Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3386 Who else is dissatisfied?

With Ye Xinghe's current strength, even ordinary beginners in the Xuanhuang World are no match for him.

A strong person in the Tianzun Realm of the Xuanhuang World, even if he has just entered the Tianzun Realm for the first time, controls the origin of the world in the Xuanhuang World.

Also much more powerful than him.

Immortal White Crane grinned and said: "So, Ye Xinghe, let's not hurt our harmony. If you let me live, I won't report it to that adult."

"When the time comes, let's find a way to get through it together."

"Give you enough time to grow, and over time, you will definitely be able to suppress him."

What he said was very sincere, and he didn't mean to be arrogant or to blackmail Ye Xinghe.

However, Ye Xinghe always knew who he was and sneered: "Since you said that, I'm afraid you must have reported all the news about me to him."

"As long as I let you go today, I'm afraid he will come and kill me soon, and he will know everything about me."

Immortal White Crane was stunned for a moment, and then laughed after a moment.

"Ye Xinghe, I didn't expect that the person who knows me best is you!"

"Yes, you are right, but so what?"

At this time, his expression had become fearless.

He stared at Ye Xinghe and sneered: "Do you dare to kill me? Do you have the guts?"

He stretched out his fingers, and several figures rushed towards him from a distance, and they were in front of him in an instant.

This is what he relies on.

The headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect and others have arrived.

He didn't believe that Ye Xinghe dared to be so unscrupulous in front of the master!

Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up slightly at this time, staring at him and saying word by word: "Do you think I dare?"

Then a palm fell.

Master Bai He's eyes widened instantly, and there was a roar in his throat.

He didn't dare to look at Ye Xinghe confidently.

It seems to be saying: "How dare you really kill me!"

The next moment, he died immediately.

Ye Xinghe stared at him and said with a disdainful smile: "I will kill you if I tell you to. No one can stop me."

At this time, the headmaster of Guanghan Dao Sect sounded in shock and anger: "Ye Xinghe, what are you doing?"

He arrived instantly with several strong men.

Ye Xinghe flicked his fingers and said calmly: "I'll clean up the two sect scum for you."

The headmaster of the Guanghan Dao Sect had anger written all over his face, and he said sternly: "They are all among the top ten strong men of the Guanghan Dao Sect. How could you just kill them without me being present?"

"Ye Xinghe, you are too arrogant!"

Several other people also had angry looks on their faces.

Ye Xinghe glanced at them and didn't bother to speak at all.

He waved casually.

In an instant, the scenes that just happened here were displayed in front of everyone.

Ye Xinghe said leisurely: "If you are not blind, you can tell that if I hadn't been a bit strong, I would have been killed by the two of them silently."

"I can't let go of this kind of hatred."

"If anyone is dissatisfied, come up and fight me, and I will give you a chance to reason."

Everyone was speechless for a moment.

Ye Xinghe firmly stood firm at this time, and it was absolutely correct.

The only thing to blame is the White Crane Immortal and the two seeking their own death.

At the same moment, a luxurious building appeared in the East Heavenly Courtyard.

This is the Heavenly Medicine Alliance of the East Heavenly Court.

The so-called Tianyao Alliance is actually an organization similar to the Lieyang Dynasty Divine Pharmacist Association.

When one reaches the level of strength and alchemy, and can become a member of the East Heavenly Court, one can be called a Heavenly Medicine Master.

The medicines made are all heavenly medicines and heavenly elixirs.

It was only possible to refine it by stealing a ray of the secret of heaven.

The organization between them is called Tianyao Alliance.

It can be considered a powerful and extremely terrifying organization in the East Heavenly Court.

There are many heavenly medicine masters gathered inside, and most of the heavenly medicines are produced from them.

Even some top-notch experts sometimes have their demands on them.

Therefore, it is natural to give a little more face.

Not to mention, each of the pharmacists are quite powerful these days.

There are so many followers with terrifying strength around him.

At this moment, deep inside the Tianyao Alliance, in a pavilion.

A man is practicing cross-legged posture.

His figure is not particularly tall, and he even looks a little thin.

His upper body was naked, but every inch of his muscle and skin was exposed.

Two words make people think of it at a glance.


Every inch of his exposed torso felt filled with extremely terrifying exploding power.

There was steaming white air on his body, and in an instant, it filled the entire room.

At this moment, some strange symbols appeared on the surface of his body.

These symbols reveal the ancient desolation.

It's like the ancient ancestors who used the most primitive and rough materials to carve tattoos all over their bodies.

Although primitive and wild, it reveals unparalleled power.

That was in ancient times, when chaos first emerged, and the most original power had not yet dissipated in the world.

Nearly three hundred strange symbols appeared all over his body in just a moment.

But if you look carefully, you will find it.

Quite a few of these strange symbols are incomplete.

Only half, or just a corner.

Then, he came to the room.

There is a big cauldron here.

There was a gurgling sound from the cauldron.

He leaned over and looked into the cauldron, only to see a large pot of black liquid inside.

At this time, bubbles were slowly rising upwards.

The black liquid gave off an unspeakable fishy smell.

However, among the fishy stench, there was still a hint of strange and fragrant fragrance.

It makes people feel unspeakably uncomfortable when they smell it.

But he took a deep breath, with a drunken look on his face.

Then, he jumped directly into the big cauldron.

The liquid in the cauldron does not seem to be very hot.

Even the white air didn't come out.

But when he jumped into it, he felt an unspeakable heat.

In an instant, his body was burned with great pain.

He couldn't help but grinned.

But he endured the pain and immersed his entire body in it.

After a moment, he sighed softly and stretched his limbs in the liquid.

And the medicinal liquid slowly condensed into equally incomplete symbols and seeped into his body.

After a long time, he stood up and shook his body slightly.

He walked to the front of the hall and crossed his fingers.

Soon, a mechanical puppet came over.

This mechanical puppet is about three meters tall, completely black, and looks quite scary.

And the most important thing is that what shines on it is the aura of the origin of the world.

This mechanical puppet actually has the strength of the Heavenly Lord Realm!

Of course, its world origin is very weak.

But he is still a real strong man who has just entered the Tianzun realm.

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