Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3356 The Coming Danger

This figure was wearing a green robe and looked like a middle-aged man in green robes.

The aura on his body is domineering, extremely cold, and his cultivation is extremely strong.

However, at this moment, he was trying his best to suppress his aura.

He made a very humble gesture and was cautious.

It seems that he is afraid of making someone unhappy.

Soon, he came to the depths of the hall, knelt on the ground, and said respectfully: "Master Qi, your plan worked, the fish bit the hook."

There was silence in the depths of the hall for a moment.

Then, an old voice sneered and said calmly: "This fish is tolerant and cunning enough. It endured for a hundred years before taking action."

The middle-aged man in Qingyi smiled respectfully and said: "That can't escape Master's planning. Everything is under your control!"

The emotion of the old voice did not fluctuate at all, and he said calmly: "Then you go down to the world now and catch this fish."

After saying that, a golden decree flew in front of the middle-aged man in Qingyi.

The middle-aged man in Qingyi couldn't hide his excitement. He respectfully accepted the order and kowtowed.

"Disciple, obey!"

The old voice then sounded, with a hint of coldness and warning in it.

"This time in the lower realm, take what you should take, and don't touch what you shouldn't take. Do you understand?"

"The origin of the three worlds is the limit. If you take more, I won't be able to protect you."

The middle-aged man in Qingyi's petty thoughts were exposed and he quickly said: "Master, please don't worry, I don't dare."

With that said, the middle-aged man in Qingyi said goodbye and left.

If their conversation was heard by Ye Xinghe, he would be shocked to the point of losing his voice.

In his eyes, if you get one, you can step into the half-step Tianzun realm.

Let yourself be one step ahead in the future and rise against the origin of the world.

In their mouths, it became something like an ordinary elixir.

It's as normal as eating and drinking.

He swallowed a few world origins and didn't care at all.

What kind of cultivation is this!

Finally, after sitting on the top of the mountain for three months.

A few hints of realization suddenly flashed across Ye Xinghe's face, which was already slightly weathered.

The next moment, he opened his eyes.

His hands were lifted up as if he were embracing the heaven and the earth.

He smiled softly: "I already know what to do."

The next moment, Ye Xinghe pressed down hard with both hands.

The incomparably powerful force surged out, directly smashing the mountain below him into pieces.

He stood in the air and raised his hands.

There seemed to be a huge figure in the void, roaring shrilly.

It was a transparent figure.

Although the mountain peak is broken, it still stands proudly.

The size is no smaller than the mountain peak.

This is clearly the origin of the world.

Moreover, it is not the whole origin of the world at all, it is just the tip of the iceberg that is revealed.

The origin of the world is formless and without quality.

Can't see clearly, can't touch.

But it actually exists.

Like the legendary void creature.

The origin of the world emits an invisible roar.

It turned into a heavy mental force and directly blasted a strange note in Ye Xinghe's mind.

"How do you know I exist?"

Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up slightly.

"Idiot, what do you think I'm doing here during this period of time? Do you really think I'm meditating?"

It turned out that Ye Xinghe had already determined his goal.

That is the origin of the world related to time and space.

However, how should he find the origin of so many worlds?

Therefore, Ye Xinghe simply pretended to think and sat here.

Then release all the breath of your own time rules and space rules.

Constantly deducing his own Dharmakaya.

He knew that this kind of power did not belong to this world, but was far beyond the rules of this world.

It has a fatal attraction for the origin of this world.

It's like a person who has lived a lifetime of simple meals encounters extremely delicious poisonous wine.

Absolutely unable to extricate myself.

And the truth was as he thought, Ye Xinghe guessed it right.

A world origin related to time and space was indeed attracted.

Although the origin of the world has spiritual intelligence, ignoring it can be equivalent to nothingness.

Acting purely on instinct.

He was hiding under the mountain just now and was preparing to launch a sudden attack.

Devour this extremely delicious bait for it.

As a result, Ye Xinghe was waiting for this moment.

At this time, the world itself seemed to feel something was wrong due to its instinct.

Immediately drilled towards the ground.

Ye Xinghe knew that if it were returned to the earth's veins, it would be impossible to find it again.

There is a world of 14 million miles around, where can I find it?

Ye Xinghe sneered: "You want to leave, should I let you go?"

With a wild roar, the Nine Poison Heart Magic Body appeared openly behind him.

In an instant, a powerless and powerful mental attack burst out.

Wrapping the origin of this world fiercely.

Although the origin of the world does not have much spiritual intelligence, it still has spiritual existence.

Immediately, its fragile spirit was torn into pieces and almost annihilated.

In an instant, the figure of the origin of the world stagnated in place.

Without its spiritual drive, it can no longer even think of escaping.

It can only hover there dully.

Ye Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief and sighed secretly in his heart.

"The origin of the world doesn't seem to be that easy to conquer."

But the next moment, the origin of the world in front of him suddenly became extremely violent.

Just like the legendary earth dragon turning over.

The entire ground collapsed instantly.

There seemed to be an extremely huge yet insubstantial figure, twisting and struggling crazily beneath the ground.

Want to break out of the ground.

The huge mountain peak collapsed and spread all the way to the north.

In an instant, it spread thousands of miles around.

Thousands of miles of mountain ranges all collapsed, and the sound was extremely mammoth.

Moreover, this collapse is still ongoing.

It even affected a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

The people of the Langya Ancient Clan were all frightened and came out to watch, filled with shock.

And face the violent power of the origin of the world.

The pressure Ye Xinghe endured was naturally stronger.

Although the origin of the world has lost consciousness, its instinctive hatred for Ye Xinghe will not dissipate.

Attacking him crazily.

Facing such a tyrannical attack, Ye Xinghe couldn't help but suddenly change his expression.

It is indeed one of the origins of the world.

Although he was unconscious, any attack based on instinct alone was enough to seriously injure him.

Ye Xinghe's three dharma bodies transform into each other.

After discovering that the Nine Poison Heart Magic Body was no longer effective against it, he couldn't help but sigh softly.

Sure enough, after losing consciousness, the Nine Poison Inner Demons can no longer be dealt with.

This is also the biggest problem currently facing the Nine Poison Heart Demons.

The other party only acts on instinct, and his spirit can be ignored.

There is no possibility of inner demons arising, so how can one defeat the nine poisonous inner demons?

Ye Xinghe had to use the other two dharma bodies.

Fortunately, the other two Dharmakayas, which are transformed from the rules of time and space, deal with the origin of this world.

It's quite miraculous.

This fierce battle lasted for a full day and night.

Everyone within a radius of 200,000 miles was beaten to pieces.

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