.

A voice came over.

"You dare to touch my brother, who gave you the courage?"

When Xu Yanchen heard this voice, he immediately stood up excitedly and shouted: "Brother, I'm here!"

After Ye Xinghe heard this voice, his expression became a little strange.

He smiled and asked: "Is this your brother?"

Xu Yanchen smiled proudly and said, "Yes, it's him. What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Before he finished speaking, a figure fell in front of everyone.

He looks somewhat similar to Xu Yanchen and has a very strong aura.

Everyone could clearly see that it was indeed the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, among the five stages of Nascent Soul, he is definitely considered a strong one.

Xu Yanchen immediately pounced on him, not even showing the same masterly demeanor as before.

He shouted with snot and tears: "Brother, you are here, I have to deal with it badly, you must vent your anger for me!"

I saw many scars on his body and his breath was weak.

Even Nascent Soul was beaten and severely injured.

A sinister look suddenly appeared on the visitor's face.

Xu Yanchen and he depended on each other, and they grew up together.

Not siblings, but better than siblings.

He was more talented and entered Guanghan Dao Sect early.

But that day, Xu Yanchen was kicked down by Guanghan Daozong.

The reason for this is because of the experience of Guanghan Dao Sect that year.

Xu Yanchen was seriously injured in order to protect him.

If not, it wouldn't be a big problem for him to enter the Guanghan Dao Sect.

Because of this, besides loving Xu Yanchen, he felt extremely guilty.

Seeing someone hurt his brother, he became furious and said in a dark voice: "Don't worry, if I dare to fall in love with you, I will crush him to ashes!"

After saying that, he turned his head sharply.

At this time, a leisurely voice sounded.

"Who are you going to destroy?"

After he heard these words, he instinctively said in a cold voice: "Of course it's you!"

But when he finished speaking these four words, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt an unspeakable fear.

Because, he found that this voice was very familiar to him!

And when he saw the person speaking clearly, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning and froze on the spot.

It turned out that the person who came was none other than Xu Pengbin.

It turned out that the master of the Guanghan Dao Sect that Xu Yanchen was talking about was actually him.

Ye Xinghe looked at Xu Pengbin without saying anything, just looking at him with a smile.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Xu Pengbin immediately realized what kind of mistake he had made.

Without any nonsense, he directly squeezed Xu Yanchen's shoulders, pressed him down, and knelt down to Ye Xinghe.

Xu Yanchen still didn't know what happened.

He struggled loudly: "Brother, what are you doing? Why do you want me to kowtow to him?"

Xu Pengbin was so angry that he slapped him on the head, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm doing this for your own good!"

"If you don't want to die, just kneel down and kowtow!"

Seeing that he was angry, Xu Yanchen did not dare to struggle any more and was forced to kneel on the ground by him.

Xu Pengbin himself knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Master Ye, my younger brother is quite simple. He likes to put on some pretense and is not lovable."

"But he has a good nature. He has never done anything harmful to nature. If he can avoid hurting others, he will try his best not to."

"Please spare his life. I will restrain him when I go back and never let him come out again!"

As if he was afraid that Ye Xinghe would not believe it, he quickly added: "If you know that what I said is half a lie, you can kill me and I will have absolutely no complaints!"

Seeing that he was not lying, Ye Xinghe nodded and said, "For your sake, spare his life and take him away."

Xu Pengbin felt as if he had been granted amnesty. He kowtowed several times and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you so much, Master!"

He didn't dare to delay any longer, so he took Xu Yanchen's collar and led him away quickly.

Xu Yanchen was still a little confused and kept kicking his legs and struggling.

"Brother, what's wrong? Let me go!"

Xu Pengbin cursed angrily: "You have caused a big trouble for me!"

And this scene made everyone else look stupid.

They watched helplessly as the master of the Guanghan Dao Sect, who was at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, arrived.

As a result, he was extremely humble in front of Ye Xinghe.

After kowtowing a few times, he took Xu Yanchen and left.

I didn't even dare to say a harsh word throughout the entire process.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Fang Qiyou was dumbfounded.

He lost his voice: "You, how did you do it?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Didn't I tell you that I am also from the Guanghan Dao Sect?"

"But he has been practicing for a hundred years, and he is so afraid of you!"

Ye Xinghe smiled half-smilingly and said: "Maybe it's because he provoked me in Guanghan Dao Sect before, and as a result, he and several of his companions were almost beaten to death by me."

If he had said this before, everyone would have thought he was bragging.

But now, when Ye Xinghe said it, no one believed it!

Everyone under Fang Tingxue cheered.

Fang Tingxue also looked at Ye Xinghe with admiration.

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