Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3299 The Ancient Divine Beast Pixiu

The surprise on his face.

Even with a bit of fear.

He could see the indifference on the face of the incarnation of the inner demon.

And the next moment, the stagnation of time was broken by a shrill scream.

The ancestor of the Beast King clan screamed shrilly, and his heart veins were directly shattered.

Blood gushed out, and his vitality quickly faded.

And he spurted blood wildly, and his breath dropped rapidly.

He couldn't even stand steadily and fell to the ground.

Although the punch didn't directly bomb him, it had already crippled him.

There was only one step away from death.

The incarnation of the inner demon was directly shattered by the impact of this punch.

However, his mission had been completed.

At this time, all the people of the Beast King clan were in great panic.

"The ancestor was actually crippled by Ye Xinghe, he is too terrible!"

"Who can stop him?"

At this time, Ye Xinghe was also very uncomfortable.

The long river of blood was completely dried up.

He felt that his blood was broken and he was in great pain.

He almost cried out in pain.

And the three divine meridians seemed to be broken and unresponsive.

The divine right arm could not be activated.

He didn't know how long it would take to recover.

But it was all worth it, the Beast King Clan had been destroyed.

He didn't show any emotion on his face, and walked calmly to the ancestor of the Beast King Clan.

He didn't say a word of nonsense, and punched him directly.

He wanted to end it completely and didn't want to cause any trouble.

The ancestor of the Beast King Clan roared fiercely at this time: "Do you really think I'm so easy to kill?"

He roared to the sky: "Come out and kill him!"

With this roar.

A violent roar was heard in the sky.

A shadow suddenly appeared.

Ye Xinghe looked up suddenly.

He saw the shadow of a giant beast stretching across thousands of miles above his head.

He was looking down at him, with a fierce look on his face.

This giant beast has a strange appearance, a round body, and a bloody mouth.

It opened its mouth to reveal a mouthful of jagged sharp teeth.

A strong suction came from its mouth.

That was an unparalleled devouring power.

After being enveloped by this suction, Ye Xinghe's heart suddenly jumped.

It turned out that at this moment.

His blood, his cultivation, and even his soul.

All seemed to break out of his body and were directly sucked into it.

And his vitality began to flow out continuously.

Ye Xinghe was horrified.

This demon saint seemed to be able to devour everything!

Ye Xinghe sacrificed his Yuanying, and the power of rules surged.

But it still couldn't stop it.

This demon saint can actually devour everything!

No, this can no longer be called a demon saint.

Ye Xinghe realized with a cry.

The existence in front of him should have reached the level of a divine beast.

It is an existence that is not weaker than the Huayun Divine Dragon!

However, it seems that it has not fully grown up and is not as strong as a divine beast.

But when he occasionally reveals his true appearance, it already makes people fearful and terrified.

Ye Xinghe was enveloped by the breath of this powerful monster, and he couldn't move at all.

Moreover, he was gradually sucked over.

The ancestor of the beast king family laughed wildly and said, "This is my young Pixiu, this is the ancient mythical beast Pixiu!"

"With it, can you touch my beast king family!"

Although it is only a young beast of a mythical beast, it is still a mythical beast after all.

Its strength is far beyond what Ye Xinghe can match.

Even now, if Xingguang Immortal comes, I am afraid he is not the opponent of this young Pixiu.

And it seems that Ye Xinghe has fallen into a dead end at this moment.

Because the other party has used his real trump card.

That is, the extremely powerful monster pet.

At this time, in the air.

The huge phantom of the Pixiu is everywhere.

Its body is thousands of miles long.

Even, it is much larger than the entire beast king family.

But Ye Xinghe's eyes are still calm at this time.

At this moment, a force suddenly came from behind.

It was as if a barrier was formed.

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt that the powerful devouring force disappeared.

He slowly landed on the spot.

At this time, a gray bird appeared on his shoulder.

With its pointed beak, it slowly combed its feathers.

It cackled and said, "Boy, it's still Master Qiang who will save you!"

Seeing Ye Xinghe's calm expression, Master Qiang was slightly stunned.

"You know I'm coming."

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

"I'm 70% sure."

There was some curiosity in Master Qiang's eyes.

This was the first time he showed such emotion.

You know, Master Qiang could always see through Ye Xinghe at a glance before.

All secrets were exposed in his eyes.

And whether Ye Xinghe played with strength or scheming.

Ye Xinghe has never been his opponent.

But this time, Master Qiang really treated him as an equal opponent.

It was vaguely in a trance.

"It's only been a few years since we last met, and this guy has completely changed!"

Not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of his entire mind.

"So what if you are sure?"

Qiang Ye said lazily: "You guy, you still need me to clean up your ass!"

It finished combing its hair.

Then, it suddenly made an extremely piercing sound.

It sounds shocking, like the roar of ghosts and gods.

It was like a shrill scream coming from hell.

It was like lightning and flew forward at extremely fast speeds.

This sound came and reached the ears of everyone in the Beast King Clan.

In an instant, everyone was holding their heads and screaming in agony.

Mentally impaired and confused.

Even the memory started to become confused.

Even with Ye Xinghe's level of cultivation, when this sharp scream heard.

He couldn't help but feel his soul tremble, growl all over his body, and bleed from all his orifices.

However, he was strong enough and quickly stabilized.

But I was still shocked.

He thought to himself: "Master Qiang's offensive turned out to be an extremely terrifying mental attack, and this should not be all Master Qiang's strength."

"I didn't expect that after Master Qiang left Yunshan and Wuhai, his strength recovered so quickly!"...

Now, Ye Xinghe can't see through it at all.

At this time, Master Qiang's powerful spiritual attack spread out.

The cub of the ancient mythical beast Pixiu roared in horror.

It was spinning around in circles.

Then, Master Qiang quickly moved away into the distance.

And strangely enough, the cub of Pixiu also followed it away.

It disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Beast King Clan's eyes were about to burst and he roared angrily.

"It took me a thousand years to conquer the demon pet!"

He spurted out blood.

Ye Xinghe threw out a punch and killed him directly.

The body of the ancestor of the Beast King clan fell heavily to the ground.

Until now, his eyes were still filled with extreme anger and a look of unwillingness to wait.

He didn't think about it before he died.

He would actually die in Ye Xinghe's hands.

And such a big movement in the Beast King Clan naturally alarmed the Guanghan Dao Sect.

Before this, there were several auras from the Guanghan Dao Sect, peeking towards this side.

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