Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3392 Completely convinced

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

How high must the level of this elixir be!

Just the breath of life emanating from it can be so powerful.

At this time, the Eternal Emperor also had a bit of fatigue on his brows.

He handed the elixir to Ye Xinghe, and then he whispered: "Little friend Ye, after refining this elixir, the power I have accumulated over the past few days will be exhausted again and I will fall into deep sleep again. You have to Protect yourself."

"Remember, don't be brave when you shouldn't be, and practice well."

"Given time, with my guidance and your own talent, you will surely rise."

Hearing his earnest warning, Ye Xinghe nodded heavily, feeling extremely grateful to the Eternal Emperor.

The two became partners inadvertently and helped him a lot along the way, saving his life several times.

The relationship between the two has been deep for a long time.

The Eternal Emperor smiled and nodded, and disappeared.

Once again, he fell asleep deep in Ye Xinghe's dantian.

Ye Xinghe walked out of the training room.

The God of Suffering who was waiting outside looked calm.

He simply did not believe that Ye Xinghe had such strength.

He himself could not cure this stubborn disease that had lasted for tens of thousands of years.

I visited all of East Heaven.

Even among the powerful men in the Tianyao Alliance, only two people were sure of being able to save him.

A huge price still needs to be paid.

Now there is a young master who has never met before, with low strength and little knowledge.

How could he possibly be able to resolve his injuries?

He didn't take it to heart at all.

I just didn't want to offend Ye Xinghe, so I just cooperated.

Seeing Ye Xinghe coming out, he walked over and laughed and said: "Young Master, failure is..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened with disbelief on his face.

It turned out that he had felt an extremely strong breath of life from Ye Xinghe's hand!

The next moment, Ye Xinghe had a somewhat joking expression on his face.

With a slight flick of his finger, a pill floated into the air.

Looking at this emerald green pill, the God of Suffering was extremely excited. M..

He said in a trembling voice: "The extremely rich breath of life!"

He took a deep breath, and then a dazed expression appeared on his face.

"With just one breath, I feel that the injuries in my body have improved a lot!"

"Could this be the legendary Supreme Heavenly Pill?"

"Only pills of this level can save my injury!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "You still have some knowledge."

The God of Suffering looked at him in disbelief.

"Young Master, you actually refined this Supreme Heavenly Pill. You, you actually have such strength!"

This time, Ye Xinghe completely shocked him.

Before, he just felt that behind Ye Xinghe stood a powerful figure with tyrannical strength.

It is an existence that I absolutely cannot afford to offend.

But now he realizes the true horror of Ye Xinghe.

What kind of person is he who can refine the Supreme Heavenly Pill!

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Are you convinced now?"

Of course he knows it very well.

The Suffering Divine General's previous emotions towards him were just because he was afraid of his identity and the Eternal Emperor's trump card.

I never really thought highly of myself in my heart.

Now, he wants to make the God of Suffering convinced and completely suppress him!

In an instant, the Suffering Divine General knelt down on the ground, kowtowed repeatedly, and said in a trembling voice: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced!"

"Young Master, I was blind and looked down on you before."

Ye Xinghe nodded: "Just be convinced."

The God of Suffering showed a burning look in his eyes.

"Young Master, I don't know what price it will cost to get this Supreme Heavenly Pill?"

"As long as you ask, I will give you all my wealth!"

He pointed to the warehouse and said: "All the heavenly and earthly treasures in the warehouse belong to you, and this alchemy pavilion also belongs to you. This is one thing."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Xinghe interrupted him directly.

Ye Xinghe flicked his fingers, and the Supreme Heavenly Pill flew into the hands of the Suffering God General.

Ye Xinghe turned around and walked out, leaving only one sentence behind.

"Eat it."

The God of Suffering had a look of astonishment on his face: "Young Master, you, you just gave it to me right now?"

Ye Xinghe nodded, ignored him at all, and left.

Standing there, the God of Suffering looked stunned.

He held the elixir with disbelief written all over his face.

After a moment, his eyes turned red, and tears started to fall down. He said with a trembling voice: "Madam, you are indeed right, the young master is amazing!"

"I'm sorry, madam, I can no longer serve you. My life belongs to the young master!"

When Ye Xinghe saw the Suffering Divine General again, it was already ten days later.

This is deep in the Great Tianlong Mountain Range.

The figure of the general who saved the suffering suddenly appeared behind Ye Xinghe.

He didn't say a word, he just knelt down and kowtowed three times respectfully.

Ye Xinghe said leisurely: "Has it been completely eradicated?"

The God of Suffering nodded.

"Thank you very much. The stubborn disease that has troubled me for tens of thousands of years has finally disappeared."

"Young Master's kindness in reincarnation will be unforgettable by me!"

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "There is no need to forget it, just repay it well. If I go to the East Heavenly Court next, there are many opportunities that I need to use."

Ye Xinghe did not cover up.

He knew very well that the Suffering Divine General was not someone who could be conquered with just a few polite words.

Being able to conquer a person like him depends on his own identity.

Secondly, rely on the Eternal Emperor's stunning and stunning palm.

The third reason is because I saved his life.

Only by using these three methods can he be used for himself.

Therefore, there is nothing to hide from him, just use it when it needs to be used, and suppress it when it needs to be suppressed.

The Suffering Divine General nodded and whispered: "By the way, Young Master, Madam asked me to come this time, and she also has her arrangements for you."

"What arrangement?"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and asked.

The Suffering Divine General said: "What Madam and the Lord mean is that your foundation in East Heaven is too shallow, and they have made too many enemies."

"So, I want you to enter the East Heavenly Court Tianshan Academy to practice in a hidden identity. Madam will arrange everything secretly."

"When you have reached a sufficient level of cultivation in Tianshan Academy, you will naturally be able to take over the Kingdom of God in the Clouds."

There was a hint of sadness in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

He is not interested in power.

However, when I heard the words "take over the Kingdom of God in the Clouds".

But he couldn't help but feel a throb in his heart.

He now also has an understanding of the Kingdom of God in the Clouds.

Naturally, we know what a huge force the Cloud Divine Kingdom is.

Even if you look at Dongtianting, it can be considered top-notch.

And he knew very well what it would mean if he took over the Kingdom of God in the Clouds.

He is not interested in power, but he needs power, he needs strength.

Only in this way can he fulfill his long-cherished wish and resurrect his sister.

The God of Suffering told the story of his plan.

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