Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3381 Lifting the Seal

As the lightning fell, there seemed to be an unspeakable anger brewing above the clouds.

That anger did not come from a certain person or a certain kind of creature.

It seems that the Heavenly Dao of this Xuanhuang world is extremely dissatisfied with this matter.

So the thunder from the sky was dropped as punishment.

When the thunder struck down from the void that day, it enveloped the sky and was extremely huge.

He quickly came close and was in front of him in an instant.

It even feels like this thunder is bigger than a mountain range.

If it crashes down like this, I am afraid that the magic circle, as well as Ye Xinghe's mother, who has not been resurrected, will be directly turned into nothingness.

Ye Xinghe murmured to himself: "Mother's magic circle is a change of destiny that goes against the will of heaven. It is not tolerated by heaven and is hated by heaven."

"The brilliant thunder struck down from the nine heavens to destroy it."

Lan Yunxi said loudly: "Young Master, hurry up, now!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

They had known that it would be so natural and had been prepared for it.

Those two demon souls were prepared for the situation in front of them.

He waved his hand, and the two demon souls flew straight towards the huge thunder.

Ye Xinghe shouted loudly: "With the demonic souls of these two alien demons as a memorial, I hope that the heaven will be noble!"

It's strange to say.

The two demon souls were obviously more numerous than the huge thunder and lightning.

However, when these two demon souls approached the giant lightning.

The majestic and murderous aura of the giant lightning dissipated in an instant.

The anger in the sky has actually dropped by 70% to 80%, making it almost unnoticeable.

Lan Yunxi said happily: "It worked!"

"Sure enough, the best thing to offer sacrifices to Heaven is all kinds of precious and weird things!"

It turned out that although they were preparing demon souls.

But in fact, it is best for things to be offered as sacrifices to Tiandao that Tiandao has never seen before, and that are sufficiently rare and precious.

Over the years, Lan Yunxi has racked his brains for this thing.

But if you think about something, you will fail.

That's normal.

This world is under the control of Tiandao, and there is something that Tiandao has never seen before.

It was after Ye Xinghe trapped these two big demons that day.

Inspiration suddenly came to him.

The two great demons from another world came from unknown places, far enough away from this big black and yellow world.

It can be regarded as an unknown good thing.

For Tiandao, it should be satisfactory.

As expected, Tiandao seemed to be very curious about this sacrificial object.

The huge lightning swallowed up the two demon souls.

Then, it dissipated into the air.

The anger of the Dao also disappeared.

Maybe he was anxious to go back and ponder these two demon souls.

Without the suppression of Heavenly Dao, there is no longer any obstacle to unlocking the seal.

When all the vitality in the magic circle was refined by the woman in the white dress.

Finally, the magic circle dissipated and the black hole disappeared.

It's like it never happened.

The woman woke up suddenly and sat up suddenly.

She looked around blankly.

Lan Yunxi was so excited that he burst into tears.

He staggered forward, fell to his knees, and cried loudly: "Madam, you finally wake up!"

"Madam, I have lived up to your expectations and entrustments!"


The woman in the white dress murmured.

She looked around and her eyes fell on Lan Yunxi.

Sensing Lan Yunxi's familiar aura, he suddenly thought of something and his eyes became clear.

In the end, her eyes were fixed on Ye Xinghe.

Her eyes were filled with emotions, and she spoke softly, her voice getting louder and louder.

In the end, it was like shocking the world.

"I entered the Nascent Soul at the age of one hundred, came to the East Heavenly Palace at the age of one hundred and seventy, and became the Emperor at the age of five hundred."

"In his lifetime, he fought countless battles and destroyed his country one hundred and seventy-nine times."

"I am the wife of the God King in the Clouds, and I am Xie Qingling!"

When she said her name, the void shook.

All monsters, cultivators and other living creatures within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

At this moment, I felt an unspeakable throbbing in my heart.

They all bowed their heads and saluted to show their respect.

Ye Xinghe nodded, walked forward, stretched out his left hand, and pressed it on the magic circle.

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

"Is my mother's cultivation actually that of an emperor?"

"The power of the emperor is so great!"

"Then since she is the Emperor, with such great strength, how could she have no choice but to seal herself that day?"

"Who is the God King in the Clouds she is talking about? Is it her father?"

Xie Qingling looked at Ye Xinghe, his eyes filled with excitement.

His eyes were filled with tears.

She trembled and said: "You, you are my son!"

"Chen'er, Chen'er!"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xie Qingling wiped her tears and quickly explained: "You haven't been back for a long time, and you haven't grown up with us. You don't even know your real name."

"You are the son of the God King in the Clouds. Your surname is Xuanyuan and your given name is Chen."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows slightly: "Xuanyuan Chen"

He chewed on this name that was particularly unfamiliar to him.

After a moment, he said softly: "Let's call you Ye Xinghe, I am more accustomed to it."

Xie Qingling smiled and said: "It's okay, just call me Ye Xinghe."

"The name is just a code name. You can call it whatever you want, as long as you are happy."

Hearing what she said, Lan Yunxi was slightly stunned and said quickly: "Madam, this is not allowed."

"For someone as powerful as the king, the inheritance of his descendants is extremely important. Even if he speaks his true name, he can be sensed."

"How can you not use your original name, young master?"

He secretly cursed in his heart: "Mrs., has she been asleep for too long and forgotten such an important thing?"

For people of their strength, the real name is so important.

Xie Qingling smiled slightly and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter."

"He Chen'er, no, I haven't seen you Xinghe for so long. I don't want to make him unhappy because of such a trivial matter. Let him leave it to him."

Lan Yunxi nodded and said no more.

Xie Qingling looked around and took a deep breath of fresh air, with a bit of intoxication in his eyes.

"Finally back, how long has it been?"

Lan Yunxi whispered: "It's been thirty-one thousand years."

"Thirty thousand years in a blink of an eye!"

Xie Qingling looked at Lan Yunxi with eyes full of emotion.

"You have suffered too. I don't know how you survived in thirty thousand years. Your skin has changed so much. You must have suffered a lot in your soul."

One sentence made Lan Yunxi burst into tears.

He was emotionally agitated, choked with sobs and unable to speak, and burst into tears.

This was the first time Ye Xinghe saw him lose his temper like this.

After a long time, Lan Yunxi returned to normal.

"Madam, even if you die, it's worth it. It won't be hard."

As soon as he changed the topic, he immediately praised Ye Xinghe.

"Madam can break the seal, and the young master deserves 90% of the credit. I actually didn't put in much effort."

Hearing this, Xie Qingling was slightly stunned.

"Oh, is it so?"

"Galaxy has grown so powerful!"

She looked Ye Xinghe up and down.

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