Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3165 Joining the Heavenly Punishment Team

Chapter 3165 Join the Heavenly Punishment Team!

Instead, he stood up calmly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, nodded and said: "Your body is very strong. Although I don't know how powerful your rules are, I am not your opponent. You have already qualified to join the Heaven Punishment Team. "

Ye Xinghe was slightly stunned.

Unexpectedly, it passed so smoothly.

However, he really admired the way the penalty team acted today.

Ye Xinghe walked into the courtyard.

A member of the Heavenly Punishment Team appeared silently.

He silently led Ye Xinghe to the second courtyard again.

Take him to a simple room.

There was only a desk in the room, but an old man was sitting behind it.

His eyes were quite cloudy. He looked up at Ye Xinghe and asked, "Which team do you want to go to?"

Ye Xinghe frowned and said: "I don't know much about it, what kind of teams are there?"

The old man became interested, smiled and said, "You dare to come to the Heaven Punishment team without even knowing which team it is. What an interesting little guy!"

"The old man has been here since the formation of the Heavenly Punishment Team."

"Although I am an old man with no cultivation and no use, everyone calls me Uncle Zhao out of respect."

Ye Xinghe also nodded and said: "I have met Uncle Zhao."

Uncle Zhao was very satisfied and laughed.

"Let me tell you, there are four teams in total today, namely A, B, C, and D. Each team has about thirty people."

"Generally speaking, two teams are fighting outside, and two teams are patrolling inside. The shifts change every three months."

Ye Xinghe asked concisely and concisely: "Whichever team is about to go on an expedition, I will go to that team."

Uncle Zhao was stunned for a moment and shook his head again.

"I've never seen you like this. As soon as you arrived, you asked to go out and perform a mission."

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "I lack merit."

Uncle Zhao nodded understandingly and said, "Then you go to Team A. Team A has finished its rest and will set off this afternoon."

"The sect has a lot of tasks recently. There are five or six tasks waiting to be done."

"It just so happens that when Team A was on an expedition, two people were killed in the battle. You can replenish the manpower when you come."

Then, he handed Ye Xinghe a waist badge symbolizing his status, and a set of clothes.

This outfit is the symbol of the Heavenly Punishment Team.

Not luxurious, just a very simple burqa, all gray.

Wearing over that moon white robe.

However, the materials used should be mixed with many precious materials.

When you touch it, you can tell that it is extremely strong and very tough.

Has quite strong defense.

There is naturally a sense of majesty and seriousness above it.

Ye Xinghe put on his burqa, took his token, and walked to the third courtyard.

There are four gates in the courtyard, with A, B, C and D written on them respectively.

Ye Xinghe walked into the A-shaped courtyard.

As soon as we arrived here, we suddenly saw a clear view in front of us. The area was very large, with a radius of dozens of miles.

There is a huge peak behind.

There was endless roaring in the yard.

This is the members of the Heavenly Punishment Team fighting each other and comparing their cultivation skills.

When Ye Xinghe stepped into this door.

With a 'bang' sound, the door automatically closed behind you.

Time here seems to have stopped for a moment.

With a 'swish', dozens of eyes were cast over.

Ye Xinghe saw that everyone in this A-shaped team included men, women, old and young.

There are many people with terrifying auras on their bodies, no less than the elders.

Some of them are so unfathomable that even I can't deal with them.

He glanced briefly and felt slightly startled.

Just by myself, I saw more than five powerful people with Nascent Soul rank seven and above!

Moreover, it is impossible for all the masters in this team to be here.

There was also a leader who didn’t show up.

"Hey, there's a new guy here!"

"Great, Uncle Zhao finally thought of adding more manpower to our A-team!"

"Yes, we have lost a lot of brothers this year. We are so short of people!"

Several people came over excitedly.

But when they saw Ye Xinghe's realm clearly, they were all slightly stunned.

Then, there was some disappointment.

"What's going on at the fourth level of Nascent Soul? Why did you add someone with such a low cultivation level?"

"Didn't you say that Yuanying below level five will not be accepted?"

"Why, is it because of the recent manpower shortage that the standards have been relaxed?"

Everyone gathered around, talking all over the place, with a bit of doubt in their eyes.

"Okay, okay, it's all gone!"

At this time, a rough voice came.

A giant man was wearing heavy armor.

He separated the crowd, glanced at everyone dissatisfied, and said in a deep voice: "You are all veterans, what's the fuss about?"

"Since this brother has already walked in, it means that he must have defeated the two at the door."

"Furthermore, you can see that he is full of energy, his aura is calm, and he is not even injured at all, which means that he wins easily, it is a crushing move, and his strength is at least at the peak of the fifth level of Nascent Soul!"

"It took a lot of effort to get such a master here, but don't be scared away by you!"

Everyone suddenly burst into friendly laughter.

Looking at Ye Xinghe, there was something different in his eyes.

The big man grinned: "I am Wang Xiongchen, the captain of this A-shaped team."

He sighed and said: "We have lost several people before. After returning to the Guanghan Dao Sect to rest, we lost another person yesterday. It was inexplicable."

"You came, but you helped us a lot!"

Ye Xinghe asked: "Is the hand you lost yesterday the Yuankong Valley?"

Wang Xiongchen nodded.

"Did you hear that too?"

Ye Xinghe said: "I'm afraid that no one in the sect doesn't know about it now."

Wang Xiongchen sneered and said: "What a joke. When you return to the sect, someone can be kidnapped!"

He waved his hand, not wanting to mention this again.

"You can go to Zheng Yi's team. They only have two people now. They are too short of manpower."

Upon hearing this, many people booed.

"Boss, you're biased. It's Zheng Yi's team. The tasks to be done next are of low difficulty, but the merit rewards are very high!"

"Ye Xinghe just arrived, and you gave him such a big benefit!"

Wang Xiongchen turned around and laughed and scolded: "Nonsense, the newcomer is here, of course you have to take care of it!"

Everyone was laughing and joking and said no more.

Ye Xinghe's eyes moved slightly.

This Wang Xiongchen is very powerful and has reached the seventh rank of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, it looks domineering.

In fact, he is quite fair in his conduct.

Soon, Ye Xinghe saw his two companions.

Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan.

The three of them formed a team together.

Both Zheng Yi and Zheng Yi are quite taciturn, and it seems that most of the members of the Heavenly Punishment Team are like this.

However, it is better for Ye Xinghe.

Asking questions is more troublesome.

He didn't stay here for long. Following Wang Xiongchen's order, everyone immediately stood up.

Then, a huge flying boat arrived, and everyone took the flying boat and left Guanghan Dao Sect.

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