Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3202 Counterattack

Chapter 3202 Counterattack!

Since the other party dares to mess with him, he must be prepared to pay the price!

There was a slight flicker in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

Until now, he had done nothing to Sun Lingfeng.

Unexpectedly, Sun Lingfeng was so careless that he even sent experts here.

This has already touched his bottom line.

If Sun Lingfeng is not killed today, who knows what kind of trouble will be caused in the future.

Everyone is competing outside. If something goes wrong in Xueyun Kingdom, there will be big trouble!

Ye Xinghe would never allow this scene to happen.

After all, this is related to whether he can successfully enter the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Sun Qingyao frowned and said: "Senior Brother Ye, but as far as I know, my eldest brother is extremely favored, and there should be at least a strong person at the seventh level of Nascent Soul guarding him. Can you deal with him?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

"It's quite simple."

After that, he walked over to the killer's body.

At this moment, as the killer dies.

His body also turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

The red robe he was wearing remained in place.

Ye Xinghe checked it and made sure there was no poison on it.

Just put the robe directly on yourself.

The moment he put it on, he felt a little weird.

This robe looked simple, but in fact, he discovered it as soon as he put it on.

His own aura was actually shrouded in this robe, unable to escape at all.

This means that people outside have no way of knowing whether they are strong or weak.

Moreover, his breath became very weak.

If someone is not extremely powerful and deliberately perceives it, they will not be able to perceive it at all.

Moreover, his figure seemed to have become ethereal and somewhat unpredictable.

It is even more impossible to determine who he is.

Ye Xinghe felt happy.

Although this thing is not a high-level spiritual treasure, it does not have very strong defensive power.

However, this function of concealing aura is still very good.

At certain moments, it can be of great use.

At this time, in the eyes of Sun Qingyao and others.

After Ye Beichen put on this red robe, he instantly became ethereal and indistinct.

There is no difference from the killer in red just now.

Everyone was a little more guessing, and they probably guessed what Ye Xinghe was going to do.

Soon, Ye Xinghe found out from Sun Qingyao.

Sun Lingfeng's residence, the surrounding guards, etc.

It quickly disappeared into the night.

Sun Lingfeng was granted the title of prince and was extremely favored.

Lives in the prince's residence on the west side of the palace.

The Prince's Mansion is also huge.

The courtyard where Sun Lingfeng lived was at the core of the Prince's Mansion.

The surrounding area is even more heavily defended, with at least seven or eight lines of defense deployed.

From the ordinary guards on the outermost periphery to the core guards of the palace at the back.

There are many strong men who have already entered the Nascent Soul Realm.

And around the small courtyard where he lives, there are rumors that there are at least two masters of the seventh rank of Nascent Soul.

Always guard there to ensure the safety of His Highness.

In the small courtyard, a candle was already lit in the secret room.

Sun Lingfeng walked slowly and waited there, looking a little anxious.

According to time calculation, the killer in red should be back now.

But it took a while.

Sun Lingfeng thought to himself: "Could it be that something went wrong?"

But then, he shook his head and suppressed the thought.

"How is it possible? That's the red-clad killer from the Seven-Star Tower. He can kill even the seventh-level Nascent Soul. How is it possible that he can't kill a mere Ye Beichen!"

The area of ​​his courtyard is not large, only about thirty meters in diameter.

At this time, suddenly, a red figure appeared in the sky above the courtyard like a ghost.

On both sides of the courtyard, there was an extremely terrifying aura, which was revealed instantly.

These two breaths have already reached the seventh level of Nascent Soul.

One of them has even reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul transition.

A deep and thick old voice said: "Who is it!"

The red figure stood there, motionless and silent.

Sun Lingfeng, who was in the room, heard the movement outside and quickly opened the door.

After seeing the red figure, I immediately felt happy.

Knowing that the red-clothed killer in Qixing Tower has completed his mission, he has come to return to his life.

He immediately said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter, he is one of our own, just let him in."

Those two powerful auras quietly receded again.

Then, the figure flashed and entered the room.

It looks like a ghost.

Close the door, activate the magic circle, and isolate the breath.

Sun Lingfeng asked anxiously: "How is it? Is Ye Beichen dead?"

But the next moment, Sun Lingfeng's expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost.

The expression instantly condensed on his face.

It turned out that the ghostly figure had raised its hood at this moment.

Looking at Sun Lingfeng, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Why, Your Highness, are you just looking forward to my death?"

Sun Lingfeng is astonishing.

Because, the face that appeared in front of him at this moment was that of Ye Beichen!

Sun Lingfeng opened his mouth in an instant and was about to let out a roar, attracting the two powerful Nascent Soul level 7 experts from outside.

But unfortunately, he no longer has this opportunity.

The inner demon rules suddenly activated.

The inner demon's rules, which were greatly amplified by the green necklace, immediately caused his mental breakdown.

The spiritual world seems to be torn apart.

He covered his head and was about to scream.

Ye Xinghe still punched out.

The right arm of God shone brightly, and then quietly covered his mouth.

Ye Xinghe blocked his body and quietly placed Sun Lingfeng on the ground, whose heart had been shattered and her breath had been cut off.

The whole process only took a moment, and Sun Lingfeng was killed with a bang.

And he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Ye Xinghe did not leave immediately.

He had heard Sun Qingyao say it before.

Sun Lingfeng had been in power in Xueyun Kingdom for a hundred years, and he had also collected a lot of benefits and various treasures.

Now that Ye Xinghe is here, there is no reason to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed.

And this small courtyard is the core of the entire Prince's Mansion.

It is said that Sun Lingfeng rarely leaves here.

Then, those treasures will most likely be placed here.

Ye Xinghe did not panic, his spirit spread out, and he felt carefully.

Soon, his eyes lit up and he found a hidden grid on the wall.

Pushing the cabinet open, there was a small mechanism inside.

But something is needed to open the mechanism.

Ye Xinghe aimed his gaze at the jade pendant around Sun Lingfeng's waist.

Putting the jade pendant into the mechanism, it fit perfectly.

The next moment, the mechanism slowly opened, revealing the deep passage inside.

Ye Xinghe spiraled down.

Soon, a secret room was found.

There are dozens of various spiritual treasures and elixirs placed inside, as well as scrolls, treasure maps and other things.

Ye Xinghe didn't bother to take a closer look and immediately swept these things away.

Then leave quickly.

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