Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3275 The power of the incarnation of the inner demon

Chapter 3275 The power of the incarnation of the inner demon!

A sword knocked them away.

Several people were spitting out blood and their injuries were already serious.

Unexpectedly, he actually killed him directly.

Yun Lifeng roared: "Get out of here!"

Killed again.

This time no one dared to stop him.

After all, no one wants to risk their life.

The elder shouted loudly: "Ye Beichen, run away quickly and hold on until the black-robed elder arrives. Then you will be saved!"

"Run away quickly, you are no match for him!"

Yun Lifeng laughed wildly and said: "Escape, do you think he can escape!"

However, faced with this blow.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm, staring at the brilliant sword light.

He knows it very well.

Facing this blow, if you run away, you will only be killed by him from behind.

There is only one way to survive in death.

That's a head-on battle!

However, how to fight and how to choose the time are the most important.

Getting closer and closer, the sword light keeps getting closer.

And just when the sword light was still a hundred meters away from Ye Xinghe, it completely exploded.

At this moment, Yun Lifeng laughed wildly and said: "Boy, you are so scared that you don't even dare to move!"

"A guy like you is worthy of killing my son!"

Many elders around saw this scene and shook their heads.

"This Ye Beichen doesn't live up to his name!"

"Yes, Long Jingxi boasted about him so much before. He thought he was so strong, but unexpectedly, he was frightened out of his wits by this blow!"

"He didn't move, he just stood there, waiting to die!"

Everyone sighed, thinking that Ye Beichen was dead this time.

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly moved.

Nascent Soul suddenly appeared behind him.

The inner demon rule at the top of Nascent Soul flashes out with three colors of light.

In an instant, Yun Lifeng was enveloped.

Yun Lifeng felt like his eyes were blurred.

Then, the light shone brightly, and my mind became dizzy, and my thoughts were extremely chaotic.

In an instant, something seemed to grow out of that soul.

Then, the soul actually exploded.

But that's it, nothing further.

He grinned and said, "Boy, is this how you stop me?"

"Can you stop me just because of this?"

His moves weren't even blocked.

The brilliant sword light was still killing Ye Xinghe.

Everyone was a little confused.

"What exactly is Ye Beichen doing? Are these the only means?"

"Ye Beichen is exaggerating!"

"Yes, Long Jingxi still praises him so highly, I can't stand it."

But the next moment, a scene that shocked Yun Lifeng appeared.

In the void in front of him, light flashed past.

A figure suddenly appeared.

This figure is none other than myself!

He is also wearing a linen robe, and he is also holding a long sword in his hand, and the brilliant sword light is swaying out.

It's like looking at yourself in the mirror and the self that appears in the mirror!

What's more important is that this person's sword was also aimed at him!

Yun Lifeng felt that his brain was about to freeze.

There was no time to think at all.

The existence that looked exactly like him had already killed him instantly.

There was a 'bang' sound.

Two brilliant sword lights collided fiercely.

There was a loud 'bang' sound, and the two sword lights suddenly dissipated.

Yun Lifeng, on the other hand, was directly knocked back.

He stopped in mid-air and looked at the person who looked exactly like him across from him with a horrified face.

He was surprised to find out.

Not only does this person's appearance and aura look the same as mine.

The most important thing is that his strength is as good as his own!

To be precise, this is actually another me!

The difference is that the person opposite is looking at him calmly.

Or to be precise, his eyes were a little hollow and numb.

Yun Lifeng shouted in horror: "Who the hell are you? How can you change into my appearance? How is this possible?"

He couldn't make up his mind for a moment and didn't know what was going on.

He was shocked by this strange scene and did not take action.

At this time, the people of the Yunlong Ancient Clan around them all looked surprised.

They looked at the incarnation of their inner demon and then at Yun Lifeng.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on Ye Xinghe.

"It seems that this is Ye Beichen's method!"

"Yeah, I asked why Ye Beichen didn't hide before and just waited here. It turns out that he actually has this trump card!"

"Could it be that this fake Yun Lifeng appeared because of Ye Beichen?"

"I'm afraid that its strength is far inferior to the real Yun Lifeng. If it is destroyed by one move, Ye Beichen will still be killed!"

At this time, Ye Xinghe felt severe pain in his head.

The spiritual world seems to be torn apart.

His inner demon rules also became dim.

Apparently it won't be available for a while.

He had just pushed the inner demon rules to the extreme.

After all, Yun Lifeng was already at the peak of the eighth level of Nascent Soul.

Even a master of the Nine Transformations of the Nascent Soul.

It can only be used on him, and the inner demon rules can only create one incarnation of the inner demon.

Moreover, for Ye Xinghe, the loss was huge.

At this time, he was also a little uneasy.

I don’t know how strong this incarnation of the inner demon is.

However, for Ye Xinghe.

It doesn't need to actually kill and defeat Yun Lifeng, as long as it can sustain it for a while.

Hold on for a while, and someone will naturally arrive.

Yun Lifeng pondered for a moment, but still didn't want to let Ye Xinghe go.

He roared and killed again.

And the incarnation of the inner demon on the opposite side is also coming to kill.

Yun Lifeng's rules surged, but when he was about to make contact, he suddenly changed his moves.

He felt that the counterfeit opposite him could not be his opponent in any case.

Not to mention these changes in myself.

But what he didn't expect was.

The counterfeit opposite suddenly used a sword that shone brightly.

A huge defensive network was formed, blocking him and Ye Xinghe.

Yun Lifeng's attack landed on it and was knocked away directly.

He was frightened and said: "This, this is obviously the secret technique I just practiced, how could you do it!"

Everyone was even more horrified.

"Does this counterfeit actually have all the abilities of Yun Lifeng?"

Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up slightly.

This is the power of inner demon rules!

The created incarnation of the inner demon will inherit all the abilities of the original body!

Yun Lifeng seemed to be irritated, roaring angrily and attacking continuously.

But the incarnation of the inner demon on the opposite side was not to be outdone.

For a while, Yun Lifeng was unable to break through its defense.

The two are playing against each other and it's hard to tell the difference.

However, Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

Because the existence time of this inner demon incarnation is limited.

The higher the other party's level, the lower the time the inner demon incarnation exists.

Judging from Yun Lifeng's realm, the existence time of this inner demon incarnation is probably a cup of tea.

After a cup of tea, it will disappear.

And the time is gradually approaching.

Finally, when Yun Lifeng attacked again.

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