Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3314: The Secret Book of the Ancient God-Burying Clan

"I have told you that you are insidious, but you still don't admit it. How many people in the world can think of this method!"

Ye Xinghe smiled leisurely and said: "There are still a few months until the ten years when the Yunlong Ancient Clan discovers us. These few months are enough to arrange the arrangements."

Lan Yunxi nodded and said, "Young Master, I'll go down and prepare."

Ye Xinghe settled down here.

Lan Yunxi quietly left Guanghan Dao Sect and returned to Lieyang Imperial City to make arrangements.

One month later.

Several traitors from the God Buried Ancient Clan fled from their family and were hunted down by the God Buried Ancient Clan.

But he fled to Lieyang Imperial City.

Moreover, these traitors from the God-Buried Ancient Clan also carried with them a top-notch fundamental secret of cultivation within their families.

This secret method is the foundation of the Buried Ancient Clan. It is of great importance and powerful.

This secret book also contains the secrets of the next great realm after leading to the Nascent Soul Realm.

This news is extremely secretive.

I don’t know where it originated from, but it quickly spread among the top forces in Lieyang Imperial City.

The number of people who know is extremely limited.

Although it spread quickly, only the top forces were qualified to know about it.

Some people scoffed after hearing the news.

They don't even know what the God Buried Ancient Clan is.

But after hearing the news, some people felt as if they were earth-shattering and were greatly shocked.

They even frantically inquired about the source of the news and the whereabouts of the God Buried Ancient Clan members.

Which naturally includes the Lieyang Royal Family.

At this time, there was a secret room in the palace of Lieyang Imperial City.

Looking at the middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a cold face in front of him.

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty stood up suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He growled: "Are you telling the truth?"

This surprise is almost the same as the day when I saw Ye Xinghe and also communicated with the origin of the world.

This shows the level of horror in his heart.

The middle-aged man in black robe said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this is the news I just got today, and it killed the thirty-seven informants I planted."

"In order to get this information, five hidden strongholds were destroyed."

"Almost 30% of the intelligence network I have deployed over the past hundred years has been destroyed, and I finally got it."

"This news was obtained at the cost of one's life. It is absolutely true!"

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty could no longer control his emotions.

He stood up and paced back and forth with excitement on his face.

"This is really earth-shattering news!"

"However, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for my planning!"

"With this thing, I will be even more powerful. In fact, the overall strength of all the masters of my Lieyang Dynasty royal family will be greatly improved!"

"And I am more confident in dealing with him."

When he was about to say the next few words, he suddenly became alert and immediately fell silent.

It seemed like even the mere mention of that name was intimidating.

However, he didn't say it out loud.

But as his confidant who has been with him for many years, he is the commander-in-chief of the Imperial City Guard.

The middle-aged man in black robe in front of him naturally understood what he expected and even feared.

It turned out that Lin Langtian, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial City Guard, had just come to report the news to the Emperor of the Lieyang Dynasty.

It was several powerful men from the direct lineage of the God Burying Ancient Clan who appeared in Lieyang Imperial City.

Moreover, he carries with him the news of the top inherited secrets for cultivating the Divine Light of Nirvana.

This news has now appeared in Lieyang Imperial City.

So, as the top force in Lieyang Imperial City, it was natural that they could not hide it from them.

They also spent a huge price to finally get this exact news.

Then he happily came over and reported to His Majesty.

Sure enough, as he expected, the Emperor was extremely interested in the news.

While he was talking, the palace door was opened and a figure walked in.

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty didn't even look back.

Naturally, he knew very well that there was only one person who dared to enter here at this time.

Otherwise, even his own flesh and blood relatives would not dare to come in rashly.

The Holy Son walked leisurely, his figure as erratic as a ghost.

Lin Langtian glanced at him calmly, but there was a bit of disdain in his eyes.

The Holy Son smiled leisurely and said: "What happened? You are so excited."

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty told the story of the incident.

The Holy Son frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "Is this the Ancient God Burial Clan? I seem to have heard of it."

"Three thousand years ago, one of their most outstanding genius elders and I discussed Taoism in Panasonic for seven days, and I killed him with the last sword."

He shook his head and said with a bit of ridicule: "This ancient God Burial Clan is nothing more than this."

When he said these words, the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty looked calm.

After all, nothing that happens to the Holy Son surprises him.

Lin Langtian next to him sneered in his heart, with a bit of disapproval on his face.

He thought to himself: "Besides bragging, what else can you do? I don't know why His Majesty values ​​you so much!"

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty smiled and said: "Don't think so, after all, today is different from the past. The ancient war god clan's basic method is to destroy the divine light. It is extremely powerful and the offensive is terrifying. Everything in its path is turned into nothingness. "

"After all, you are not as strong as before. If this divine light of annihilation falls into our hands, it will be of great help to your cultivation."

"Don't you urgently need to increase your combat effectiveness now?"

The Holy Son nodded and said, "That's true. After all, that ant will be killed in a few months."

"That ant can practice very fast. I also need to practice a few more magical techniques."


The Emperor of the Lieyang Dynasty said: "After all, you were dedicated to working hard before and didn't practice much in the Nascent Soul Realm. It's hard to say what your true combat power is. You also need to improve your strength."

The Holy Son nodded and said: "That's right, I have too few methods available in the Nascent Soul Realm."

"In that case, I will give it a try after I get the Divine Light of Nirvana."

"Compared to the Nascent Soul realm, the Divine Light of Annihilation should be powerful enough to crush that ant."

What he said was arrogant.

Even people dare not believe it. What kind of strength can a person say such a thing?

Lin Langtian already regarded him as a madman in his heart.

At this time, the Holy Son suddenly said with a teasing smile: "Old man, you want me to practice this divine light of annihilation first and explore the way."

"Then after you find a foreigner's identity and practice the method of annihilating the divine light, then pass it on to the strong men of your Lieyang Royal Family."

The Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when his thoughts were exposed by him.

He made a haha, nodded and said with a smile: "I can't hide anything from you!"

It turns out that the Divine Light of Annihilation is indeed powerful.

But except for the God Buried Ancient Clan, people from other forces also find it difficult to practice.

After all, there is no blood connection.

But the Emperor of Lieyang Dynasty was not worried at all.

The reason lies in the Son.

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