Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3188: Poisonous

Chapter 3188: Extremely Poisonous!

Lan Yunxi frowned and said, "Then you have to lose your life!"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I have someone to rely on."

"Hide to the side and be careful to conceal your aura. At the critical moment, it's up to you to harvest!"

Lan Yunxi nodded and said, "Okay."

He has great confidence in Ye Xinghe.

I know that this young master is not only strong, has many cards, but also has a very deep city.

Since he said so, just do it yourself.

Then, Ye Xinghe took a deep breath, rose into the air, and prepared himself.

He winked at Lan Yunxi.

Lan Yunxi nodded, waved his hand, and instantly removed the magic circle.

The red giant scorpion's consciousness immediately returned to normal.

When it saw the person who had trapped it just now, it suddenly became violent.

With a ferocious roar, he opened his mouth wide, waved his huge pincers, and rushed towards Lan Yunxi.

And Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed.

"It's now!"

At this moment, because the red giant scorpion opened its bloody mouth.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe rushed directly into its bloody mouth.

The giant red scorpion was stunned for a moment.

Before he could react, Ye Xinghe immediately slid all the way down.

We arrived at a space that was extremely sour and filled with the smell of decay.

In an instant, extremely powerful corrosive liquid filled the air towards Ye Xinghe.

His body would be completely dissolved almost instantly.

Ye Xinghe tried to attack the surroundings, but found out.

Even the body of this red giant scorpion is extremely hard.

My own offensive couldn't break it open at all.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and thought to himself: "This beast is really powerful. Fortunately, I was prepared!"

The next moment, his rules of blood activated crazily.

Over the long river, red clouds and mist flashed.

The surface of Ye Xinghe's body flashed with thick golden and black light.

However, what surprised him was that this light was about twice as strong as before!

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's body became extremely hard.

The strong corrosive liquid fell on him.

There is no way to completely dissolve him at once.

It was just the injuries that melted out one by one on the surface of his body.

Ye Xinghe nodded and thought to himself: "Sure enough!"

Without any hesitation, he slapped himself hard.

Several wounds were made in succession.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's blood spurted out crazily.

This blood contains strong poison.

The poisonous blood on Ye Xinghe's body was instantly absorbed by the red giant scorpion in a greedy manner.

This beast can absorb just about anything.

It turns out that what Ye Xinghe relies on is the rules of his blood and his extremely powerful body!

As long as his physical body can persist in it for just a moment.

As long as he persists, the red giant scorpion is poisoned, but he is not dead yet.

Then the plan is done!

As long as the red giant scorpion has signs of poisoning.

Then Taoist Yuetian will come.

The two will fight each other, and you can reap the benefits.

Originally, Ye Xinghe didn't have this ability.

Although his original physical body was extremely strong.

But it can't be resisted because of the extremely powerful digestive ability in this red giant scorpion.

I'm afraid that the moment it was pushed in, it would melt directly.

On the contrary, Taoist Yuetian helped him a lot.

Taoist Yuetian expanded Ye Xinghe's bloodline three times.

Although it will overdraw the future.

But it also made Ye Xinghe's current bloodline power much stronger.

He felt that his physical strength had at least doubled!

Ye Xinghe roughly estimated that he could at least sustain himself in the belly of the red giant scorpion for a quarter of an hour.

A quarter of an hour is enough!

At this time, Lan Yunxi took advantage of the giant red scorpion's confusion.

Move away in an instant, hide your aura, and hide nearby.

The red giant scorpion was stunned.

But its IQ is limited.

He noticed that the target he wanted to devour just now seemed to have been swallowed by him.

In this case, the goal will naturally be achieved.

However, it remembered that there should be another prey nearby just now.

So, it searched around here again, but found nothing.

It let out a few angry roars and was ready to return to its lair.

At this time, within its body, Ye Xinghe was already a mess of flesh and blood.

There were numerous wounds on his body.

His breath has also become extremely weak.

It can be said that there is only one breath left.

It turns out that this red giant scorpion is indeed extremely terrifying.

The corrosive power in its body, even Ye Xinghe's strongest body, could not hold on for long.

But that's when.

The huge amount of poisonous blood that Ye Xinghe had entered into its body finally burst out at this moment.

It has been a long time since the poisonous blood entered the red giant scorpion's body.

It has already spread to the whole body.

And at this moment it exploded.

The giant red scorpion's body stiffened for a moment.

Then, its whole body turned from red to a strange green.

The extremely violent explosion of toxins made it unbearable.

It looked up to the sky and let out a shrill roar.

A powerful burst of power erupted from his body.

The severe pain caused it to crazily destroy everything around it.

Taoist Yuetian, who was hiding very far away, was sensing this place with his eyes closed.

Feel the huge movement made by the giant red scorpion.

Taoist Yuetian's eyes were full of joy.

"It's done, it's done!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately flew over quickly.

Soon, he arrived at the top of Tiantai Mountain.

At this time, the poison on the red giant scorpion was already extremely powerful.

It let out a shrill howl and swung its body back and forth.

Two huge pliers seemed to be destroying everything.

The ground was smashed into deep ravines.

The surrounding monsters, even those whose strength reached the realm of monster saints, were trembling and fled in all directions.

This powerful force burst out violently.

It even made people tremble within thousands of miles around.

All the monsters in the mountains and forests within a radius of ten thousand miles were running away like crazy.

In fact, at this time, the state of the red giant scorpion's toxin attack was different from what Taoist Yuetian expected.

In his opinion, the current state of toxin attack is only five points.

In his expectation, it should be at least seven points.

However, he didn't think much about it and just thought that his estimate was wrong.

After all, now that the red giant scorpion has been poisoned.

That means that Ye Xinghe and Sun Qingyao must have been swallowed by it.

There is no second possibility.

My plan was indeed presented perfectly!

It's just that the toxins didn't live up to expectations a little bit.

But he can't care so much now.

Because when the red giant scorpion saw him at this moment, he immediately pounced on him crazily.

It has only one thought.

Just kill Taoist Yuetian!

Taoist Yuetian's eyes were ferocious: "Beast, I was on par with you in strength before. Now that you are poisoned, you are still my opponent. You are seeking death!"

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