Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3289: The Ancient Yunlong Clan is Defeated

Ye Xinghe waited patiently.

After a while, several figures came running here.

After seeing him, they were all surprised.

"Ye Beichen, it's you!"

The one who said this was Sun Qingyao.

The other people looked confused, but they were all angry.

Especially Lu Minyun.

He strode forward, stared at Ye Xinghe and shouted angrily: "Ye Beichen, what the hell are you doing?"

"Why are the Yunlong Ancient Clan saying that you are a spy now? Do you want to kill us?"

The people around him also showed dissatisfaction and anger.

Xuan Zhao was silent.

It turned out that these people were those who entered the Yunlong Ancient Clan to practice after the Nine Kingdoms Competition in the Northern Territory.

Ye Xinghe knew it very well.

After he did something, the Yunlong Ancient Clan would definitely not let go of those who entered the family with him.

At that time, they would most likely be killed by the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

This matter was caused by him, and Ye Xinghe would not sit idly by.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe also had a deeper thought.

If they were captured by the Yunlong Ancient Clan and tortured, they might reveal their life stories.

At that time, the Yunlong Ancient Clan would continue to investigate.

It is very likely that their true identity would be found out.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe could not let them die, and he had to save them.

Therefore, earlier today.

Ye Xinghe told them.

Let them leave the family temporarily and hide somewhere.

He naturally did not mention the sneak attack.

He just said that there was a great benefit for them.

Although everyone was confused, they all trusted him.

So, they left the family and went to a place to take refuge.

Then, they saw a scene that shocked them.

The Yunlong Ancient Clan was almost destroyed.

Although they did not die in the battle, they were also affected and their injuries were not light.

Seeing this scene, they naturally fled.

They came to the place where they agreed to meet Ye Xinghe.

Everyone had figured out what was going on on the way and roughly guessed what was going on.

Ye Xinghe looked at everyone and said calmly: "Everyone, I admit that I did take advantage of the opportunity of the Nine Kingdoms Competition in the Northern Territory to enter the Yunlong Ancient Clan, and I will indeed cause you to be implicated by me."

"Even, not only you, but your family will be affected if the Yunlong Ancient Clan investigates all the way."

Hearing this, Lu Minyun was even more angry.

Sun Qingyao was also a little worried.

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "So, I will compensate you."

"You can return to the Northern Territory now and take your family members to the Lieyang Dynasty."

"When you arrive in the Lieyang Dynasty, I can keep you safe!"

"Moreover, I will make your strength advance by leaps and bounds, definitely much more than what the Yunlong Ancient Clan gives you, as my compensation!"

Sun Qingyao naturally had no objection to this.

She completely trusted Ye Xinghe.

Lu Minyun was very dissatisfied and said angrily: "How can I believe you when you are just talking nonsense?"

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "You have no choice, you have to believe it or not!"

"If you are dissatisfied with me, you can go back now and find the Yunlong Ancient Clan."

"See if he will kill you, see what benefits he can give you!"

Lu Minyun was so angry that he couldn't say a word and had to grit his teeth.

After a while, he said: "Okay, I hope you don't break your promise!"

As for Xuan Zhao, it doesn't matter.

He and Ye Xinghe are in the same boat.

Besides, he is alone in the Snow Demon Kingdom and has nothing to worry about.

Soon, the group left this place and returned to the North Territory at a high speed.

Act according to the plan.

After dealing with these things, Ye Xinghe looked deeply in the direction of the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly.

"You should be almost there now, don't let me down!"

Then, he left quickly.

At this time, the location of the Yunlong Ancient Clan

The Cloud Dragon has completely lost its breath.

The huge corpse lies in the void.

The battle between the two ancient clans has reached a fever pitch at this time.

It turned out that just a quarter of an hour ago.

The Blood Robe Ancestor finally helped the dozen top powerhouses of the Yunlong Ancient Clan to overcome the difficulties.

They were not disturbed by the inner demons, and they were completely revived.

Although, due to the broken heart of Garuda.

They all suffered backlash and were seriously injured.

But their strength was at least 90%.

They were basically in the ninth stage of the Nascent Soul.

The addition of the remaining dozen top powerhouses immediately made the Yunlong Ancient Clan turn the tide.

It must be said that the foundation of the Yunlong Ancient Clan is still deeper than that of the Buried God Ancient Clan.

The Buried God Ancient Clan took so many advantages.

They were not able to destroy the Yunlong Ancient Clan before these dozen masters took action.

The two forces were evenly matched, and the fight lasted for several days.

Both sides were bloodthirsty, thinking about destroying each other.

Finally, after a few days.

The strong men of the Zangshen Ancient Clan who had not arrived in time before arrived one after another.

Finally, they overwhelmed the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

The Yunlong Ancient Clan finally left three top strong men behind, and the others fled.

In this battle, the Yunlong Ancient Clan lost about ten top fighters.

Only the head of the family, Long Yuetian, and five top strong men were left.

Many other strong men suffered losses of more than 80%.

Generally speaking, the strength of the Yunlong Ancient Clan is only less than 30% of its previous strength.

It can be said that it failed to recover.

The God Buried Ancient Clan also lost more than half.

But clearly they won.

From now on, they will suppress the Yunlong Ancient Clan and fight!

On top of the ruins of the Yunlong Ancient Clan, many powerful men from the God Buried Ancient Clan cheered happily.

And this result was what Ye Xinghe had already guessed.

Although the Yunlong Ancient Clan has not been completely destroyed.

However, Ye Xinghe's goal has been achieved.

He had never thought that relying on this incident, he would directly destroy the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

That is impossible.

The Yunlong Ancient Clan’s heritage is too profound.

In his opinion, the Ancient God Burying Clan will launch their attack now or hundreds of years from now.

There is no difference.

If you activate it now, you can take advantage of the Yunlong Ancient Clan's unpreparedness and severely damage them.

Its strength suffered a huge loss.

And when the time comes, if the Yunlong Ancient Clan is prepared.

I'm just afraid that people from the God Burying Ancient Clan will die if they come here.

Even after letting the Yunlong Ancient Clan pass the current hurdle.

The strength can complete the crushing of the God Buried Ancient Clan.

At this time, deep in the Great Tianlong Mountains, in a hidden valley.

A river flows through both sides of the valley.

Countless bonfires have been lit on the flat and huge river beach.

Many people with torn clothes and covered in blood were sitting there with dull eyes.

There was a large group of people, but almost no one spoke.

They are those who escaped from the Yunlong Ancient Clan.

After escaping here, I finally got rid of the pursuers of the God Buried Ancient Clan.

Only then was I able to take a rest.

Suddenly, a low sobbing sound came from someone who didn't know who it was.

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