Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3153 Her Royal Highness the Princess

Chapter 3153 Her Royal Highness the Princess!

The room covers a huge area.

In the corner, there are currently five or six masters, all wearing bright yellow armor, guarding there.

The armor they wear is of extremely high quality and is a good spiritual treasure.

Moreover, their auras are also very strong, not weaker than the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

In the center of the room, there is a huge and gorgeous bed.

It was surrounded by gorgeous brocade and it was difficult to see what was going on inside.

There is a strange fragrance that hits your nose.

Ye Xinghe frowned.

"It turns out that this patient is actually a female family member."

Yu Guangran whispered: "This is the fifth princess!"

He explained it, and Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

It turns out that this patient is the fifth princess of the Lieyang royal family.

She is the most favored daughter of the current emperor.

Speaking of which, these five princesses are also royal legends.

Not only is she the most favored, she is also extremely talented.

The rules of cultivation and the Nascent Soul are both of extremely rare life types.

He has already achieved extremely high levels of cultivation at a young age.

Ye Xinghe asked: "How high is it?"

Yu Guangran said: "It should be a bit better than Tianjiao, the top disciple of Guanghan Dao Sect!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"That's certainly high enough."

Yu Guangran frowned: "Senior brother, at such a critical moment, do you still have the heart to joke?"

Ye Xinghe felt relaxed at this time.

It turned out that after entering here, he took a closer look.

It suddenly dawned on me that if one had eyesight, one would already know what was going on.

He said calmly: "Leave it to me so that it can be solved easily."

At this time, a woman's voice came from within the curtain.

"You didn't even meet me and you said you can cure it. Are you a genius or a liar?"

Her voice was delicate and crisp, full of energy, and there was no hint of being seriously ill or dying.

But Ye Xinghe could hear the hollowness in the sound.

She seemed to have no attachment to this world.

Ye Xinghe walked towards the curtain and said with a faint smile: "After a cup of tea, the princess will know the difference."

At this time, suddenly, a black shadow appeared.

But it was a guard wearing bright yellow armor.

This guard is tall and tall, over two meters tall.

The armor on his body is also more sophisticated than others, reaching the fifth level of spiritual treasure.

His aura has also reached the peak of the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

The two-meter long knife in his hand was unsheathed and pointed at the center of Ye Xinghe's eyebrows.

The sword energy of this high-level spiritual treasure seeped out and could almost cut off Ye Xinghe's body.

But Ye Xinghe stood still, unable to move.

Not even the look in his eyes changed at all.

This person is obviously the leader of many guards, and his status is extraordinary.

He gritted his teeth and said coldly: "If you can't save Her Royal Highness today, I will kill you!"

Facing the blade, Ye Xinghe said calmly: "Her Highness the Princess suddenly fell ill, and her life breath was uncontrollable. She walked within a radius of nine miles, nine feet and nine feet, no more than one inch, no more than one inch less, and thirty-seven kinds of flowers and trees grew around her body. "

"The aura rises every day, reaches its peak on the seventh day, and then begins to decline."

Ye Xinghe looked at the curtain and said leisurely: "Including today, Her Royal Highness the Princess still has three days to live."

Hearing this, a "Hey" came from the curtain.

Obviously, the people inside were quite surprised.

The guard commander also had a look of shock on his face.

He lost his voice: "How did you know, who revealed it to you?"

He looked at Yu Guangran suspiciously.

But then I realized it was impossible.

Because only Her Highness the Princess and herself knew the details Ye Xinghe said.

Neither of them disclosed it to the outside world, not even the other guards knew about it.

How could Yu Guangran know, and how could this person know?

Then there is only one explanation.

The young man in front of me really has great medical skills!

One glance reveals all the crux of the problem.

He said excitedly: "You really have some skills, then come and treat the princess quickly!"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to push away the blade in front of him, turned around and walked out.

He said lightly: "I hate it when people point knives at me."

Seeing this scene, the guard commander's expression changed drastically and he shouted sternly: "How dare you!"

Yu Guangran frowned and said coldly: "Why don't you dare? In our Divine Medicine Master Association, you still dare to touch my senior brother!"

"He is a distinguished guest of our Divine Medicine Master Association. If you touch him, you are making an enemy of this Divine Medicine Master Association!"

Suddenly, the guard commander stood there wilting like an eggplant beaten by frost, somewhat at a loss.

He looked at Yu Guangran with pleading eyes.

Yu Guangran sighed and said: "Senior brother is willing to come to treat me to give me face, but you point a knife at senior brother. Anyone else would be angry."

Seeing Ye Xinghe walk to the door, the guard commander couldn't bear it anymore.

He chased him in front of him, then with a 'bang' sound, he knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said: "Mr. Ye, I was rude just now and offended you. Please don't be as knowledgeable as me. Please do it for the sake of the princess." , come to the rescue!”

Seeing Ye Xinghe's cold eyes, he remained unmoved.

He gritted his teeth and slashed hard at his heart with the long knife in his hand.

"As long as you are willing to take action, I will give you my life!"

He didn't even pause at all and just slashed away with his sword.

Ye Xinghe's eyes narrowed and he was also moved.

Naturally, he could see clearly that this person was definitely not bluffing.

He was really rushing to commit suicide, and his heart couldn't help but change.

Although this person has a violent temper, he is really loyal to the five princesses.

The moment when the long knife pierced the armor and was about to pierce his heart.

Ye Xinghe stretched out his hand and flicked his long knife away.

Ye Xinghe turned around and walked into the room, and said lightly: "For your sake, I will give her a life."

Behind him, the guards were first stunned, then ecstatic, and hurriedly chased after him.

At this time, a chuckle came from the curtain.

"It seems that Qin Yuelin saved my life."

Qin Yuelin was obviously the commander of the guards.

Ye Xinghe walked to the curtain and opened it slightly.

A delicate and pale face was revealed inside.

She cannot be considered extremely beautiful.

At least, this is what it looks like in the eyes of Ye Xinghe, who has seen countless stunning beauties.

But she has a weak and pitiful feeling.

When people see it, they can't help but feel a little soft in their hearts.

Her breath was weak, as if she might wither at any moment.

But the life breath from his body is still flowing out continuously.

Every time a little bit of it came out, she became a little bit weaker.

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "Her Royal Highness, you don't seem to care much about your own life."

The fifth princess said: "So what if you care, will you not die if you are afraid of death?"

Ye Xinghe looked at the people around him: "You all should go out. Her Highness the Fifth Princess and I are the only ones here."

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

It would have been absolutely impossible for them to get out just now.

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