Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3219 Plot!

He smiled proudly and said, "Ye Xinghe would never have thought that my Beast King Clan's spies are all over the Lieyang Dynasty!"

"If he leaves the Lieyang Dynasty, I can't do anything."

"But as long as he dares to come back, he will be found immediately!"

"I don't know where he hid before."

The ancestor of the Beast King Clan said indifferently, "Don't worry about anything else. Since he is back, let's capture him. I have something to ask him in person."

Quan Kunyang nodded, "Okay, I'll do it now!"

"I will make anyone who dares to kill our Beast King Clan He can neither live nor die!"

The old ancestor said calmly: "Quan Hao and Qi Zhen are already dead, so don't worry about them."

"The key is what benefits can be gained from Ye Xinghe."

The old ancestor warned: "Don't forget, when you catch him, there is also the black falcon beside him. That is the most important thing, don't forget it!"

Quan Kunyang nodded heavily: "Don't worry, old ancestor, I don't care, he is not important, that falcon is important!"

The old ancestor nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and signaled him to leave.

After Quan Kunyang left, he whispered to himself, with a strong greed in his eyes.

"Ye Xinghe, Ye Xinghe, what virtue do you have to let such a powerful demon pet follow you!"

"However, this demon pet will soon belong to my Beast King Clan!"

"There are very few demon saints who can be subdued and so powerful. My Beast King Clan has not encountered such a thing in thousands of years."

"The magic of this demon pet is enough to make my Beast King Clan's strength reach a new level!"

It turns out that the reason why the Beast King Clan changed its previous attitude is that it values ​​Ye Xinghe very much.

And, it was because of the existence of Mr. Qiang that they arranged people to deal with him one after another.

At the beginning, the Beast King Clan did not care about Ye Xinghe.

They only sent Quan Hao and Quan Qizhen to go.

Unexpectedly, Quan Hao and Quan Qizhen were killed by Ye Xinghe.

The Beast King Clan immediately sent more people to seek revenge.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe disappeared from then on.

In the past six months, the Beast King Clan has been looking for him hard, but to no avail.

And today, he finally found his whereabouts, how could he not be excited.

After Quan Kunyang returned, he immediately dispatched strong men to surround and kill Ye Xinghe.

After arranging all this, he came to the underground prison of the Beast King Clan.

At the end of the cold and deep prison, there was a strong smell of blood.

The two people were hung here, and their breath was faint, as if only one breath was left.

If Ye Xinghe was here, he would definitely recognize them.

The two people who were beaten to a bloody mess were Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan.

It turned out that the Beast King Clan had extremely strong means.

Although Ye Xinghe and others had done a very perfect job in killing Quan Hao and Quan Qizhen that day.

But they had a secret method that could glimpse the last few scenes that the disciples saw before they died.

Therefore, they also knew that it was Ye Xinghe and others who killed the people of the Beast King Clan.

Therefore, after Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan just returned to the sect and reported the news.

They were captured by the Beast King Clan and brought here directly.

Guanghan Dao Sect naturally knew everything about this matter.

But the Beast King Clan is powerful and deeply rooted in Guanghan Dao Sect.

Guanghan Dao Sect did not want to fall out with the Beast King Clan because of this matter.

So they just watched the two of them being taken to the Beast King Clan and imprisoned.

During this period, the two suffered a lot of torture.

Their cultivation was abolished, their bones were crushed, and there was not an inch of good meat.

They were bloody and useless.

The reason why they were not dead was because of Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe had not been captured yet.

The Beast King Clan wanted to capture them and kill them together.

To warn the spirits of the two clansmen in heaven.

Quan Kunyang walked up to them and sneered: "You are so stubborn. You are unwilling to tell Ye Xinghe's secret for so long!"

At this time, Zheng Yi slowly raised his head, his face was covered with blood, but he grinned, and his eyes were full of contempt.

He struggled and spit a mouthful of thick phlegm in front of Quan Kunyang.

"Kill me if you dare!"

Quan Kunyang was not angry, and said lightly: "No need, you are no longer useful to me."

Quan Kunyang said in a gloomy voice: "Ye Xinghe's trace has been found, and the strong men of my Beast King Clan have gone to snipe and kill him."

"Soon, Ye Xinghe will be caught and brought back to accompany you two!"

Qian Feiyuan was like a dead man, with his head down and no words.

At this time, hearing Ye Xinghe's name, both of them struggled violently.

He suddenly raised his head and wanted to say something.

But he was seriously injured and couldn't say it.

Quan Kunyang laughed wildly and said: "Don't worry, if you have anything to say, tell him when you see him in person!"

After that, he laughed wildly and left.

The flying boat was traveling above the sky, and Ye Xinghe sat cross-legged and practiced peacefully.

Suddenly, an extreme warning came to his heart.

Ye Xinghe didn't care about anything else, and immediately flew into the air.

The next moment, the flying boat under him.

With a bang, it turned into fragments.

A black shadow also rushed towards Ye Xinghe through the debris in the sky.

The culprit who smashed the flying boat revealed his face.

This also made Ye Xinghe frown slightly.

It turned out that what appeared in front of him was a mosquito.

A huge black giant mosquito, ten feet long.

There were three red pointed mouths in the front.

It looked extremely sharp, and red light flashed on it.

There are even more patterns.

This giant black mosquito smashed the flying boat.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe reacted so quickly and was not injured.

The next moment, the giant black mosquito rushed towards Ye Xinghe.

The long pointed mouth opened and let out a loud roar.

A red light swept across the moment.

Ye Xinghe only felt his blood rising and his energy rising.

In an instant, the essence and blood on the body seemed to be leaving the body.

Fly directly towards the giant black mosquito.

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

"This demon saint is very powerful, and his methods are weird. He can actually absorb blood essence from a distance!"

Ye Xinghe's blood and essence almost flew out of his body. At the same time, his body was unable to move.

It seems that this giant black mosquito has the effect of controlling sperm and blood.

The essence and blood in Ye Xinghe's body were controlled, and his body shape was naturally also controlled.

And the giant black mosquito came to him in an instant.

The long pointed beak stabbed hard, and the light flashed.

It feels extremely sharp.

But who is Ye Xinghe.

His thoughts moved slightly, God's inheritance was reversed, and God's right arm suddenly activated.

I immediately felt like I was out of control.

The body shape has also returned to normal.

Then he punched hard.

With a loud noise, it collided with the giant mosquito's sharp beak.

Ye Xinghe's body was shaken and he took a few steps back.

The sharp beak of the giant black mosquito was crooked.

It screamed and fell back, throwing out a stream of black blood.

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