Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3286 The goal is achieved

Incomparably violent power poured out from the gap.

There was a loud bang, and the black chain connected to the strong man of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

All were shattered.

A dozen strong men from the Yunlong Ancient Clan immediately suffered a huge backlash.

He was directly knocked away.

Everyone's face was ashen and extremely ugly.

His expression changed for a while, and his breath became unstable.

Obviously, there are already signs of obsession.

And the most important thing is.

Even now, they have not woken up. M.biQUpai.

This means that these people may die at any time!

The blood-robed ancestor's expression suddenly changed.

These people are the foundation of the Yunlong Ancient Clan and must not be lost.

Compared with them, killing Ye Xinghe became very insignificant and not worth mentioning.

He immediately gave up attacking Ye Xinghe.

With a wave of his hand, he enveloped a dozen strong men from the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

A black light, like a bubble, contained them.

Waves of tyrannical power were brewing.

Calm down their breath and stabilize their cultivation.

So that they won't go crazy right now.

And this move also made him no longer have time to take care of Ye Xinghe.

At this time, Ye Xinghe saw that the gaps in Garuda's heart were spreading.

He groaned.

In an instant, all the power of the talisman in his hand was released.

With the "bang" sound of the black flame, it burned to the extreme.

The entire talisman was instantly reduced to ashes.

And the power of the God-Burying Vertebra was also pushed to the extreme.

The god-burial vertebra exploded into pieces.

All the power contained in it poured out at this moment.

Three huge thunders spread.

Each path is over a thousand feet long.

Ye Xinghe discovered that this thunder actually contained extremely powerful space rules.

No wonder this god-burial vertebra can cut the heart of Garuda.

With the final explosion of the power of the God-Burying Vertebrae.

The cracks in Garuda's heart have also reached their extreme.

With a loud bang, it exploded instantly.

It turned into three pieces of Garuda's heart.

Moreover, it is the scene that Ye Xinghe wants to see the most.

It's not broken into endless powder or small pieces.

Instead, it broke into several large pieces.

Because some of them can be used for yourself!

He immediately shouted loudly: "Garuda's Heart, which of these pieces can you control now?"

Garuda's heart responded immediately.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe saw it.

The piece on the far left is about 20% the size of the original Garuda heart.

The light flashed and flew straight towards him.

The other pieces of Garuda's Heart are obviously not controlled by anyone.

The piece of Garuda Heart flew towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

While still in the air, it is already shrinking and condensing.

As a thick black fog flashed by.

It has transformed into a black columnar crystal.

He is about two feet tall and about as thick as an arm.

It has countless crystal clear reflective surfaces.

It looks extremely magnificent.

In an instant, he came to Ye Xinghe and surrounded him up and down.

With indescribable excitement.

The blood-robed ancestor finally understood everything at this time, and shouted sternly: "So that's it, you came here for the heart of Yunlong!"

"You actually destroyed Yunlong's heart, you deserve to die!"

Ye Xinghe pressed his hand on the fragment of Nagalu Luo's heart.

Feeling the surge of powerful power emerging, my heart was filled with excitement.

Although, this Garuda Heart only inherited about 20% of the power of the original version.

But that also means that it contains the lifelong cultivation of more than 10,000 Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses.

What a terrifying power this is!

After refining it, it will greatly improve the cultivation level.

It’s unimaginable!

The goal had been achieved, and he didn't waste any time talking to the blood-robed ancestor.

Talking more will only expose your true identity.

It's better to keep them in the dark.

Then, Ye Xinghe waved to the blood-robed ancestor and said with a smile: "See you soon!"

Then, he quickly turned around and left with the fragment of Garuda's heart.

The blood-robed ancestor wanted to pursue him.

But as soon as he removes his power.

Now, the strong man from the Yunlong Ancient Clan trapped in the bubble will die.

Therefore, he could only roar again and again.

In the end, there was nothing to do.

At this time, it was already a mess outside.

At the moment Garuda's heart shattered.

The Huayun Shenlong, which lost its power support, instantly let out a shrill scream.

The body twisted wildly.

And everyone who was fighting fiercely was also affected.

The battle situation was broken instantly.

Huayun Shenlong soon completely lost its power and let out bursts of wailing.

Suspended in the void, the breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing that he could no longer hold on for much longer.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what had happened.

At this time, Chu Xiaoyun shouted diligently: "Yunlong's heart is broken, Dad, our goal has been achieved!"

"This is the end of the Yunlong Ancient Clan!"

Chu Xiaoyun laughed wildly.

Many people from the God-Buried Ancient Clan were extremely excited when they heard the news.

Cheers loudly and morale is boosted.

Chu Daoan's eyes moved and he said sternly: "Take this opportunity to annihilate everyone in the Yunlong Ancient Clan!"

"Today is the time to kill them!"

Because of the death of Huayun Shenlong, the people of the Yunlong Ancient Clan were restless and unwilling to fight.

At this time, the Ancient God Buried Clan came to kill them in large numbers, and they were even more unable to resist.

Backing away continuously.

Even Long Yuetian looked extremely ugly.

He thought to himself: "Could it be that our ancient Yunlong clan is really going to be completely destroyed today?"

In this chaotic situation, no one discovered Ye Xinghe's whereabouts at all.

He came out of the passage smoothly.

He observed the situation outside and then left quickly.

The sky was filled with smoke and dust, scuffles continued, and rubble was everywhere.

Overturned mountains and suspended ruins.

Extremely chaotic.

No one could see him at all.

Ye Xinghe shuttled through it extremely fast.

Soon, they were about to leave the range of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

And right now.

Suddenly, there were ruins.

A bright sword light suddenly emerged.

He rushed towards Ye Xinghe quickly.

Even when this sword light suddenly appeared.

There was no warning sign in Ye Xinghe's heart.

In an instant, the sword light had already struck.

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

This means that this person's strength is completely better than his own!

Therefore, use the breath to suppress yourself.

Moreover, he definitely did not act hastily, but came prepared.

Maybe some secret treasure was used to suppress the aura.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to escape his own perception so easily.

This blow had already landed in front of Ye Xinghe before he could react.

Ye Xinghe was caught off guard and was directly chopped.

A huge wound appeared on his body, and blood spurted out.

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