Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3140 Three-word motto

Chapter 3140 Three-word motto!

But it still has no effect.

The protective shield lasted for a full quarter of an hour.

At this time, the transparent forces outside are no longer trying to resurrect the ancestor of Huangsha Rules.

Finally, when the protective shield dissipated.

The ancestor of Huangsha Rules has no movement anymore.

Obviously, it has been completely killed.

Jiang Lingchen sat down on the ground slumped.

He was seriously injured and was dying.

The combat effectiveness is almost nonexistent.

It can be said that any Nascent Soul can kill him with three or four turns.

At this moment, he seemed to have no other thoughts.

Lying on the ground, just breathing heavily.

After a moment, a sad smile appeared on his lips.

"Ye Xinghe, your move is really powerful, so cruel and poisonous!"

"Not only did I consume two magic weapons that were my trump cards, but all the power of the rules was also exhausted, and I was seriously injured."

He laughed tremblingly: "I came here with great ambition, thinking that I could kill you easily, but in the end, I didn't even touch you, and ended up in such a miserable situation!"

He roared wildly, venting his dissatisfaction.

"Are you fucking satisfied now?"

A cold voice came.

"When you were preparing to enter here and treat me as your prey, did you ever think about today?"

Ye Xinghe's figure appeared in front of him.

At this moment, Jiang Lingchen could no longer stand up.

He tilted his head and said harshly: "Stop talking nonsense, the winner is the king or the loser, kill him if you want, don't even think about humiliating me!"

"Okay, then I'll make it happen for you."

Ye Xinghe also didn't have any nonsense.

The nameless broken sword was unsheathed and headed towards him to kill him.

Moreover, Jiang Lingchen was now seriously injured and had no power to resist.

Ye Xinghe was a little underestimating the enemy and did not have enough strength.

The offensive is also light and airy.

Moreover, because of the action of swinging his sword.

As a result, the middle door of his chest and abdomen was wide open, leaving him defenseless.

Moreover, because he was unprepared, the power of his rules did not spread throughout his body.

If we use the power of rules at this time, it will be too late.

It was at this moment that Jiang Lingchen's eyes suddenly flashed with pride.

"It's now!"

His eyes sparkled.

There are no signs of being seriously injured and dying half a minute ago.

In an instant, the body has returned to life.

At the same time, he murmured in his mouth, and a few characters jumped out from it.

Finally it condensed into a big black character.

This time it was not death, but destruction!

The next moment, this big black character hit Ye Xinghe's chest and abdomen hard.

He laughed crazily and said: "This is the most powerful one among my three-word mottos, even more powerful than the death-word formula!"

"You have no defense at all. If you are hit by this blow, wait until you turn into powder!"

There was madness in his eyes, full of the pleasure of revenge.

But the next moment, his smile froze.

It turned out that the black word "destroy" hit Ye Xinghe's chest and abdomen hard.

But it only created a layer of ripples and did not fall into place at all.

It's like hitting the void.

He yelled in disbelief and looked up.

But he saw Ye Xinghe just standing there and not moving.

However, there seemed to be something erratic around his body.

There are spatial fissures appearing faintly around.

But at this moment, as this blow missed, the word "destruction" obviously did not have the ability to strike again.

Dispersed directly in the air.

Jiang Lingchen felt extremely distressed.

This is his strongest trump card.

If hit by this move, even if the Nascent Soul is at the peak of the sixth level, it will be directly smashed into pieces.

But it only had the power of one strike, and now it was wasted.

At this moment, he suddenly came to his senses and shouted loudly: "You, you actually have the ability to regulate space rules. You are now in another space!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "Who said I wasn't prepared?"

The vague voice came, confirming Jiang Lingchen's suspicion.

He shouted sternly: "How did you know? How did you guess that I would suddenly attack?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Since you know that it was Xu Pengbin who tipped me off, is it still surprising that your secret is known to me?"


Jiang Lingchen looked like he was going crazy.

"In the eyes of outsiders, my three-word motto is just a one-word rule."

"They only thought that this rule could only contain the word 'death'. No one knew that there were two other changes, not even Xu Pengbin!"

Ye Xinghe sighed leisurely.

"Xu Pengbin knows more than you think."

"You have forgotten that three months ago, you killed a Guanghan Dao Sect disciple outside the sect."

"He has always had a quarrel with you. After you killed him and left on important matters, you asked Xu Pengbin to clean up the mess for you."

Jiang Lingchen's pupils suddenly shrank, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It turns out that that bitch Xu Pengbin knew about it at that time, and he kept it secret, but he actually told you everything!"

Ye Xinghe nodded slightly.

It turns out that Jiang Lingchen's most powerful rule for keeping the bottom of the box is actually the three-character motto rule.

There are three forms respectively, corresponding to three different black characters.

The word "death", the word "life" and the word "destruction".

The word "death" is the most common rule he uses to deal with enemies.

With the word "death", the other party is directly judged to be dead.

No matter how hard you try, it's useless.

Its effect is slightly equivalent to Ye Xinghe's Nameless Broken Sword.

But it's actually not as powerful as imagined.

Because the rules he determines are also quite harsh.

To deal with the weaker ones, of course, hit them one at a time, it looks very powerful.

But if it's against people of the same level, or higher levels, it's a bit unsatisfactory.

The really powerful one is the third form, which is the word "destruction".

The word "destroy" means randomly destroying one of the three things on the opponent's body.

These three things are cultivation, body and soul.

It seems like you have to choose one of three, but in fact, no matter which path you choose, you will die.

If everything is destroyed, is there any way to survive?

This trick can be effective even when facing the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

And the second form of the word "生" can give him a strong vitality in an instant when he is in a state of near-death.

This time, the strong anger was not enough for him to completely recover from his injuries.

But it was enough for him to launch another regular attack.

It is simply tailor-made for that third form.

Three-character motto, three forms.

Life, death, destruction.

The combination of the three can be said to be extremely terrifying.

It has been refined to the eighth level by Jiang Lingchen.

It can be used against enemies of the same level with one strike.

He is extremely scheming and plotting against Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe was made to think that he had been seriously injured, had no ability to fight back, and had exhausted all his cards.

In fact, save the word "life" and "destruction" to launch a fatal blow.

And Ye Xinghe already knew his details and had been cooperating with him in acting just now.

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