Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3365 Taiqing Immortal Sect’s Methods

Of course, it is extremely difficult to get these things.

These things are often located in extremely critical places.

If you want to enter, you must have extremely strong cultivation.

Moreover, I want to control these things or practice these secret techniques.

His own cultivation level must also reach a very high level.

Xuan Zhao asked in surprise: "What is he doing?"

Ye Xinghe sighed softly: "Sure enough, the person who controls a thousand worlds in one party does have the means."

"He is sowing seeds."


Hearing these two words, Xuan Zhao and Wang Feng were stunned for a moment, and then they suddenly realized.

Wang Feng said: "He is letting go of opportunities. In the future, if someone grows up in the Cangming Realm, he will naturally be able to perceive these powerful spiritual treasures and secret techniques."

"After you go through all the hard work to get it, your strength will gradually increase. These people are the top talents in the world of the underworld."

"In this way, they can screen out the top talents in the Cangming Realm and then recruit them for their own use."

"With such training one after another, this Zhongqian World can ensure that there will be a steady stream of geniuses in their sect."

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "Yes, and don't forget, these things are placed at the place where the earth veins gather. If they are taken away, it will cause landslides and ground cracks."

"They can also feel this movement in the upper world, so they won't be afraid of burying the genius."

Wang Feng praised: "What a deep scheming, what a big hand!"

Ye Xinghe said: "Throwing these spiritual treasures can not only suppress the entire Cang Ming Realm, so that the Cang Ming Realm, which has lost the origin of the world, will not collapse, but also leave opportunities for the people behind to cultivate geniuses. It really kills several birds with one stone."

After reading it, he felt a little enlightened in his heart.

After doing these things, Li Guangye traveled around the world of the underworld again.

When I came back, there were already a few more people around me.

It seems that this should be the genius he selected this time in the Cangming Realm.

Then, he stopped stopping and slashed towards the sky with one sword.

Take these three geniuses and leave the Underworld.

The next moment, the tranquility of the past was restored to the world of Cang Ning.

Ye Xinghe took a gentle breath, burst the bubbles, and returned to the Cangming Realm.

Wang Feng whispered: "Brother, aren't you afraid that they will find out?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "They all need to use this method to judge the birth of a genius."

"This means that only noises like the birth of a genius and the collapse of the earth can disturb them."

"They definitely don't know everything that happens in the Underworld."

The two of them suddenly understood.

Wang Feng asked: "Brother, what are we doing here? Should we continue to practice?"

They really can't think of a reason to stay here.

This place has been controlled by Taiqing Immortal Sect, and danger may come at any time.

Ye Xinghe showed a meaningful expression on his face and sighed leisurely: "Of course not, I stay here to wait for the arrival of an old friend I have never met before."

Then, Ye Xinghe took out a soul bottle, came to the void, and observed it carefully.

The soul bottle flew through the air.

Then, Ye Xinghe handed the soul bottle to the two of them and gave some instructions in a low voice.

The two of them nodded, immediately followed the order, and soon disappeared.

Ye Xinghe waited in place for about a quarter of an hour.

Then, he curled his lips slightly, stood up, and straightened his clothes.

He looked into the void in front of him and said calmly: "Counting the time, you should be here by now."

"It's not consistent with your so-called status as a great emperor that you haven't arrived for such a long time."

Before he finished speaking, an extremely bright light suddenly lit up in the void in front of him.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is a sword light.

An unknown force flew over from hundreds of millions of miles away.

Travel through the void of the universe and tear apart the turbulence of time and space.

The sword light descended outside this world.

This sword light was completely different from the previous sword light of Li Guangye.

More powerful, more vicious.

Tear apart the world's barriers and head straight for here.

In an instant, the sword light broke through the sky and landed directly here.

The owner of the sword light is a woman, who looks to be only in her twenties.

She is extremely tall, almost the same as Ye Xinghe.

She was tall and tall, wearing a bright red dress, and was as fierce as a flame, burning in the air.

The feeling he gives is that he is hot, domineering and extremely powerful.

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