Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3330 Ye Xinghe’s true strength

"You really think I'm a soft persimmon and you really want to kill me!"

"Now that my goal has been achieved, the people of the Yunlong Ancient Clan have determined that that person is you."

"Then you will be of no use."

"Next, let me show you my true strength!"

The Holy Son roared wildly: "Ye Xinghe, die!"

The body of God struck down hard again.

But the next moment, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Before, the body of God was invincible, and with one casual blow, Ye Xinghe was blown away.

He had no power to fight back.

But this time, Ye Xinghe actually blocked him!

It turned out that at this moment Ye Xinghe roared wildly, his dharma body appeared, and his arms were raised.

The three-foot-tall giant dharma body behind him looked solemn and his eyes were calm.

It is the dharma body of Fudo Ming King.

Ye Xinghe roared: "Holy Son, you forced me to do this!"

And the reason why he yelled this sentence was because Ye Xinghe did it on purpose.

He wants to make outsiders think that this is his way to suppress the situation, and he will have to pay a huge price.

It was only done very reluctantly.

This can also explain why he didn't use it at the beginning and only sacrificed it now.

At this time, the Holy Son looked a little panicked.

In his opinion, with his divine body and the divine light of annihilation, he could easily crush Ye Xinghe to death.

But now something unexpected happened.

The most important thing is that the dharma body of Fudo Mingwang appeared at this time.

He didn't know what it was.

It seems that this thing was not mentioned in Ye Xinghe’s previous messages!

Fudo Mingwang's dharma body withstood the attack of the god's body.

The next moment, as Ye Xinghe raised his arms, he roared.

The Fudo Ming King suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes trembling with anger.

Immediately, the Holy Son was sent flying thousands of meters away.

And the moment he flew out upside down, an extremely ominous premonition filled his heart.

This premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

He felt as if he was locked by a pair of eyes.

He suddenly raised his head, and what he saw was extremely horrifying.

The dharma body of the Immovable King just now has already changed.

It turned into a huge eye three feet high!

The light shone in the eyes, and a blue light came out.

It spanned a distance of 10,000 meters and was so fast that he couldn't dodge it.

Simply lock it firmly.

Or to be precise, the moment these eyes appeared, the moment they saw him.

He can no longer escape!

After being seen by these eyes, the Holy Son felt his scalp numb.

The spiritual world seems to be exploding.

Countless random thoughts all came to my mind at this moment.

In the two lives of human beings, all the hate, regrets, and sorrows were swept away crazily.

At this moment, his mind was extremely confused, he held his head and screamed, frozen in place.

The rules of the inner demon were pushed to the extreme, and the power of the transformed body of the inner demon was even unable to stop him!

And Ye Xinghe will naturally not let go of the Holy Son.

His figure instantly crossed ten thousand meters and came to him.

At this time, the dharma body behind him changed again and turned directly into a giant red snake.

It is Zhu Jiuyin.

Although Zhu Jiuyin's body was only three feet long, it seemed as huge as a long river spanning time and space.

The next moment, Zhu Jiuyin straightened up and opened his eyes under Ye Xinghe's sensory command.

Suddenly, two red vertical pupils, like lanterns, appeared in front of everyone.

The long red light emanating from inside didn't look very scary.

But it was unspeakably terrifying.

Red light enveloped the body of the Holy Son, penetrating inside in an extremely terrifying manner.

It's not fast, but it has a kind of strength and determination that cannot be stopped.

In an instant, a huge change occurred.

This scene almost left everyone present unable to recover.

In just a few short seconds, Ye Xinghe was still being suppressed and beaten by the Holy Son, without the ability to fight back at all.

As a result, Ye Xinghe immediately counterattacked.

Showing three extremely terrifying Dharmakaya postures.

Each one has terrifying power.

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