Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3388: The Incomplete Origin of the Universe

"Not only do you have to protect him, but you also must not disrespect him, do you understand?"

"Now I ask you to go, will you go or not?"

The God of Rescue did not dare to say anything more, and said with a wry smile: "Madam has already spoken, how dare I not go."

"When should I leave?"

Xie Qingling sneered: "Now!"

The god of salvation will curl his lips.

"Why is it me and not the two of them?"

Xuanyuan Yunting smiled at the side and said: "You are one of the highest-level Heavenly Medicine Masters in the Heavenly Medicine Alliance. You are good at alchemy and have sufficient cultivation. It is naturally the most suitable for you to protect me."

The God of Suffering smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying nothing more.

Soon, the Suffering Divine General left the palace hall and returned to the Tianyao Alliance.

He obviously has a very high status in Tianyao Sect.

After entering, the other top Tianyao masters quickly bowed and saluted, not daring to show any signs of neglect.

There are dozens of tall towers in this Heavenly Medicine Alliance.

Each tower symbolizes a top powerhouse in the Tianyao Alliance.

The God of Suffering will enter his own tower.

Immediately, servants and disciples came up to him and bowed in salute.

The God of Rescue frowned and said, "Where's Yi Feng? I'm going to the lower world, so let him come with me."

One of the servants was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Master Patriarch, Uncle Yi also went to the lower realm for something yesterday."

"He also went to the lower world?"

The tiger-rescuing god general frowned and said, "Why would he want to go down to the next world?"

The disciples looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I don't know."

The general who saved the suffering was too lazy to think about these things and said: "Okay, then I will go there alone."

"Start the teleportation formation. I want to rush there as soon as possible."


Many disciples obeyed the order.

At this time, in Guanghan Daozong.

Ye Xinghe felt a deep sense of crisis in his heart.

He knew very well that Immortal White Crane never lied before he died.

It seems that there is indeed a big shot who covets the fragment of God in his body and wants to seize it.

But this was something he couldn't give up.

If we say that the origin of the world is one avenue.

So, the fragment of God he has here, and the body of the ancient god represented behind it.

It means another avenue.

Ye Xinghe didn't want to give up on these two avenues.

Since someone wants to cut off his other avenue, what else is there to say?

Of course, fight him tooth and nail!

Ye Xinghe breathed out lightly.

The top priority is to improve strength and refine more of the world's origins as quickly as possible.

He turned his palm and something appeared in it.

"I originally thought of using it later, but now it seems it's time to use it."

As he spoke, he spread his arms outward.

In an instant, the void in front of him shook, and something emerged. ..

This thing is virtual and real, with a somewhat ethereal meaning.

Like half of the remaining clouds on the horizon.

However, the aura revealed inside was extremely terrifying.

As soon as this thing was taken out, the surrounding power suddenly became distorted.

At this moment, the surrounding rules began to change.

In an instant, this area of ​​space was directly distorted.

Even, vaguely, Ye Xinghe could hear it.

There was an explosive roar in the void.

Vaguely, there was a pair of eyes peering at him, cold and indifferent.

As soon as this thing came out, it actually attracted the attention of the Heavenly Dao in this world.

Of course, it is not a person or some kind of existence.

It is just a gathering of consciousness and an instinct of this world.

Ye Xinghe looked at it with a bit of complexity in his eyes.

This was exactly the sect-suppressing treasure he had obtained from the God Buried Ancient Clan.

An incomplete origin of the world.

The reason why Ye Xinghe told Lan Yunxi before was that this thing cannot be said.

If you speak out, you may be coveted by Heaven, and you may be glimpsed by other great powers.

It is because this is a incomplete origin of the world.

No matter how incomplete it is, it is still the origin of the world.

With the way of heaven in this world, and some powerful beings in the dark.

There are inextricably linked relationships.

Therefore, Ye Xinghe was hesitant to even say anything that day.

But now, it is time to refine.

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself.

"Originally, I wanted to start refining the Cang Ning Realm, but refining the Cang Ning Realm is not something that can happen overnight, and it cannot be done in a short time."

"But refining this incomplete world source is relatively easy."

"Now that we are facing a formidable enemy, what I want is to quickly improve our current combat effectiveness."

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly and whispered to himself, with some thoughts in his eyes.

"What I thought before was simple. I thought that by using the secret method I got from Lord Taixu to refine the Cangming Realm, I would be able to make a huge impact and crush many low-level experts in the Tianzun Realm."

"But now it seems that this road is long and takes a very long time. I may not be able to do it in a short time."

"And if I have to wait to completely refine the Cangming Realm, then how can I fight against other Tianzun Realm experts during this period of time." After thinking about it, Ye Xinghe immediately decided on a strategy.

The Cangming Realm is the foundation, and it still needs to be refined slowly.

However, in the process, he still needs to refine more of the origin of the world.

Of course, that's assuming he can get it.

At this time, the voice of Gu Hong Tianzun suddenly came out from the jade pendant on Ye Xinghe's chest.

There seemed to be a bit of hesitation and disbelief.

"Is the woman you met a few days ago your mother?"

In the past few days, Gu Hong Tianzun has been very silent.

He rarely comes out to talk to Ye Xinghe.

Hearing his voice, Ye Xinghe probably guessed something and smiled secretly in his heart.

"Yes, we have been separated for many years and have just reunited recently."

Gu Hong Tianzun said: "That's it."

Then, his voice fell silent and disappeared again.

Ye Xinghe didn't care about anything else and immediately began to refine the incomplete origin of the world.

Looking at the 8,400 world origins in the Xuanhuang World, this world origin is definitely not that good.

Even when it is complete, it is just an ordinary source of the world.

Its properties aren't even particularly obvious.

Not to mention space, time, etc., the top-level origin of the world.

But it comes from the Xuanhuang world, this vast world!

After Ye Xinghe's aura came into contact with it, he felt it instantly.

Boundless terrifying power surged forward.

It's just an incomplete origin of the world.

However, it is better than the world origin that Ye Xinghe refined before and belongs to the Cangming Realm.

It must be at least five hundred times stronger.

Ye Xinghe was slightly stunned, and thought to himself: "I have been refining the origin of the world for decades, and I don't know how long it will take for this one." He calmed down and quietly started to use the magic technique to destroy the world.

Maybe it's because of bloodline.

Ye Xinghe used the general outline of the demon-destroying magic technique left by Xie Qingling with great ease.

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