Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3191 New clues

Chapter 3191 New clues!

"No matter how high or low the rules are, they are no match for you!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and nodded and said, "That's right, you can conquer ten levels with one effort."

"The physical body is strong enough, no matter what the power of the rules is, just break it!"

Ye Xinghe only relied on this god's right arm to deal with the enemy even with normal means.

You can also achieve invincibility below the seventh rank of Nascent Soul.

Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed and he said: "My god's right arm can still be pushed to the extreme!"

The next moment, the light on his god's right arm was extremely bright.

A golden vortex appeared around his body, surging wildly.

The vortex goes from top to bottom, hundreds of meters high, bright and prominent.

Ye Xinghe was ups and downs in it.

Lan Yunxi felt that the power of the vortex actually pushed him away.

For a moment, it was impossible to get close.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe's right arm turned into a red gold color.

It feels many times stronger than the feeling just now.

Then, Ye Xinghe looked solemn and punched out slowly.

It looks slow but is actually extremely fast.

Not only that, the huge golden vortex was also thrown forward along with his right arm.

Unparalleled power is about to explode.

A look of horror appeared on Lan Yunxi's face.

He felt that when this punch fell, it was a little difficult for him to resist it!

You know how terrifying his strength is.

But just when the punch was about to be completely delivered, Ye Xinghe frowned.

He suddenly retreated and took back the offensive.

The right arm of God changed from red gold back to gold.

Then, return to normal color.

And the golden vortex also disappeared without a trace.

Ye Xinghe's move was obviously a backlash. A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face turned pale.

He staggered a few steps before regaining his balance.

Lan Yunxi came to him, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Xinghe said softly: "I don't dare to punch this one."

Lan Yunxi asked: "What did you feel?"

Ye Xinghe said softly: "At that moment, I felt the blood in my body boiling. All the blood rushed over and entered my God's right arm, which supported me to punch this punch."

Lan Yunxi suddenly realized.

It should be due to Taoist Yuetian's transformation and the bloodline in Ye Xinghe's body.

Only then did he have such power.

He realized something and said softly: "But the price is very high?"

Ye Xinghe nodded: "Yes, I feel that if this punch is used, I can kill even a master of the seventh rank of Nascent Soul."

"But the price is that I will lose one-third of my bloodline."

Lan Yunxi nodded solemnly: "That means that with your bloodline, you can only punch three times."

The price is too high!

It's not worth it to waste one's own blood for such a thing.

He knows better than anyone else that Ye Xinghe's bloodline is so powerful and precious.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe used it as a trump card.

It will never be used until a critical moment.

Lan Yunxi said softly: "It's been a great harvest. If you were to practice normally, it would only take three or four years to get to this point."

Ye Xinghe also nodded slightly.

This time I refined the right arm of God and reaped huge rewards.

Ye Xinghe already had eleven fragments of God before.

But this time, he refined the red giant scorpion's god's right arm.

The giant red scorpion refined more fragments of God than he did.

A total of twelve.

In other words, Ye Xinghe now possesses twenty-three fragments of God.

During this time, Yuan Konggu was still in a coma.

Lan Yunxi had no intention of waking him up.

After all, they are not the same person.

It's not a good thing if he knows too many secrets.

At this time, Ye Xinghe was preparing to take Yuan Kong Valley back to Guanghan Dao Sect.

He has been away from Guanghan Dao Sect for half a year this time, so there must be many people inside who are very anxious.

Moreover, he had made an agreement with Xingguang Immortal before.

As a result, there has been no trace.

The Starlight Immortal is probably constantly looking for himself.

He still has a lot of concerns in Guanghan Dao Sect.

Having said this, Lan Yunxi laughed in a low voice: "Young Master, I'm afraid you won't be able to return to Guanghan Dao Sect so quickly. There is one more thing you need to do."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the matter?"

Lan Yunxi said softly: "During this period, Qingyao and I have become quite close, and I have accepted her as a registered disciple to teach her how to practice."

Ye Xinghe nodded, he knew all these things.

During this period, Sun Qingyao has been practicing with Lan Yunxi.

His cultivation also improved very quickly.

Her talent is not low, and she seems to be quite special in the field of mental attack.

Lan Yunxi values ​​her very much, and the relationship between the two of them is now quite harmonious.

Lan Yunxi whispered: "During this period, Qingyao told me something, and I discovered a great opportunity in it."

Ye Xinghe suddenly became interested.

Lan Yunxi said: "Qingyao was born in Xueyun Country, which is one of the nine countries in the Northern Territory."

"The nine northern kingdoms hold a competition every hundred years, and the winner can be selected by a mysterious force to enter and receive the inheritance."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

This shows that the mysterious force should secretly control the nine countries in the northern region.

The nine northern kingdoms were weaker than the Lieyang Dynasty.

Lan Yunxi continued: "I asked carefully about this inheritance. It is said that it is similar to an enlightenment. In an instant, one can accept a large amount of terrifying power that does not belong to oneself, as if one has plundered other people's cultivation inheritance. !”

"If this inheritance is successful, the strength can be greatly improved, which is extremely amazing."

He looked at Ye Xinghe and smiled slyly: "Young Master, what did you think of?"

Ye Xinghe was slightly stunned, suddenly his eyes widened, and he whispered: "The ancient Yunlong clan, the heart of Garuda!"

Lan Yunxi nodded: "Young Master is indeed smart, yes, it is exactly these two things!"

Lan Yunxi reminded Ye Xinghe.

Because this method of inheritance is really very similar to the heart of Garuda.

In the early years, the heart of Garuda was snatched away by the ancient Yunlong clan.

Throughout Dongzhou, there are several mysterious forces that can secretly control several major countries.

In this case, the answer is ready to come out.

Ye Xinghe's heart suddenly started pounding wildly.

He immediately understood Lan Yunxi's plan.

"If I help Sun Qingyao win the Nine Kingdoms Competition in the Northern Territory, I will have a chance to enter the Yunlong Ancient Clan!"

Lan Yunxi said: "Not to help her, but to fight for the Xueyun Kingdom on her behalf and directly join the Yunlong Ancient Clan!"

Ye Xinghe nodded solemnly: "She won't have any problems, right? Will she be dissatisfied because of this?"

Lan Yunxi laughed and said, "Don't worry, she made this request on her own initiative."

"Did she bring it up on her own initiative?"

Ye Xinghe frowned and said: "Although Xueyun Country is far less powerful than Lieyang Dynasty, it is still a big country after all. There should be strong people like me, right?"

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