Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3284: Game within game

There was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Because, the family wants to use their tactics to get you to lure the God Buried Ancient Clan over, and then set a huge trap for them!" BiquPai.

He laughed wildly and said: "This raid by the God Buried Ancient Clan must be related to you."

Yun Lifeng was about to say something, but the blood-robed ancestor didn't give him the chance.

He sneered: "It's useless if you don't admit it. Except for you, no one can make the God Buried Ancient Clan be so determined and spend such a high price to launch a surprise attack!"

"The God Buried Ancient Clan must have thought that we, the Yunlong Ancient Clan, were unprepared."

"As everyone knows, we used our plan and set a trap here!"

"If the Ancient God Burial Clan dares to come, they will die miserably!"

He pointed to the top of his head and said with a smile: "The master is holding them back to buy us time to wait for the refining here to be completed."

When Yun Lifeng heard this, everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't argue.

I was angry and anxious for a moment, and said sternly: "This matter has nothing to do with me!"

"I promised the Ancient God Burial Clan, but I didn't do this!"

How could the blood-robed ancestor believe it? He sneered and said, "It doesn't matter anymore. The Ancient God Burial Clan will be expelled today!"

But next to him, Ye Xinghe felt as if his heart had dropped into an ice cellar.

Ye Xinghe's heart was filled with turmoil, and he never expected it.

The God Buried Ancient Clan is the deepest chess piece placed among the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

It turned out to be Yun Lifeng!

What he didn't expect was that the Yunlong Ancient Clan knew Yun Lifeng's identity.

Therefore, they have always been wary of the surprise attack from the God Buried Ancient Clan.

They thought it was due to some mistake.

This time the Yunlong Ancient Clan suffered a surprise attack because of Yun Lifeng.

And they are also ready.

A huge trap must be set for the God Buried Ancient Clan here.

Take this opportunity to directly destroy the God-Burying Ancient Clan!

Ye Xinghe instantly felt that his breathing almost stopped.

He didn't expect that a combination of circumstances would lead to a situation within a situation.

And he was clearly in a dead end at the moment.

With the blood-robed ancestor guarding here, Yun Lifeng has no chance of defeating him.

Once these dozen powerful men complete their cultivation and evolution.

Then, everyone who comes to attack from the God Buried Ancient Clan will die!

Although the ancient Yunlong clan also suffered a great loss in strength.

But after annexing the Ancient God Burial Clan, they were able to rise again in a short period of time.

The strength is stronger than before.

By then, the hope of revenge will be even slimmer!

Ye Xinghe forced himself to calm down, a voice roaring in his heart.

"When I think of a way to break the situation, I can definitely think of a way to break it!"

"Ye Xinghe, you have a way!"

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's mood became calm.

After practicing the inner demon rules.

He has become extremely skillful in controlling his emotions.

At this moment, he was rapidly thinking of ways to break the situation.

And suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

"Yes, why did I ignore this!"

"It doesn't matter that I'm not the opponent of the blood-robed ancestor, and I don't necessarily have to defeat him."

"All the key lies in the heart of Garuda!"

The source of their absorption lies in the heart of Garuda.

Just destroy Garuda's heart.

Their plan will directly go bankrupt.

But this is also extremely difficult to do.

The reason why Ye Xinghe didn't think about this before.

It is because the consciousness of Garuda's heart has no ability to destroy the body of Garuda's heart.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it would have done this long ago.

It also requires external help.

But how could Ye Xinghe himself help it?

As soon as Ye Xinghe appears, the Blood Bubble Ancestor can kill him with one move.

Ye Xinghe's thoughts were spinning.

Suddenly, something gradually became clear in his consciousness.

"It seems that all the key lies here!"

His eyes immediately became calm.

A voice rang in his mind, asking: "Garuda Heart, how much power can you control now?"

Garuda's heart consciousness voice sounded: "It can only control about 10%."

"One percent, right? That's enough!"

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and said, "Pour all of your power into that spiritual treasure!"

The spiritual treasure that Ye Xinghe mentioned was naturally provided by the God Buried Ancient Clan.

What he had placed in Garuda's heart before.

This object is called the Burial God Vertebrae.

According to the Ancient God Buried Clan, it has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

The consciousness of Garuda's heart immediately agreed.

Then, he crazily poured his power into the God Burying Vertebrae.

At this time, Yun Lifeng knew that he was no match for the blood-robed ancestor, so he relented.

He immediately said loudly: "As long as you let me join in and let me get a piece of Yunlong's heart, I will admit defeat immediately and follow the family's orders from now on without any hesitation!"

The blood-robed ancestor smiled coldly, stared at him ferociously and said, "You are no longer qualified!"

After that, he took action directly.

The two started fighting.

Yun Lifeng also knew at this time that he had no way out.

Like a mad tiger, it attacks crazily.

Although the blood-robed ancestor is stronger than him by a calamity.

But it's not to the point of crushing.

The two sides just go back and forth.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ye Xinghe is also waiting anxiously.

It will also take time for Garuda's Heart to instill 10% of its power into the Divine Burial Vertebrae.

At this time, above the surface.

Long Yuetian and Chu Daoan were fighting.

The more Chu Daoan fought, the more frightened he became.

There are countless doubts rising in my heart.

"Didn't you say that Long Yuetian is in retreat?"

"His seclusion was forcibly broken, so he should be seriously injured."

"However, I feel that he is obviously not injured, and his strength is better than mine!"

"Now that the ancient Yunlong clan is in crisis again, Long Yuetian should make a quick decision and defeat me with extreme urgency." "But why does he keep delaying?"

He vaguely felt something was wrong.

At this time, all the other surviving strong men of the Yunlong Ancient Clan around Long Yuetian had gathered here.

Chu Daoan discovered it at a glance.

There are still more than 2,000 remaining members of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

Moreover, the general strength is relatively strong.

This means that in the battle just now, the Yunlong Ancient Clan lost about 60% of their strength.

However, the foundation remains.

At this time, these people formed a large formation to resist the attack of the God Buried Ancient Clan.

The God Buried Ancient Clan wants to kill people from the Yunlong Ancient Clan at will as they did before.

But it is no longer possible.

Moreover, the breath of the Cloud Transformation Dragon is also slowly recovering.

Chu Daoan glanced at Chu Xiaoyun, who was fighting not far away.

There was a bit of questioning in his eyes.

Chu Xiaoyun had nothing to do at this moment, so he could only grit his teeth and whisper: "Dad, we can only wait, there is no other way!"

A flash of ferocity flashed in Chu Daoan's eyes, and he said sternly: "Ten Great Protectors, give up on the enemies in front of you, and let me kill Long Yuetian first!"

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