Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3179 It’s finally here

Chapter 3179 is finally here!

"My third uncle can kill the three of you with one sword. You are still pretending to be calm here. How ridiculous!"

Ye Xinghe smiled leisurely when faced with Quan Hao's offensive.

He asked Quan Qizhen: "Do you know, I could tell just now that you were stalling for time, waiting for his arrival."

"Do you know why I didn't say something?"

Quan Qizhen was stunned for a moment, and then panicked.

Ye Xinghe looked up to the sky and smiled: "Because, it's easy for me to deal with you. Even if it's him, I can handle him at will, do you understand?"

The next moment, something appeared in Ye Xinghe's hand, but it was a spiritual treasure the size of a fist.

Shaped like a kettle.

And the moment I saw this thing appear.

Quan Hao suddenly felt extremely dangerous in his heart.

He could sense this seemingly ordinary spiritual treasure.

It has extremely terrifying lethality!

It can kill you!

This feeling of extreme danger made him turn around and run away without any hesitation.

He didn't even care about Quan Qizhen on the ground.

Quan Qizhen was dumbfounded.

Ye Xinghe flicked it lightly, and the Demon Refining Pot flew high into the sky.

During the time in the ancient tomb, Ye Xinghe had already refined the Demon Refining Pot.

Now he also wants to try to see how powerful this demon refining pot is.

The demon refining pot flew into the air.

In an instant, a vast green light flashed across its surface.

At the same time, Ye Xinghe's thoughts moved slightly.

He immediately took out something.

But it was the fourth-grade spiritual treasure, Manyindra Pagoda, that had been prepared long ago.

The next moment, a vast blue light also flashed on the Manyindra Tower.

With a 'pop' sound, it shattered directly and turned into the most original power.

Then he was sucked into the demon refining pot.

After the Demon Refining Pot swallowed Manyindra Tower, it seemed quite satisfied.

Suddenly, there was a bright blue light above.

And in the spout of the demon refining pot, a yellow light flashed.

The yellow light surged up overwhelmingly, at an unimaginable speed.

He arrived in front of Quan Hao almost instantly.

It turned directly into a big yellow net, trapping the powerful people inside.

The next moment, the suction force in the demon refining pot suddenly increased.

Quan Hao didn't even have time to scream.

He was brought into the Demon Refining Pot by this big yellow net.

He disappeared in an instant, with no power to resist!

Seeing this scene, Quan Qizhen was horrified and his eyes were numb.

He said in a trembling voice: "Third uncle, third uncle is a master of the sixth level of Nascent Soul, but he has no power to fight back!"

"You, what kind of treasure is this?"

Ye Xinghe stretched out his hand, and the Demon Refining Pot fell into his hand.

Ye Xinghe looked carefully and discovered something.

There is nothing strange in the demon refining pot compared to before.

But presumably, the powerful man must have suffered all kinds of catastrophes inside!

He didn't talk nonsense, turned around and walked out, saying calmly: "Deal with him and find all the treasures on him."

Qian Feiyuan smiled and strode forward without any scruples.

After a while, Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan caught up with Ye Xinghe.

Quan Qizhen has obviously been taken care of.

The treasures on his body were found.

Ye Xinghe glanced at it and was pleasantly surprised.

Quan Qizhen should be a young hero cultivated by the Beast King Clan.

Therefore, there are many treasures on his body.

Ye Xinghe naturally looked down upon the ordinary ones.

But there was a fourth-grade spiritual treasure among them, which surprised Ye Xinghe.

This means that the Demon Refining Pot has another chance to be used.

Ye Xinghe is now extremely eager for the fourth-grade spiritual treasure.

Will not miss any opportunity to search.

He took away this fourth-grade spiritual treasure and divided the rest between the two.

Ye Xinghe said in a deep voice: "Everyone, you know the strength of the Beast King Clan, so if what happened today is leaked, it will directly cost three lives, do you understand?"

Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan knew how powerful it was and nodded repeatedly.

Now, they are tied to a rope.

The three of them left here.

However, they did not discover it.

On a cliff in the distance, an old pine tree stretched out diagonally from the cliff.

A very ordinary bird that looked no different from other crows stood there with calm eyes.

However, those two scarlet eyes saw everything that happened here.

After the three people left, it shook its wings and flew outward.

The flying boat that the three of them had arrived at had been shattered.

However, this does not trouble them.

Qian Feiyuan released another small flying boat.

The flying boat took off and floated high in the Tianlong Mountains.

After identifying the direction, he was preparing to return to Guanghan Dao Sect.

However, between the countless giant peaks, there was a figure slowly standing up.

This figure seemed to be a shadow, but it was made of pure cyan wind.

Transformed by endless violent winds, this giant reaches a height of hundreds of thousands of meters.

He was standing upright, as if the top of his head was connected to the sky.

Then, he looked down at the spaceship.

His hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the flying boat directly in his hand.

During the whole process, Ye Xinghe and Zheng Yi were among them.

They could clearly see the wind giant getting up.

You can clearly see him reaching out to grab Feizhou.

Incomparable shock and fear surged in their hearts.

Because they feel it very clearly.

The power represented by this wind giant is far beyond their imagination!

Not to mention that they are not opponents, even if the top experts from Guanghan Dao Sect come, they are not opponents!

At this moment, facing this wind giant.

Ye Xinghe felt like facing the Starlight Immortal.

"The laws of heaven and earth!"

Zheng Yi suddenly exclaimed: "Is this the legendary Fa Tian Xiang Di?"

They can feel each other's strength.

They wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape at all. Their bodies were frozen there, unable to move.

But at this time, a hint of calmness flashed across Ye Xinghe's lowered eyes.

A voice in my heart sighed softly: "It's finally here."

He seemed relieved.

The three of them were tightly bound by the wind whirlpool and could not move at all.

And in that wind whirlpool, a force suddenly surged out.

Arriving at Ye Xinghe’s right hand.

Ye Xinghe's right hand seemed to be out of control, and the two fingers on it quietly turned golden.

A loud voice sounded from the lowered head.

The wind giant seemed to be roaring, but also seemed to be joking.

"I tried every means to escape, but unfortunately, if I want to kill you, can you escape?"

"In my eyes, all this is just the struggle of ants!"

Ye Xinghe raised his head proudly at this time and said loudly: "It's me you are looking for, it has nothing to do with others, let them go."

"Oh, let them go?"

At this moment, the wind giant suddenly disappeared.

In the head of the wind giant, a figure appeared.

But he is an old man.

Wearing a wide white cloak, three long beards, white hair and a childlike face, he flutters like a fairy.

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