Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3378: Entering the Heavenly Realm

"Do I have that ability only when I reach the Tianzun realm, or do I have to reach the Tianzun realm to activate something?"

Sure enough, after being warned, the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect became very cooperative.

On that day, all the resources Ye Xinghe requested were delivered to him like water.

Ye Xinghe superimposed three layers on top of the three layers of the formation chart given by Jinghong Tianzun.

This caused the resource consumption rate to reach a terrifying one hundred and twenty-five times.

However, the corresponding refining speed also reached a terrifying thirty-two times!

After the accumulation of six layers of formations was completed, Ye Xinghe sat in the formation.

He waved his hand slightly and began to refine the origin of the world.

In an instant, he felt an indescribable meaning.

With the blessing of thirty-two times the effectiveness of the formation, Ye Xinghe felt indescribably happy.

The origin of the world is being refined at an unimaginable speed.

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself: "It is indeed the Xuanhuang World, and only in the Big World can such refining speed be achieved."

"If it were in the Cang Ning Realm, I'm afraid this speed would directly cause the world to collapse."

If this progress continues, in another two years, Ye Xinghe will be able to completely refine the origin of this world.

Then, Ye Xinghe fell into addiction again.

On the other side, follow Ye Xinghe's instructions.

Lan Yunxi has already prepared various resources and started building the spirit gathering array.

These various resources are naturally provided by Guanghan Dao Sect.

The progress of the magic circle is very fast.

Nowadays, the Guanghan Dao Sect dominates an area of ​​tens of millions of miles and has no resources.

Lan Yunxi gave an order, and Guanghan Dao Sect sent all the resources.

However, in just half a year, the Spirit Gathering Formation was ready.

All that is missing is two things.

The first is that Ye Xinghe stepped into the Tianzun realm.

The second is a demon soul used for sacrifice.

And almost at the same moment.

East Heaven, a huge kingdom floating in the sky.

This is a continent-like existence.

Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the Xuanhuang World, it is still extremely huge.

What's more important is that it floats in the sky!

It floats in the extreme east of the Xuanhuang World, at an altitude of more than one million meters.

Its shape is like a giant egg.

All the top masters in the eastern part of Xuanhuang World are gathered here.

Compared with an existence like East Heavenly Court.

The Lieyang Dynasty, Guanghan Dao Sect and even the Yunlong Ancient Clan are nothing more than ants.

Everything in Dongzhou, the big world of Xuanhuang, is governed here.

On the East Heavenly Court, there are countless monks, powerful monsters and so on.

The most prominent among them are several giant cities.

At this time, deep in a huge city, in a luxurious ancient mansion, on top of a high tower.

Late at night, the lone moon hangs high.

Above the east heaven, it seems to be a little closer to the moon.

The moonlight also looked brighter.

The moonlight shines through the curtains, casting patches of clear light.

In a lonely Zen room, an old man was playing chess.

The object of the game is himself.

Each chess piece is like a spiritual being.

Without waiting for his fingers to move, just a slight thought in his mind, and he automatically jumped and moved on the chessboard.

And you will find it if you look carefully.

There is a shadow in the sky above every chess piece.

In this phantom, there are actually scenes, pictures of strong men.

Some strong people are fighting, and some strong people are practicing.

Some are even doing some conspiracy.

He could see all this clearly.

The huge chessboard, one foot in diameter, has 492 chess pieces, all under his control.

The old man's eyes were half open and half closed, and he seemed to be drowsy.

Suddenly, a chess piece jumped up.

It seems out of control.

The old man's eyes opened slightly, revealing a glimmer of light.

Then, the chess piece shattered with a "pop" sound.

Turns into dust and dissipates with the wind.

The old man showed no expression, and just said leisurely: "Another chess piece was destroyed, the ninth one recently."

He tapped the board lightly.

A black shadow quietly entered and bowed.

The old man said calmly: "Sun Yuming's chess pieces are gone. Go find fate."

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