Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3163: Coveting

Chapter 3163: Coveted!

Because, he found that the two could no longer be improved.

They stay at the ordinary ninth level and cannot be upgraded.

Their upper limit has been locked.

The rules of inner demons have been upgraded to a higher level, and now they have reached the ninth level.

It is only one step away from the first level of god level.

But what worries Ye Xinghe the most is the Zhu Jiuyin Eyes.

During this year, he still gave most of the mica true spirits to Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes.

But Zhu Jiuyin's Pupil still hasn't evolved.

It is only one step away from the god-level rules.

But just can't take this step.

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself: "My current strength should be invincible in the sixth level of Nascent Soul."

"But facing the seventh level of Nascent Soul, it's still a bit tricky and laborious."

In fact, this speed has increased quickly enough.

But Ye Xinghe still felt that it was not enough.

He said softly: "The further you go, the slower your improvement will be. If this continues, how can I compete with the Yunlong Ancient Clan within ten years!" Among the Yunlong Ancient Clan, there are terrifying beings that have surpassed the Nascent Soul Realm.

Ye Xinghe estimated that if he continued to practice at this speed.

In ten years' time, at most, it will be at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm.

He frowned slightly, thinking of a way to break the situation.

There are two immediate priorities.

First, let Zhu Jiuyin’s Eyes advance quickly.

Second, it is.

He set his sights on the rules of cloud and the rules of ice.

The reason why I find it difficult to compete with the Seventh Transformation of Nascent Soul.

It's because the levels of the Cloud Rules and Ice Rules are too low, which is a bit of a hindrance.

If there is a way to erase them both and replace them with other high-level rules.

Then, maybe it can be directly comparable to the Seventh Transformation of the Nascent Soul!

However, Ye Xinghe found this step difficult.

The way to erase the existing rules is in the second chapter of the Explanation of Yuanying Dazhen.

I don't have any more merit to redeem now.

He has been busy practicing and has not had time to earn some merit.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe's eyes lit up.

"Oh, there is another way!"

"Every time I use my Zhu Jiuyin Eyes, I consume a lot of those ordinary rules as fuel."

"However, I remember that one of the rules of Zhu Jiuyin's Eyes is that you can also choose these rules on Nascent Soul for consumption."

"But, it's random."

Ye Xinghe hesitated for a moment, but still did not dare to take this dangerous move.

After all, if this is random, the rules of one's own space or the rules of the inner demon will be completely randomized.

There was really no place to cry.

Suddenly, there was a hurried shouting outside, as if something was urgent.

Ye Xinghe thought it was Sun Kunyang and said lazily: "Here he comes, don't rush him."

Except for Sun Kunyang, no one would be willing to knock on the door like this.

But when he waved his hand and opened the door, he was slightly surprised.

Outside is Yuan Kong Valley.

His face was full of anxiety and a little frightened at this time.

Ye Xinghe knew immediately that something big had happened.

Otherwise, with Yuan Konggu’s temperament, it would not be like this.

He frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yuan Konggu only said one sentence, which made Ye Xinghe's heart tremble.

"Xue Hao is dead!"

"What, Xue Hao is dead?"

A hint of gloom flashed across Ye Xinghe's eyes.

He didn't say much, looked at Yuan Konggu and walked forward.

As the two of them moved forward quickly, Yuan Konggu explained the reason.

It turns out that the origin of the Yuankonggu family is not as good as that of Duan Huaishan.

But it also has family roots.

After joining the Guanghan Taoist Sect, I gained a lot from comparing the Yuan Ying Da Zhen Jie Pian with the inheritance in my family.

He made rapid breakthroughs on the path of rules and firmly took root in the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, he has the consciousness of God.

The combination of the two is far superior to ordinary Nascent Soul fifth-turn masters.

However, he was stuck on the edge of the sixth level of Nascent Soul half a year ago and was unable to break through.

In order to improve myself, but also to experience.

Yuan Konggu joined the Guanghan Dao Sect Tianpu Team.

The so-called Heavenly Punishment Team is actually a team controlled by the Guanghan Dao Sect, composed of young elders and powerful Tianjiao disciples.

This team has a wide range of functions, fighting external enemies and hunting down powerful demon saints.

Complete some extremely high-level and extremely difficult tasks in the sect.

Internally, it is used for patrolling around Guanghan Daozong to ensure that there are no internal troubles.

After joining the Heavenly Punishment Team, the danger will be much higher than that of ordinary disciples.

Because we often have to perform some extremely difficult tasks.

But the corresponding rewards and merits are also much greater.

Anyway, Yuan Konggu is here to experience himself, and he is happy with it.

Their Tianpu team has several teams, and shifts change every three months.

Yuan Konggu's team has been performing tasks outside for three months.

After returning, he started to patrol.

Because Yuan Konggu himself is a newcomer.

Therefore, the patrol routes he chooses are often the caves where new people live.

We all know each other well and can take care of each other.

But just this morning, when he patrolled to the cave where Xue Hao was, he discovered something was wrong.

The cave door opened, and there was a strong smell of blood coming from inside.

After going in to check, Yuan Konggu was shocked and reported it immediately.

And he came directly to Ye Xinghe.

Seeing Ye Xinghe's gaze, he said softly: "You will know after you go and see it."

Soon, the two came to the front of Xue Hao's cave.

A lot of people have gathered here.

An elder is checking the situation.

After a while, people from the Discipline Academy also came.

And when Ye Xinghe saw Xue Hao's body, he was instantly horrified.

An extreme coldness surged into his heart, leaving him speechless for a moment.

After a long time, he turned his head and looked at Yuan Konggu.

They all saw deep worry in each other's eyes.

Ye Xinghe sighed lightly.

"I'm afraid they are coming for us!"

It turned out that there were no fatal wounds on Xue Hao's body.

I don’t know how the other party killed him.

However, there was a huge bloody hole on his left arm.

Something inside was missing.

Others don't know what it is.

But Ye Xinghe and Yuan Konggu knew it very well.

Golden ribs.

This is the golden tendon that Xue Hao refined.

It can also be called part of the left arm of God.

What shocked Ye Xinghe was not Xue Hao's death.

It's not even that the other party came here for this divine inheritance.

But the other party revealed his purpose so unscrupulously.

It seems to be telling the remaining people who possess the fragments of God.

see it?

I just killed him and took his divine tendon!

It's just that the cave is wide open, without any cover-up!

I'm just telling you, I'm here!

I'm coming to kill you!

How should you respond?

This shows that the other party has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Ye Xinghe was silent for a long time before leaving.

This incident caused huge waves in Guanghan Dao Sect almost instantly.

There are not a few disciples and even elders of the Guanghan Dao Sect who die every year.

But basically they were all killed in fights with others outside the sect.

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