Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3248 The biggest difficulty

Chapter 3248 The biggest difficulty!

Moreover, it seems that Ye Xinghe has been mentally prepared for this.

It was as if they were waiting for him here specifically.

The messenger in white spoke slowly: "I only made an appointment with me on a time to meet, but I can't even decide on a location. If I can't find this place, what will happen to you?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "The dignified white-clothed messenger of the God Buried Ancient Clan has been focused on dealing with the Yunlong Ancient Clan for tens of thousands of years. If he can't be found anywhere, then there is really no need for us to meet."

The messenger in white shook his head, with an expression of interest on his face.

"What an interesting little guy!"

He waved his hand, and the black light on his face dissipated, revealing a thin and pale face.

However, as his eyes opened and closed, golden light flashed.

And around his body, the divine light of annihilation lingered.

As he moved his fingers, the divine light of annihilation came and went.

Like the most docile pet.

He raised his eyes slightly, looked at Ye Xinghe and said calmly: "Tell me, why do you want to see me, why do you want to take such a big risk?"

"If you are discovered by the Yunlong Ancient Clan, I have the power to protect myself and can escape. I'm afraid you will die without a burial place."

Ye Xinghe stared at him and said slowly.

But among the ancient God-Buried Clan, the white-clothed messengers who had seen countless winds and waves were all horrified.

There was unspeakable shock in his eyes.

Ye Xinghe said exactly what he said: "I want to destroy the Yunlong Ancient Clan!"

The white-clothed messenger instinctively laughed out loud.

However, when he came into contact with Ye Xinghe's eyes.

But he was slightly frightened, with an unspeakable emotion welling up in his heart.

His expression also became extremely serious, staring closely at Ye Xinghe.

It turned out that when Ye Xinghe and everyone in Yamato fought against the messenger in white.

He deliberately rubbed himself up and fought with him in close combat.

At the beginning, the white-clothed envoy laughed at Ye Xinghe for not overestimating his own capabilities and wanted to kill him.

But at this moment, he discovered it.

Something was stuffed into Ye Xinghe's arms.

He immediately felt something in his heart and crushed the object, which was when he received a message.

It turned out that Ye Xinghe took this opportunity to send him a message.

Make an appointment to meet him and discuss some things in detail.

And because there were Ice Immortal and others nearby, Ye Xinghe didn't even dare to send a message.

I was afraid that if they heard me, it would be too late to regret it.

This messenger in white was also an extremely shrewd person and immediately responded to Ye Xinghe calmly.

After that, the two of them pretended to have a fight and then retreated.

The messenger in white came as promised.

However, when he looked at Ye Xinghe, some unspeakable emotions welled up in his heart.

There was surprise and shock, but also a bit of shock.

In fact, this messenger in white looks like an ordinary messenger in white.

But in fact, the identity is very unusual.

He is a person with a very good background among the God Buried Ancient Clan.

Its profound strength is unfathomable.

He has been practicing.

At this time, seeing Ye Xinghe's gaze, he suddenly seemed to be touched by something.

He didn't care about this newcomer who had just joined the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

When I came here today, I also thought about whether there were jujubes or no jujubes.

But at this moment, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"This person might be able to surprise me!"

He said in a deep voice: "Chu Xiaoyun."

Ye Xinghe also spoke concisely and to the point: "Ye Beichen."

The two exchanged names, and their trust grew a little more.

He asked softly: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Xinghe knew that he was considering himself.

If you can't explain why, or the plan is of no use at all.

I'm afraid that the God-Burying Ancient Clan won't take him seriously either.

It is even very possible to abandon yourself at will.

It's just a useless chess piece anyway.

He spoke about the plan in a deep voice.

Ye Xinghe has already planned extremely carefully.

After hearing this, Chu Xiaoyun also showed a hint of shock on his face.

He looked Ye Xinghe up and down and said: "It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

"Did you come up with this plan on your own?"

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "What else?"

Chu Xiaoyun smiled bitterly and said: "I think the plan that the dozen or so top elders of my God Burying Ancient Clan spent a long time thinking about is not as good as yours."

Ye Xinghe asked: "What was your original plan?"

Chu Xiaoyun didn't hide it, and told him in general.

Of course, many of these subtleties are overlooked.

With the current relationship between the two, there are naturally many things that they cannot say.

After hearing this, Ye Xinghe frowned slightly, but suddenly relaxed.

His eyes lit up and he said, "Perhaps, these two plans can be softened a little!"

He spoke his mind.

Chu Xiaoyun's eyes showed excitement and he gave a high five.

"Okay, this is a good idea!"

"However, there is a detail in it that you cannot act in the Spiritual Medicine Palace now."

"But if the plan works, we can destroy the most critical and terrifying thing!"

"If this can be done, the threat from the Yunlong Ancient Clan will be reduced by about 70%, and I hope this plan can be implemented smoothly!"

Ye Xinghe frowned and said: "What is the most critical point?"

Chu Xiaoyun did not answer, but asked implicitly: "Do you know what is the most terrifying thing among the Yunlong Ancient Clan?"

Ye Xinghe's heart moved slightly, but he shook his head.

Chu Xiaoyun pointed upward and said, "That's that thing!"

Ye Xinghe raised his head.

I saw only white clouds in the sky, the sky was blue, and nothing else.

There is only a huge cloud-transforming divine dragon, standing across the void.

Ye Xinghe was stunned at first, then his eyes widened, and he shouted in disbelief: "Could it be this Cloud Transformation Dragon?"

"Isn't this Cloud Transformation Dragon a dead thing?"

"Is it still alive?"

"It still has attack power. Is it a threat?"

No wonder Ye Xinghe asked so many questions in a row.

It was really because these words shocked him so much.

He knew about the existence of the Cloud Transformation Dragon on the first day he came to the ancient Yunlong Clan.

However, he only thought that Huayun Shenlong was a dead thing.

It's just like ruins.

There may still be some legacy left that can speed up cultivation.

Or maybe there is some powerful formation on him.

Or maybe the body of this divine dragon is extremely strong and strong enough to protect the ancient Yunlong clan.

Therefore, the Yunlong tribe chose to establish a family here.

But he didn't expect it anyway.

Listening to what Chu Xiaoyun meant, it seemed that the Cloud Transformation Dragon was actually alive and had powerful attack power!

Ye Xinghe's heart sank quickly.

If this is the case, it will be even more difficult for him to deal with the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

This is simply an invincible opponent!

Chu Xiaoyun said: "Otherwise, if it weren't for the protection of the Cloud Transformation Dragon, our God Burying Ancient Clan would have wiped out the Yunlong Ancient Clan long ago!"

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