Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3222: Bloodline evolves again

Chapter 3222 The bloodline evolves again!

The short and stocky man said with difficulty: "I'm just afraid I'm going to die, right?"

"Can you let me know before you die, what methods did you use?"

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "No need."

He didn't want the other party to be a fool.

Because Ye Xinghe knew it very well.

I'm just afraid that the Beast King Clan most likely has some means.

You can learn some information through the scene before the owner's death.

Otherwise, how could they find him so quickly.

Therefore, he will never reveal his trump card.

Just let him be confused.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe struck out with a palm.

Take the life of this short, stocky man.

And the death of the master obviously has a huge impact on his demon pet.

The giant bronze beetle made a shrill cry.

There were numerous wounds on his body, and his momentum dropped rapidly.

But he still roared and rushed towards Ye Xinghe, wanting revenge.

Ye Xinghe cooked it easily.

However, he did not kill it, but quickly left with it.

Soon, Ye Xinghe came to the side of a nearby giant peak and found a cave.

At this time, Ye Xinghe had time to check, and he had just spent too much money for the rest of his life.

He sacrificed the Nascent Soul, his eyes moved, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

For him, this result is already considered quite good.

The inner demon rules or space rules he was most worried about.

The scene where he disappeared as the price of sacrifice did not appear.

What disappeared was the rules of ice.

Ye Xinghe felt a little disappointed, as this rule had been with him for almost the longest time.

It's hard to bear to lose it like this.

After a long time, he shook his head and calmed down his emotions.

But at this moment, he discovered that as he lost this rule.

His level also dropped instantly.

From the fifth level of Nascent Soul to the fourth level of Nascent Soul.

However, Ye Xinghe naturally has a way to deal with it.

He smiled faintly, his thoughts moved slightly, and entered his dantian.

Take out a rule from the heaven-swallowing divine cauldron.

This rule is exactly what I got from Jiang Lingchen before, the three-word motto rule.

After Ye Xinghe obtained it in the Mysterious Realm of Wanling Valley, he kept it in the Heaven-Swallowing Cauldron for sacrifice.

It has already been refined.

But Ye Xinghe felt that its power seemed to be nothing more than this.

It has never been placed in Nascent Soul.

But now the opportunity has come.

Ye Xinghe put the three-character motto into his Nascent Soul inlaid mouth.

Not because of how powerful the three-word motto is.

But Ye Xinghe must ensure that there are enough rules on this Nascent Soul.

The fewer rules there are, the greater the probability that space rules will be used as sacrifices.

After the three-character motto was refined, Ye Xinghe returned to the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

At this time, he frowned slightly and thought to himself.

"Anyway, I have the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron in hand, so I can smelt more rules. Why don't I just refine three or four rules to fill up the inlay holes on the Nascent Soul!"

"In this case, the chance of the space rules being drawn every time will be even smaller."

Of course, this also has a huge side effect.

That is, Ye Xinghe's realm will quickly break through to the eighth or even ninth rank of Nascent Soul.

Of course, the strength simply cannot reach a level that matches it.

Ye Xinghe thought for a long time, and finally shook his head to dispel the thought.

Doing so is too risky, a hasty breakthrough, and the foundation is unstable.

The final price is very likely to be something you won't be able to bear.

He no longer thought about this matter, took out the demon refining pot, and said in a deep voice: "Release that demon beast."

Xue Fengxin was sucked into the demon refining pot together with his giant black mosquito demon pet.

At this time, Ye Xinghe wanted that giant black mosquito to still be useful.

After Ye Xinghe spoke for a long time, there was no movement in the demon refining pot.

Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

I know this bitch is asking for benefits again.

But Ye Xinghe is helpless now and can only coddle it.

He had no choice but to take out another spiritual treasure and said: "That's it, it's gone, do you want love?"

With a 'pop' sound, the Lingbao shattered.

And the next moment, the light in the demon refining pot flashed.

The giant black mosquito was spat out.

It has no use for this thing, so it will just replace it with a spiritual treasure.

At this time, the giant black mosquito was still alive and dying.

Looking at the two sixth-grade demon saints in front of him, Ye Xinghe's eyes showed excitement.

It just so happened that Ye Xinghe's bloodline had not been replenished for a long time.

And these two sixth-grade demon saints are of sufficient rank.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe felt that their bloodline was also very powerful.

Of course he won't waste it.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe directly used the rules of blood.

The purple light that filled the sky spread toward the two sixth-grade demon saints.

Then, Ye Xinghe felt the feedback of the Blood Rule.

Its mood is very excited, with a bit of greed.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with the blood of these two sixth-grade demon saints.

What else is there to say?

Ye Xinghe immediately began to refine his bloodline.

It took Ye Xinghe seven full days to refine all the blood of these two sixth-grade demon saints.

Seven days later, a purple light flashed on the surface of Ye Xinghe's body, and then quickly returned to his body.

Standing on the thousands-mile-long river transformed by blood, watching the waves surging beneath my feet.

Ye Xinghe's face showed a look of surprise.

"As expected of a sixth-grade demon saint, his bloodline is powerful and special!"

"After I absorbed and refined the blood of these two sixth-grade demon saints, the power of my blood and the rules of blood have increased by at least 50%!"

At this time, the thousand-mile-long river in Ye Xinghe's body had turned into a fifteen-thousand-mile-long river.

About half longer than before.

Vast and endless.

Moreover, the most intuitive feeling is.

If he had pushed God's right arm desperately before, he would have punched the most powerful one.

He could only throw two punches before his blood would be exhausted.

But now, it can support him to punch three times!

This also means that he is really pressed for urgency.

He can also use the ultimate power of this god's arm as a trump card!

Before, Ye Xinghe didn't dare to use it for fear of losing his bloodline.

But as the bloodline becomes stronger and stronger, maybe he can turn the ultimate power of God's right arm into his regular method.

After all, it is a powerful power that can kill the seventh-level Nascent Soul with one punch!

If part of the bloodline is lost, just replenish it.

Then, Ye Xinghe disappeared into the cave.

He first returned to Guanghan Dao Sect.

There are some things he needs to confirm first.

After returning to Guanghan Dao Sect, Ye Xinghe neither went to find his master nor returned to his cave to practice and rest.

He knew very well that Immortal Starlight must know that he was not dead.

With his cultivation level, he couldn't even do this.

No one would believe it.

And since Xingguang Immortal knows it, Master will naturally know it too.

Naturally, they won't worry too much.

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