Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3155 Join forces

Chapter 3155 Join forces!

"you can help me?"

The fifth princess looked at him suspiciously.

I really can’t imagine how a young man with the third level of Nascent Soul can compare with that legendary behemoth.

However, Ye Xinghe's words also made her heartstrings move slightly, and she started talking.

She sighed softly.

"Ten years ago, until I was born, I felt that there were not many people in the world who were happier than me."

There were stars twinkling in her eyes.

"I am the emperor's most beloved daughter. I am the proud daughter of heaven. I am extremely beautiful and extremely talented. I am the first of the royal generation to step into the God of War realm, and also the first to step into the Nascent Soul realm. of."

"I seem to be stronger than my brothers and sisters, and I attract attention both inside and outside the royal family."

"There are even rumors that my father wants to pass the throne to me."

Ye Xinghe listened quietly and did not interrupt.

The fifth princess continued: "I am not interested in the throne, and my brothers and sisters often come to see me. I thought they all liked chatting with me, but now I know that they are trying to find out what I am saying."

"Although, I said later that I am not interested in the throne."

"But unexpectedly, they still refused to let me go. They probably thought I was always a threat."

At this moment, strong hatred flowed from her eyes.

"So, ten years ago, when the people from the Yunlong Ancient Clan came here, they immediately took a fancy to me."

"Overnight, I became the candidate for marriage with the Yunlong Ancient Clan. In ten years, I will marry the Yunlong Ancient Clan far away."

She chuckled, her eyes full of desolation and hatred.

"Now, I can no longer threaten them."

Ye Xinghe nodded and said, "You don't want to go?"

"How could I possibly want to go!"

Her Royal Highness the Fifth Princess screamed: "I have never even seen what my future husband looks like. Moreover, the Yunlong Ancient Clan specializes in selecting extremely talented women to marry into their clan."

"And I heard that nine out of ten people who go will die within three months without a burial place!"

Having said this, he shivered excitedly.

Ye Xinghe frowned and asked, "How much do you know about the Yunlong Ancient Clan?"

The fifth princess shook her head and said: "I only know that this is an extremely mysterious and terrifying force, and its tentacles seem to be everywhere."

"We, the Lieyang Royal Family, are quite afraid of it. Almost no one dares to refuse to agree to its request, and it will also give us many benefits."

She glanced at Ye Xinghe and whispered: "It is said that the ancestors were able to establish the Lieyang Dynasty because of its support, and my father's ability to destroy other countries was also related to its fueling the flames behind the scenes."

Ye Xinghe felt quiet in his heart.

The power of the Yunlong Ancient Clan is a bit stronger than I expected.

From this point of view, the relationship between the Yunlong Ancient Clan and the Lieyang Royal Family is not like that of superiors and subordinates, but more like a cooperative relationship.

A plan was hatched in Ye Xinghe's mind instantly.

"After saying this, I feel much more comfortable. Finally, someone knows my secret, so I don't have to die alone."

The fifth princess chuckled, waved her hand and said, "You have got what you wanted, now you know the secret, let's go."

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Why are you leaving?"

"I told you, I can help you."

The fifth princess shook her head and said with a smile: "Don't be ridiculous, the Yunlong Ancient Clan can't even deal with me, the Lieyang Royal Family, so what are you going to do?"

Ye Xinghe knew that she didn't believe it.

And with his current strength, he is indeed not very convincing.

He immediately asked: "Do you know why I recognized him at a glance just now?"

"The Yunlong Ancient Clan is so mysterious. Logically speaking, I cannot know any information related to it."

The fifth princess also became interested: "Then tell me."

Ye Xinghe said word by word: "I come from a force that is not inferior to the Yunlong Ancient Clan, and the two have been feuding for thousands of years."

"And I am a chess piece sent by that force, waiting for an opportunity to enter the Yunlong Ancient Clan."

Her Royal Highness the Fifth Princess suddenly looked surprised and shouted: "You must act as an internal agent and help them destroy the Yunlong Ancient Clan!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"That's right."

This moment immediately aroused the desire of the fifth princess to survive.

She was new to the world and had a simple mind, so she immediately believed Ye Xinghe's words.

After all, it is exactly what Ye Xinghe said.

If he didn't have such an origin, how could he possibly know about the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

She asked in shock: "How can you help me?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Since it can't be solved, you have to go to the marriage, then you can solve the problem of the Yunlong Ancient Clan."

"As long as the ancient Yunlong clan is destroyed, you will naturally be reborn!"

As he spoke, Ye Xinghe told her his plan in a low voice.

The fifth princess was dazzled and felt that this plan was really excellent.

If it is carried out smoothly, he will soon break free from the cage.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "How about it, are you willing?"

The fifth princess nodded repeatedly.


Ye Xinghe said: "Then take care of yourself first. If you die, the plan will be completely shattered."

The fifth princess chuckled.

"Now, since I know you have this plan, naturally I won't die easily."

Then, she sacrificed Nascent Soul.

Start fixing the rules she intentionally broke.

In just a moment, the rule was repaired.

As a result, the cycle of heaven and earth within her Nascent Soul was immediately perfected.

The rules of life come into play.

Not only that, the rules of life in her body are no longer leaked to the outside.

The breath of life lingering between heaven and earth is still being absorbed back by her.

In an instant, all the life breath in this room was absorbed.

Then there is the breath of life in the yard.

At this time, the people waiting for Yu Guangran in the courtyard were keenly aware of it.

The breath of life in the courtyard was rapidly flowing back into the room.

is absorbed rapidly.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Yu Guangran's face, and he said loudly: "My senior brother really has a solution. This shows that the fifth princess's injury is recovering!"

Zeng Jiacheng and Zeng Huafeng were in disbelief.

Zeng Huafeng shouted loudly: "Does this Ye Xinghe really have such strength?"

Zeng Jiacheng didn't want to believe it and shook his head repeatedly.

"No way, this must be a coincidence!"

Qin Yuelin took out his sword from its sheath, pointed it at him, and said coldly: "How can you guess Mr. Ye's strength?"

"If you can't do it yourself, do you think others can't do it either?"

However, after a cup of tea, the fifth princess's injuries stabilized.

With continuous practice, you will soon be able to return to your peak.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "The next thing you have to do is practice, do your best to improve your strength, and then wait for the date of your marriage to be decided."

"You tell me three months in advance and I will make arrangements."

The fifth princess nodded repeatedly.

She has seen hope.

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