Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3225 The Prodigy of the Beast King Clan

Chapter 3225 The Prodigy of the Beast King Clan!

They all look young, wearing brocade clothes and robes, with arrogant expressions and a sense of superiority.

Each person was surrounded by several servants.

Obviously, their identities are extraordinary.

There is an old green pine on a mountain peak not far away.

At this moment, a piece of bark on the green pine suddenly moved, revealing the person underneath.

It turns out that this piece of old tree bark was actually made by Ye Xinghe!

Ye Xinghe has discovered various magical features of this red cloak in the past few days.

It can change color, form, and even breath according to any environment.

It allows Ye Xinghe to perfectly blend into any environment.

For example, he was lying on this old pine tree.

Then, even if a strong man passes by, he will only think that he is a piece of bark.

Not only does his color and size blend into the bark of the tree.

Even the breath is exactly the same as the old one.

Ye Xinghe finally understood why the red-clothed killer of Seven Star Tower was so feared.

Moreover, he can often kill strong men whose strength far exceeds his own.

This red cloak definitely deserves credit.

He stared at two of the young men, his eyes lit up, and he whispered to himself: "It's you!"

These days, he has turned into rocks and trees, hiding everywhere.

He also found out all the details about this beast king clan.

Those two young men in brocade clothes were the two most favored young men among the direct descendants of the Beast King Clan.

After all, they should be the grandchildren of the ancestor of the Beast King Clan.

Of course, the two of them are the most valued and favored by their ancestors.

Not just because of their origins.

It's because these two people contain extremely special blood.

Among their peers, they are the youngest, but they are the strongest and have the noblest blood.

This means that they will be able to tame the most powerful monsters in the future.

The Beast King Clan attaches great importance to these two people.

The ancestor even once said personally that they might surpass themselves in the future.

You know, the ancestor is a powerful person who has surpassed the eighth level of Nascent Soul.

Ye Xinghe followed them quietly.

Their names are Kwon Jingxu and Kwon Wonhyuk respectively.

People are following them like stars holding the moon.

Quan Jingxu suddenly lowered his voice, looked around, and then said mysteriously: "Have you heard about Ye Xinghe?"

Others were a little confused.

Quan Yuanhe laughed and said: "I know, I heard that the family recently sent people to arrest this kid everywhere, saying that the Guanghan Dao Sect has gone there, but unfortunately, he has not been found in the Guanghan Dao Sect."

Quan Jingxu said curiously: "I heard that he is a boy at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, and he is not very strong. Why does the family pay so much attention to him?" Quan Yuanhe smiled.

"There must be something good about him that caught the family's attention!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Obviously, they are very clear about the behavior of the Beast King Clan.

And he didn't take it to heart at all.

On the contrary, I think this is a normal thing.

A cold look flashed in Quan Jingxu's eyes, and he smiled: "A mere fifth-level Nascent Soul can't be caught even after using so many hands. It's really a waste!"

"If it were us, we would have captured him!"

Everyone nodded quickly and praised him again and again.

It even made Quan Jingxu feel a little elated.

Quan Yuanhe suddenly rolled his eyes and whispered: "How about we quietly leave the family tomorrow and capture him?"

"I can find someone to get a compass that can pinpoint his location!"

Quan Jingxu's eyes lit up: "Okay, let's set out tomorrow. One day should be enough to capture Ye Xinghe!"

A ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"During this period, he made the family exhausted and suffered heavy losses."

"After I capture him, I have to deal with him hard and let him know the price of offending our Beast King Clan!"

Quan Yuanhe also looked forward to it.

"It's been a long time since I tortured anyone, I miss you so much!"

"Last time, it was Zheng Yi and Qian Feiyuan who made us addicted."

"It's a pity that those two bastards are so tough-talking that they can't ask anything."

They didn't realize it when they said this.

A rock not far from them seemed to shake slightly.

Soon, the group of people dispersed talking and laughing and returned to their homes.

And Ye Xinghe quickly found out their details thoroughly.

Quan Jingxu, Yuan Ying's fourth-level cultivation, its main rule is the rule of thunder.

The current demon pet is a thunder beast, a fourth-grade demon saint.

But it is just a cub of the Thunder Beast, with huge potential for future growth.

The highest level can even grow into a seventh-grade demon saint.

Quan Yuanhe, the fifth level of Nascent Soul, whose powerful rule is the rule of mind control.

His demon pet is a weird insect.

Not much was known about that weird bug.

All I know is that it seems that this thing can greatly enhance spiritual attacks.

and Kwon Yuan Hyuk also complement each other.

The moon is like water, casting a clear light in the courtyard.

In the elegant and luxurious palace, Quan Jingxu was practicing cross-legged.

He had just taken a handful of pills and was currently refining them.

Next to him, a monster beast about one foot long, like a rhinoceros, was lying there.

There is a black horn about two feet long on the top of its head, with blue electric light lingering on it.

It was his demon pet Thunder Beast.

Suddenly, the demon pet thunder beast snorted as if it noticed something.

He raised his head in confusion, as if he sensed something.

I also felt that my perception was wrong.

But suddenly, its eyes widened and it looked somewhere in the room.

On the horn, blue electric light was dense, and a terrifying aura condensed.

It seems that an attack will be launched at the next moment.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and let out a roar.

But at this moment, a figure in red suddenly appeared in front of it and punched out.

The thunder beast only felt that there was only a bright golden color in its eyes and nothing else.

The next moment, it felt a sharp pain in its throat, and then it didn't know anything else.

Lost consciousness instantly.

The muffled roar was directly drowned in his throat.

This person strikes very quickly and is extremely powerful.

So much so that the Thunder Beast's attack was not even launched.

Quan Jingxu also suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, he was shocked.

The scene that appeared in front of him horrified him.

The thunder beast has been killed by one punch and cannot die anymore!

Next to it, a man in a red robe shook his right hand and turned to look at him.

The man had a somewhat mocking smile on his lips.

Quan Jingxu was shocked and angry, and shouted in a low voice: "Who are you? How dare you come to our beast king clan to run wild!"

But there was a bit of unconcealable panic in his eyes.

The opponent can kill the thunder beast easily, and his strength is definitely far superior to his!

He was already afraid.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Don't you want to find me?"

"Why, now that I'm standing in front of you, you don't recognize me?"

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