Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3206 Tianjiao

Chapter 3206 Tianjiao!

But for Ye Xinghe, he still looks down upon it.

This is not worthy of becoming your own new rule.

As for the other treasures, they were also collected by Ye Xinghe.

These can be used as offerings to the Demon Refining Pot.

Then, the group continued on the road.

The episode that just happened made everyone become much quieter and more alert.

Fortunately, there were no further accidents along the way.

On the second day, the front suddenly became extremely open.

A huge ice ocean appeared in front of everyone.

It is strange to say that the cold here is so severe that it seems to be able to penetrate the bone marrow.

But unfortunately, this ice ocean has not yet frozen.

The seawater stirred up endless stormy waves, which added to the chill.

The sea water here is also different from what Ye Xinghe has seen before.

It was an inky black color, which made people feel heartbroken just by looking at it.

On the side of this endless ice ocean, there is a peninsula extending into it.

At the end of the peninsula is a towering mountain.

The wind was blowing up there, and it was extremely cold.

The hurricane that has never ceased for thousands of years turned the top into a huge platform.

The platform was bare for hundreds of miles, but it was quite lively at this time.

On the edge of the platform, there are nine smaller peaks.

There are obvious traces of human cuts and axes.

It seems to have been carved out here by strong men.

This is true even for this square.

In front of each mountain peak, there is a small building.

Enough for people to live and rest.

At this time, human figures appeared in front of seven peaks.

It turned out that the strong men from seven of the nine northern kingdoms had arrived.

They haven't seen each other for a hundred years.

Although most of them are enemies of life and death, there is no formal battle at this moment.

There was no tense situation.

After all, many of them are quite related themselves.

Moreover, after fighting together several times, they actually felt a bit sympathetic to each other.

At this time, it felt like I hadn't seen an old friend for many years.

No one would think of it at all.

Soon, they will be involved in a terrible fight.

“I arrived very early this year!”

A man wearing a white cloak swept his eyes in front of everyone and laughed: "The competition officially begins in the evening, do you all come here to have a good time?"

His white cloak was embroidered with the symbol of endless mountains and rivers.

This is a person from Xuefeng Country, a powerful country in the northern region.

Xuefeng Kingdom is ranked among the top four in the Northern Territory all year round and is extremely powerful.

And very stable.

No matter what kind of young geniuses emerge in other countries.

They also rarely fall out of the front ranks.

The man next to him smiled and said: "Xie Fengwei, you will be the leader of Xuefeng Kingdom this time!"

Then Xie Fengwei said lightly: "Yes, it's the last time. It won't be me next time."

The people next to him became interested, with a bit of teasing.

"If it weren't for you, Xuefeng Country's results would not be so stable."

Xie Fengwei said calmly: "Several young talents have recently emerged in our Xuefeng country. This time I will bring them to see the excitement."

"Next time, they should do better than me."

Someone also frowned and said, "Why haven't the people from Snow Lion Country and Xueyun Country come yet?"

Xie Fengwei sneered: "Snow Lion Country is still worth seeing, so it doesn't matter whether the people from Xueyun Country will come or not. Anyway, if they come, they will be ranked first from the bottom!"

In an instant, everyone burst into laughter, but no one refuted.

Obviously, they all despised Xueyun Country's strength.

Suddenly someone next to him sneered: "Xie Fengwei, you look down on this and that. You make it sound like you are very powerful. You can only finish fourth every time!"

Hearing this, Xie Fengwei suddenly became furious and said sternly: "Wei Xu, I will defeat your Ice Phoenix Nation this year and take third place!"

Na Yuxu was a thin young man who looked pale and sickly.

The words are extremely sharp.

He sneered: "Even if it's a dream, I just got third place. Xie Fengwei, what kind of pattern are you doing!"

"Be bold, you might as well get first place this year!"

The crowd suddenly burst into laughter.

Xie Fengwei was immediately unable to get off stage.

Everyone gathered around him intentionally or unintentionally, and the man in the middle was wearing an ice blue robe.

They are all flattering to him.

But the big man had a calm face, arms folded, eyes half open and half closed.

It seemed that he didn't hear the content of their words at all.

He just closed his eyes and meditated there, paying no attention to others.

Looks very arrogant.

And he also has the capital of arrogance.

Because, this person is the number one among the nine kingdoms in the Northern Territory, the leader of the Snow God Kingdom!

Yes, he is young, not even 200 years old yet, but he has already ascended to the position of king.

This person's name is Lu Minyun, and he is the genius of the Snow God Kingdom.

Snow God Kingdom was originally number one among the nine kingdoms in the Northern Territory and had dominated for many years.

And he emerged at a very young age and was extremely talented.

Therefore, after he led the Snow Kingdom team to win the first place in the nine northern kingdoms last time.

The old leader of the Snow God Kingdom simply gave up the position of leader to him and went to practice with peace of mind.

After becoming the leader of the country, you can mobilize the resources of the Snow God Kingdom.

The Snow God Kingdom took first place, and its own resources ranked first among the nine northern kingdoms.

Therefore, the resources he can mobilize have become extremely terrifying.

In the past hundred years, the strength has increased crazily.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Lu Minyun was like a high mountain.

It’s hard to imagine how powerful it is, we can only look up to it.

It gives people a sense of unfathomability.

Feeling the aura on his body, everyone also whispered.

"I wonder how terrifying Lu Minyun's strength has reached now?"

"Yes, a hundred years ago, he had already entered the seventh stage of the Nascent Soul!"

"Furthermore, I heard that after the last competition, he had another unexpected encounter and his strength has been further improved. Now he is very likely to be infinitely close to the eighth rank of Nascent Soul!"

Everyone suddenly gasped.

The strength of Nascent Soul's eighth level is almost two realms higher than theirs.

This is almost a legendary figure.

Such as the kings of their countries, and even the top group of strong men among the nine northern kingdoms.

But it’s just in this realm.

Moreover, those people are all old monsters who have been practicing for who knows how many years.

Lu Minyun is different.

At this moment, Lu Minyun was less than three hundred years old.

Can be considered the younger generation.

But everyone thought about it and realized that he was now the leader of the Snow God Kingdom, and they were relieved.

This strength matches his identity.

Someone said softly: "Looking at Lu Minyun's attitude, I am afraid he will not become the number one in the nine northern kingdoms in the future!"

"I think it is possible that after reaching the seventh stage of the Nascent Soul, one's lifespan can reach about 700 years."

"Every turn of promotion can increase one hundred years."

"It won't be a big problem for him to reach the eighth or even ninth stage of the Nascent Soul in his lifetime. He may even be able to stabilize that state!"

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