Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3142: The Second Realm of Space Rules: Trapped Oneself

Chapter 3142 The Second Realm of Space Rules: Trapped!

Those rules were also directly usurped by the Ten Thousand Spirits Valley and became ownerless things!

Thinking of this, Ye Xinghe immediately stepped up his action.

The suction power of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron is running wildly.

He doesn't need other rules, but he is determined to win those three-character motto rules.

Ye Xinghe is very clear about the terrifying power of this rule.

If you get it yourself, you will be able to greatly improve your combat effectiveness.

A strong suction force came and instantly locked one of the rules that was like a dice.

Then he was pulled hard and entered Ye Xinghe's dantian.

Almost at the same moment.

Jiang Lingchen's other rules were also directly absorbed by Wanling Valley and disappeared without a trace.

It is conceivable that if Ye Xinghe had started a moment later, it would have been too late.

However, Ye Xinghe is also in a good mood after getting this three-word motto.

This can be regarded as the biggest gain of this trip.

Then, Ye Xinghe turned his attention to the piece of yellow sand.

That piece of yellow sand is exactly the body of the ancestor of the Yellow Sand Rules.

It is different from other yellow sand scattered all over the ground.

Each of these tens of thousands of grains of yellow sand is as big as a grain of millet.

It is round and full, with a golden luster, which is extremely extraordinary.

Ye Xinghe collected these things.

However, now, the ancestor of Huangsha Rules is dead.

Even if he got this thing, he couldn't surrender it.

But Ye Xinghe didn't panic at all.

Soon, he took these things and found another grain of yellow sand rule.

Although this Huangsha rule is far inferior to the Huangsha Ancestor rule.

But Ye Xinghe estimates that its level is probably the third or fourth grade.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but hold it in his hand.

This grain of yellow sand rules is about to commit suicide.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe's faint voice came.

"Do you want to become stronger than others of the same kind, do you want to have its power?"

Then, the rules of this yellow sand were seen, those tens of thousands of bright yellow sand.

Although the ancestor of Huangsha Rules is dead.

However, it can still feel its terrifying power from these yellow sands.

Although this yellow sand rule is simple in thinking, it is not stupid.

At this moment, its heart moved.

Ye Xinghe's seductive voice continued to come.

"As long as you surrender to me and follow my rules, you can absorb the refining power left by the ancestor of Huangsha Rules!"

"It won't be long before you can become an ancestor!"

The last sentence directly made this yellow sand rule completely tempted.

As a result, some emotions came from its thoughts.

"Willing to surrender!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

It was mixed with the yellow sand left by the ancestor of the Yellow Sand Rules.

Then it is absorbed into the Dantian.

As long as it enters the Dantian, it can be refined with the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

Ye Xinghe is not afraid that it will regret it.

The crisis has been resolved, and Ye Xinghe continues his cultivation.

Next, his daily life was very boring.

During the day, look for various rules to practice yourself and improve your understanding and control of the rules.

At night, you absorb the pure and vast mica true spirit.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Finally, the last day in the Valley of All Spirits came.

Ye Xinghe stood on the vast Gobi desert, his face calm and his heart as calm as water.

Suddenly, his Nascent Soul appeared.

The space rules above the Nascent Soul bloomed with black and white light.

The black and white colors shine brightly.

Then, its level increased rapidly.

Soon he was directly promoted to the ninth grade.

It is already exactly the same level as Ye Xinghe’s Zhu Jiuyin Pupil.

There is only one step away from the next step of god-level rules.

With the promotion of space rules, space rules were immediately promoted to the second stage.

From being a trapped person before, I have become a trapped person now.

Ye Xinghe couldn't wait to use this trick.

With a black and white light shining out.

Ye Xinghe immediately felt that he was in a hazy state.

Everything around me is not clear.

Then, it became clear again.

He saw that he was still in the Wanling Valley and still in the same place.

There didn't seem to be any difference from before, and it seemed to be within reach.

However, he saw extremely clearly that there was an endless void of space between himself and the space outside.

I am already in another world.

A smile appeared on Ye Xinghe's mouth.

"This is trapped yourself!"

"If you put yourself in another world, then how can all the offensives in this black and yellow world hurt me!"

Then, Ye Xinghe tested the power of this trap.

After all, this thing cannot be infinite.

After testing it for a long time, he knew it well.

This trap can resist all attacks below the seventh rank of Nascent Soul.

In other words, unless one's strength reaches the seventh level of Nascent Soul, one cannot break through this space barrier.

In the past three months, all the mica true spirits he has absorbed have been transported into the rules of this space.

The purpose is to improve its level as soon as possible.

Now, the goal is finally achieved.

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself.

"With it, I feel much more relaxed when facing the next situation."

He sat there, waiting for the time to come.

Thinking back on everything that happened in the past three months.

For him, the most rewarding thing is nothing else.

Instead, he fought against hundreds of rules and knew these rules by heart.

If we meet again in the future, we can easily deal with it.

Outside, around the Wanling Valley Hall.

The atmosphere today seems a little strange.

Of course, ordinary disciples did not notice it.

Still as usual.

A black vortex appeared, and Ye Xinghe stepped into it.

When he reappeared, he was already in the main hall.

The door has been opened and Ye Xinghe walked out.

Many of the disciples turned their attention to Ye Xinghe.

After all, he is Chu Zhongyuan's disciple, which is no small matter.

They also had a somewhat teasing look on their faces.

When Ye Xinghe entered the hall before, he boasted about Haikou.

He said he wanted to grab a rule from it and bring it back.

Many people were waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

Are the rules in the Valley of All Spirits so easy to grasp?

After seeing Ye Xinghe come out, his aura has reached the third level of Nascent Soul.

"You actually improved a level!"

Immediately, many people had expressions of astonishment on their faces, and they lost their voices and said, "Mr. Ye, is it possible that you really caught a rule in it?"

"If he hadn't refined a grain of rules, it would be impossible for his realm to improve!"

This voice immediately made many people look over.

"Did Ye Xinghe really refine a rule? He is now at the third level of Nascent Soul!"

"Yes, if you don't refine it, how can you improve it?"

"This Ye Xinghe is really amazing, there are no lies!"

Everyone has different expressions.

The disciples who had ridiculed Ye Xinghe for boasting suddenly looked a little ugly.

The meddlesome person laughed loudly and said: "What kind of rules has Mr. Ye refined in it? Let us see!"

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