Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3132 Wanling Valley

Chapter 3132 Ten Thousand Spirits Valley!

The reason why Yu Guangran told them was because he was afraid that they would inadvertently conflict with Ye Xinghe.

Although Wu Changqing is not very talented, he is not stupid either.

Immediately he was thinking about it quietly.

"It seems that Hanyuefang is Mr. Ye's property. If you want to ask him for help in the future, you have to get close and build a good relationship!"

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face.

His expression instantly became polite.

Originally, when he faced Qiu Shaoci, he was quite arrogant.

He smiled at this moment and said: "The elixirs here are of good quality and the prices are fair."

This is a bit of a lie.

The quality of the elixirs here is okay, but the prices are a bit expensive.

However, what Wu Changqing is thinking about now is how to make friends with Ye Xinghe.

Naturally, he wouldn't care about spending more Fierce Yang Jade.

He immediately waved his hand and said boldly: "I just saw it. There are six elixirs in this layer. I bought them all. How much is the total?"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Shaoci was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed unspeakable joy.

The elixirs and magical medicines sold here are basically all made by him.

This person was so generous that he got everything covered at once.

In this case, Qiu Shaoci can get a lot of benefits from it.

Others were also slightly stunned.

I didn't expect that this person was so generous.

Qiu Shaoci quickly smiled and said: "A total of four hundred and thirty pieces of Fierce Yang Jade."

"Dear guest, you have a lot of money. You bought a lot at one time. I will pay off the fraction. Four hundred Fierce Yang Spirit Jade will be enough."

Wu Changqing nodded and signaled his disciples to give him money.

The few disciples under him were also quite surprised.

Master is actually a bit stingy on weekdays.

I didn’t expect to be so generous today.

After putting away these elixirs, Wu Changqing smiled and said: "I am Wu Changqing, and I am the elder of the Divine Medicine Master Association."

He will not forget the purpose of this trip.

Buying elixirs this time is secondary, the important thing is to spend money here with Ye Xinghe.

Let him remember his name so that he can have a good relationship in the future.

Everyone was even more in awe when they heard that he was the elder of the Divine Medicine Master Association.

Although the Divine Medicine Master Association is weaker than the Guanghan Dao Sect.

But its power is huge and cannot be underestimated.

In Lieyang Imperial City, it is even more deeply rooted.

The status of the elders there is already quite high.

Wu Changqing patted Qiu Shaoci on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The elixirs here are good, I will come again in the future."

After that, he said goodbye and left.

After he left, everyone spoke excitedly.

"Congratulations, senior brother, congratulations!"

"I think you are appreciated by the elder of the Divine Medicine Association!"

"Yes, you see that this elder spent so much money and bought so many elixirs and magical medicines from us at one time. He obviously values ​​and appreciates you very much!"

"That's right, senior brother, the Divine Medicine Master Association doesn't mind recruiting strong men from other forces. You have been appreciated by the elder of the Divine Medicine Master Association. After being absorbed into the Divine Medicine Master Association, you might also be able to become an elder! "

Suddenly, a disciple frowned, thought for a moment, clapped his hands and said, "I remembered, this Wu Changqing's master is amazing, he is Yu Guangran, the great elder of the Divine Medicine Master Association!"

Everyone even exclaimed.

"Isn't he the one who claims to be one of the top three in the Divine Medicine Association, and the one who doesn't offend the Great Elder?"

"Yes, it's him!"

"I heard that this great elder has a bad temper, but he is very talented."

"I think Wu Changqing may introduce you to his master. If you get Yu Guangran's appreciation by then, it will be limitless. An elder of the Divine Medicine Master Association will definitely get you!"

Qiu Shaoci was also excited after hearing this.

He suddenly thought in his mind: "If I really get the appreciation of the Divine Medicine Master Association, then what should I be afraid of Ye Xinghe?"

"Ye Xinghe knows the powerful people in the underground world, and I also know the powerful people from the Divine Medicine Master Association!"

"At that time, the situation will not be like this now. It will be more than enough to suppress Ye Xinghe!"

He thought of this with enthusiasm in his heart and a look of pride on his face.

But he waved his hand and said, "It's still no secret, but I will naturally travel more with the Divine Medicine Master Association in the future."

A few hours later, Hanyuefang had no business.

Everyone also returned to Guanghan Daozong overnight.

Early the next morning, Ye Xinghe arrived directly in front of a huge valley deep in the Guanghan Dao Sect.

The entire valley was enveloped by a huge magic circle.

There was thick black mist surrounding the magic circle.

There is no way to see the scene inside.

And outside the magic circle, at the entrance of the valley, there was a palace.

The surrounding area is heavily guarded.

This is Wanling Valley, and it is also one of the cores of Guanghan Dao Sect.

He has a very high status in Guanghan Taoist Sect.

In Wanling Valley, according to rumors, thousands of rules are stored.

There are so many of them that, looking at the entire Xuanhuang world, they are considered quite rare and special.

You know, there are few rules in the big world of Xuanhuang.

Any strong person who wants to step into the Nascent Soul Realm wants to refine a grain of rules.

They need to search for who knows how long.

It could be as short as three to five years, or as long as ten or eight years. That is also very possible.

And, a thousand grains of different rules come together.

For any strong man in the Xuanhuang World, it is a huge temptation.

And the reason why no one dares to take the idea here.

First of all, it is because this is Guanghan Dao Sect, which is heavily guarded and has countless strong men.

Whoever dares to take the idea here must be tired of living.

But no matter how strong Guanghan Dao Sect is, there are still strong men who can match it.

What's more, it's not afraid of thieves stealing, but it's afraid of thieves thinking about it.

Beware of so many masters coveting it all year round, even Guanghan Dao Sect will be overwhelmed.

The main reason why outsiders don't think about this place.

In fact, the thousands of rules collected in it are all those who are extremely hateful, unruly, and extremely vicious.

Although the rules are not as wise as living creatures.

They are even inferior to the spirits produced by some spiritual treasures.

But they are not stupid and stupid.

They also have personalities and emotions.

Some are quite docile and easy to tame.

Some are unruly and will kill anyone who wants to tame them.

But the Wanling Valley is full of this kind of people.

Guanghan Dao Sect built Wanling Valley and mobilized many powerful people.

They captured those extremely vicious rules in various places in Xuanhuang World.

The purpose is to temper their own disciples.

And there is even a legend in Guanghan Dao Sect.

There used to be many disciples who were born with extraordinary talents and actually conquered the rules in Wanling Valley, and their strength improved by leaps and bounds.

You know, the rules in Wanling Valley are indeed vicious and unruly.

But on the other hand, they also represent their extremely terrifying strength.

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