Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3302 Test

"What's the origin of this blood essence? It's as heavy as a mountain!"

He just weighed it momentarily.

The weight of this drop of essence and blood is at least one billion kilograms!

A drop of blood weighs a billion pounds!

It’s unimaginable what a terrifying existence it comes from!

Ye Xinghe suddenly thought of something and said in shock: "Could it be the blood of a divine beast?"

"That's right!"

Xingguang Immortal said: "Moreover, it is not a young divine beast like the Pixiu cub, but a powerful divine beast at its peak!"

He pointed at Ye Xinghe's right arm.

"I guess he's on par with your background."

Ye Xinghe knows.

He could hide the matter of his god's right arm from others, but not from the Starlight Immortal.

However, Xingguang Immortal has been pretending not to know.

Laughing, the matter was revealed, and the two of them understood each other tacitly.

Immortal Starlight said: "This object is one of the most precious treasures of the Beast King Clan."


He shook his head, feeling a little regretful.

"Actually, the most precious thing is probably the little Pixiu beast."

"However, I don't know what happened that day, but the Pixiu cub disappeared without a trace."

Ye Xinghe was stunned at first, and then realized something.

He thought to himself: "It seems that Master Qiang's abilities are beyond my imagination."

"It actually has characteristics that prevent others from noticing it."

They didn't know that the disappearance of the Pixiu cub was related to Master Qiang.

After chatting with Ye Xinghe for a few more words, Xingguang Immortal left.

Then, while Ye Xinghe was refining the Heart of Garuda every day, he was restoring his own bloodline.

When we arrived at the ninth month of Ancient Abyss Prison.

All the treasures that replenish the bloodline have been refined by him.

And Ye Xinghe's bloodline has also returned to its previous state.

Thirty thousand miles long river of blood, rushing wildly.

In the following days, Ye Xinghe began to refine this drop of blood of the divine beast.

This thing is indeed the blood of a divine beast, and it is extremely difficult to refine.

Ye Xinghe rubbed it down little by little.

Although it is difficult, progress can still be made.

More than a year later.

The drop of blood of the mythical beast has been worn away by him by almost 10%.

And Ye Xinghe's bloodline reaches a length of 40,000 meters.

Wait until the end of the second year.

Lan Yunxi's strength has returned to the middle stage of the ninth rank of Nascent Soul.

And Fang Tingxue is even more terrifying, her strength has actually increased to the same level as Lan Yunxi!

You know, Ye Xinghe can still understand Lan Yunxi's behavior.

After all, he was once very powerful.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, Lan Yunxi's strength was unrivaled in the East.

Definitely superior to the current Xingguang Immortal and other powerful Guanghan Dao Sects.

He has had such strength for a long time, but now he is just recovering.

But Fang Tingxue's change shocked even Ye Xinghe.

Her refining speed of Garuda Heart is almost ten times that of Ye Xinghe!

This is the first time that Ye Xinghe cannot compare with others in terms of cultivation speed.

Ever since he entered the path of cultivation, he has always crushed others.

For the first time, I tasted the feeling of being crushed.

But it’s normal when you think about it.

After all, this is the heart of Garuda, something that belongs to their fighting ancient clan.

She is naturally far superior to others in refining.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Tingxue's strength has improved extremely horribly.

However, for Ye Xinghe, this is naturally a good thing.

And it was exactly two years since they entered the Ancient Abyss Prison.

Ye Xinghe, who was practicing, suddenly moved his eyes slightly.

If he felt something, he looked up.

The endless dark sky above the head on the left hand side was shaking slightly.

A gap seems to be about to appear.

Ye Xinghe knew that it was a sign that the gate of the Ancient Abyss Prison was about to open.

He quickly winked and signaled Fang Tingxue and Lan Yunxi to hide in the depths of the Ancient Abyss Prison.

After all, bringing the two of them here to practice was a sneaky act.

If everyone in the Guanghan Dao Sect knew about it, it would be a bit unjustifiable.

Fang Tingxue and Lan Yunxi quickly left with Garuda's Heart.

Submerged into the endless darkness next to it.

This ancient abyss is so huge that several people have been here for two years and have not yet finished exploring it.

All I know is that directly ahead is the endless void of the universe, and the entrance is on the left hand side above.

Behind and below, there is an endless abyss that cannot be seen to the bottom.

Lan Yunxi once spent a month exploring the depths of the Ancient Abyss.

That is the inexplicable space under the cliff.

As a result, I almost got lost in it and couldn't come back.

That put an end to this curiosity.

Looking down from the Ancient Abyss Prison, one can see boundless darkness.

After the two people escaped, a gap opened above the Ancient Abyss Prison.

Then, several extremely powerful and terrifying auras came slowly.

Ye Xinghe felt the breath of Xingguang Immortal inside.

What is shocking is that among these five auras, Starlight Immortal can only be ranked at the bottom and is not that strong.

And the person walking at the front has a strong aura.

He was so powerful that his figure was just a ball of light and shadow, and he couldn't be seen clearly at all.

Ye Xinghe looked around.

At that moment, he felt that the fragments of white light turned into countless lightsabers, piercing his sight fiercely.

It caused severe pain in his pupils, and he couldn't help but blink a few times, and tears instantly flowed out.

The spiritual world seems to have been affected.

"He is so powerful that he can't even look directly at himself. What level of master is this?"

However, Ye Xinghe's consciousness could feel that he did not have any malicious intent.

That's just because he is too strong and can't even control himself.

So, it's just a natural reaction.

Ye Xinghe immediately knew who was coming.

The headmaster of Guanghan Taoist Sect.

He was also moved, even the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect came in person, bringing with him so many top masters.

What do they want?

In an instant, several people arrived in front of them.

Ye Xinghe discovered.

Among the five people inside, except for Immortal Xingguang and the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect, I didn't know them.

The headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect waved his hand, suppressing the white sword light on the surface of his body, revealing his figure.

He is a thin and elegant middle-aged man.

However, there was an unconcealable majesty in his eyes.

Seeing Ye Xinghe staying here honestly, he nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he faced Ye Xinghe without any cover and went straight to the point.

"Ye Xinghe, I came here today to do a test on you."

"If you pass the test, you will become the next headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect."

"I will even give up the position of headmaster to you within a few years."

Ye Xinghe was instantly stunned.

And he didn't have time to digest this sentence.

The headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect then continued: "When the time comes, your business will be the business of Guanghan Dao Sect."

"Even if it's for you, Guanghan Daozong will spend his last life and shed his last drop of blood, and he won't hesitate!"

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