Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3309: Bullying others with power

The headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect narrowed his eyes slightly.

He glanced at the Starlight Immortal calmly.

I found that Xingguang Immortal looked a little nervous and embarrassed.

He sighed softly.

Although, because Ye Xinghe did not show his immortality.

Therefore, he no longer had any hope for Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe's status in his heart also declined extremely.

But after all, Ye Xinghe is a person that Xingguang Immortal values ​​​​extremely.

And he also makes use of the Starlight Immortal, which is one of his great main forces.

So I don't want to offend him easily.

Furthermore, no matter what Ye Xinghe does, he will not be able to awaken to the origin of the world in the future.

He can also grow into one of the top giants of Guanghan Dao Sect.

The value is also great.

Therefore, he didn't want to let it go easily.

He immediately frowned and asked: "Ye Xinghe is the genius of our Guanghan Dao Sect and is extremely important to our Guanghan Dao Sect."

"I don't know why I offended you. Let's clear up this misunderstanding."

The meaning of his words was already very clear.

I won’t hand over the person, but you can raise other conditions.

Xingguang Immortal's brows relaxed slightly.

But at this time, the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty laughed and was extremely domineering.

He took a step forward and shouted in a low voice: "You don't want to surrender, right? Well, if you don't surrender Ye Xinghe today, I will now recruit everyone from the imperial army, crush the Guanghan Dao Sect into powder, and send you all away Go down and see your ancestor!"

There was silence.

Even though there are many powerful men in the Guanghan Dao Sect, they have seen countless big scenes and fought countless fierce battles.

At this time, everyone was shocked by the words of Emperor Lieyang Dynasty.

I thought he was just here to ask for someone.

No one expected that he could be so domineering.

If he is not given Ye Xinghe today, I am afraid that a war will begin immediately.

And everyone can see that the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty is definitely not joking.

He really has this determination.

But he also has such strength!

Although Guanghan Dao Sect is powerful.

But the Lieyang Dynasty rules this place, and if it really takes action against Guanghan Daozong, Guanghan Daozong's chances of winning are only 50-50.

In fact, the winning prospects of both sides are the same.

But the problem is that the attitude of the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty came with the intention of burning the boat.

If it doesn't work, just go all out and fight.

But everyone in the Guanghan Dao Sect doesn't want to risk their lives.

They also felt that it was not worth it for Ye Xinghe.

At this time, the face of Guanghan Dao Sect's headmaster also became extremely ugly.

It has to be said that the threat from the Lieyang Dynasty Emperor is ferocious and powerful enough.

For a moment, the scene fell into dead silence.

At this moment, Immortal White Crane suddenly said: "What do you want Ye Xinghe to do?"

Immortal White Crane has surrendered to the headmaster of Guanghan Taoist Sect

Of course, this is only on the surface.

And today, this sudden incident also shocked his heart and was difficult to calm down.

After all, Ye Xinghe is the person he values ​​the most.

It is absolutely not allowed to be kidnapped by others and fall into the hands of others.

But suddenly he realized that this might be an excellent opportunity.

After all, Ye Xinghe is the genius of Guanghan Dao Sect.

If he had been hiding in Guanghan Dao Sect, there would be nothing he could do for him.

And if he grows up for a few more years, he will probably not be able to deal with him.

Therefore, these days, he has been thinking about what to do.

What happened now made his heart move slightly.

Before the Emperor of the Lieyang Dynasty spoke, the Holy Son lazily said: "Nothing, I like the cultivation and rules in Ye Xinghe's body, and they are of great benefit to me, so I want to swallow his cultivation. "

He is extremely arrogant and does not hide his true purpose at all.

Hearing that his talent is going to be taken away and eaten up by others.

The expressions of many powerful men in the Guanghan Dao Sect became serious.

The moment was filled with murderous intent.

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty did not tolerate them at all and laughed wildly.

"What, do you want to do something?"

The aura on his body rose up, and the Nascent Soul was instantly revealed, hanging in the void, competing with everyone.

At this time, in the very distance, countless auras were rising.

That was Lieyang Imperial City, and many strong men loyal to the royal family were also coming here.

Everyone in the Guanghan Dao Sect did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, Immortal White Crane's thoughts were racing rapidly, but he was full of surprises.

He thought to himself: "What I want is the inheritance and bloodline of God in Ye Xinghe, but what this Holy Son wants is his rules. There is no conflict between the two of us."

"If Ye Xinghe is really handed over, after the rules are refined by the Holy Son, he will definitely become a useless person."

"At that time, he will no longer be valued by Guanghan Dao Sect."

"If I refine his divine inheritance, no one will notice."

"This is a great good thing for me!"

He immediately walked forward with a smile and said to smooth things over: "Don't act rashly. If you have something to say, say it properly!"

He turned to the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect and said: "Master headmaster, in my opinion, it is better to hand over Ye Xinghe."

"Although Ye Xinghe is a genius and may grow into a master of our level in the future, it will not fundamentally change our Guanghan Dao Sect."

"What our Guanghan Dao Sect needs is a strong man who can possess immortality and awaken to the origin of the world."

"In this way, one more of him is not more, and one less of him is not more."

Xingguang Immortal said angrily: "What the hell are you talking about!"

Immortal White Crane ignored him and continued: "Hand over Ye Xinghe today to avoid the destruction of our Guanghan Dao Sect. This is a good deal no matter how you calculate it."

Several other strong men from the Guanghan Dao Sect listened.

Although his face was still ugly, there was already something strange in his heart.

After all, if there was a full-scale war with Lieyang Dynasty, it would be his own life that would be lost.

They felt that it was not worth taking the risk for Ye Xinghe.

Even the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect was moved.

As the leader, he had more to consider and had to make plans for the Guanghan Dao Sect.

After pondering for a long time, he sighed and said: "White Crane Immortal, go and bring Ye Xinghe over."

Immortal White Crane was overjoyed and quickly nodded in agreement.

With his words, he already acquiesced that he would hand over Ye Xinghe.

Hearing this, Xingguang Immortal couldn't bear it anymore and roared angrily: "Ye Xinghe is a member of my Guanghan Dao Sect. Let's make friends as soon as we say."

"When he came to ask for someone, he sent Ye Xinghe over for them to refine and kill. Do you still have the nerve to take charge of the Guanghan Dao Sect!"

The headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect said calmly: "I know that I did something wrong in this matter. I understand that you are dissatisfied with me."

"But this is for our Guanghan Dao Sect. Ye Xinghe has no value anymore. It is not worth our life and death or going to war for him!"

He roared angrily: "Xingguang Immortal, I order you as the headmaster to obey your orders. Do you understand?"

A look of despair appeared on Immortal Starlight's face.

He suppressed him as the head teacher, what else could Xingguang Immortal say.

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