Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3353 Destroyed

"Make it clear who his master is and what kind of trap he has set."

Xuan Zhao nodded heavily: "Brother, don't worry."

Wang Feng was a little excited at this time and asked: "Brother, Wu Zhenming's previous master said that he will return here to seize the origin of the world here."

"If he can come back within this period of time, that would be great. We can just catch him off guard!"

"The powerful people who came to this world hundreds of years ago and are ready to absorb the origin of the world will probably bring us great benefits!" Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

Wang Feng is still an extremely vicious person at heart.

Only such people can live better and better in the Taixu Holy Realm.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said: "This matter is difficult to estimate. Wu Zhenming only said that he may come at any time."

"This time the Taixu Holy Realm is reopened, he should also enter it this time."

"But I don't know how he came to the Underworld."

"So, he may be delayed in the turbulence of time and space for a long time, eight, ten or even a hundred years is not a problem. We don't need to consider this now."

"Next, I'll find a place for you two to practice the Great Sun Yellow Court Sutra."

Wang Feng asked excitedly: "Where is this place, the blessed land of cave heaven in this world?"

Ye Xinghe nodded and said leisurely: "It is naturally the place where the earth's veins gather in this world and the spiritual energy is the most intense."

"Moreover, it is also the place where the origin of the world gathers. If I want to extract the origin of the world, it must be there."

Early on the next morning, a group of people headed towards Langya Blessed Land.

Langya Paradise is an excellent place that Ye Xinghe found after he dominated the Cang Underworld.

A total of 1,080 earth veins gather here, and the spiritual energy is extremely rich.

Although it is the Middle Thousand World, it has more spiritual energy than some places in the Great Thousand World.

Ye Xinghe named this place after Langya Blessed Land at that time.

He is preparing to move everyone close to him here.

But unfortunately, the plan has just begun, and Langya Paradise is still under construction.

That incident happened.

He also had to leave the Cang Ning Realm.

Looking at the blue sky in the distance, Ye Xinghe whispered to himself: "If that incident hadn't happened and the plan hadn't been disrupted, they should be in Langya Paradise now."

"Thousands of years have passed, but I don't know what they are like now."

"How many people are alive, and how many people still remember me?"

The few people were extremely fast, and soon they arrived near Langya Paradise.

Looking at the rolling green mountains appearing in the distance, Ye Xinghe became increasingly uneasy.

He was even more timid about being close to home, and for a moment he was actually very nervous.

What if the old friend is still the same?

There are so many words stuck in my heart, and I don’t know how to express them.

However, the next moment, when everyone came to a beautiful valley.

But he froze in place instantly.

Ye Xinghe stood there, the expression on his face changed from worry and joy, to shock, and then to disbelief.

Then, it turned into an extremely strong anger and murderous intent.

Ye Xinghe growled: "Who did this?"

It turns out that this cave-like treasure land, named Langya Blessed Land by Ye Xinghe, has a radius of several hundred miles.

It can be seen that there used to be various magnificent palaces, pavilions and pavilions on the ground.

This place must have been quite glorious once.

The courtyard stretching for dozens of miles is probably enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people living here.

The remaining traces of the magic circle indicate that this place was once a terrifyingly powerful force.

But now it's all destroyed, leaving only ruins on the ground.

This place has been destroyed.

Moreover, it can be seen that when it was destroyed, an extremely fierce battle took place here.

There are countless bones on the ground.

Ye Xinghe murmured to himself: "My Langya Blessed Land, the inheritance I left behind, and all my relatives and friends, have all their descendants been destroyed?"

His anger was almost beyond control.

At this moment, Xuan Zhao hurried down to take a closer look and said loudly: "Brother, this place was destroyed a hundred years ago."

"The strength of both sides is quite close. After a hard battle, your Langya Blessed Land was destroyed."

"So, it should be a powerful force naturally formed in this world, not interference from the outside world."

Ye Xinghe's face was livid, he gritted his teeth and landed, slowly walking among the ruins.

He walked for a long time and visited every corner of this place.

But in the end no trace was found.

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