Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3402 Nine Heavens Battlefield

The news shocked him so much that he was stunned for a moment.

Tu Lan kept staring at him.

She suddenly said: "Are you disgusted with her background?"

Ye Xinghe woke up in shock, shook his head and said: "How could it be possible? I was just thinking about how to rescue her."

Tu Lan nodded with satisfaction and said softly: "She did not misjudge the person after all."

"However, Ye Xinghe, you should give up on this. You don't have the strength."

"She is of the bloodline of the Demon King. The demons who come to her have reached the Heavenly Realm. These people alone can kill you a hundred or a thousand times."

"What's more, when she returns to the Great World of Heavenly Demons, the protective power around her will be who knows how strong it will be. You don't have to seek death."

After saying that, she patted Ye Xinghe's shoulder, turned around and left suddenly, her back looking a little desolate.

She is old and has no hope of breakthrough.

Put all your hopes on this disciple Chu Qingqiu.

Unexpectedly, unexpected changes occurred and fate played a trick on people.

Ye Xinghe looked steadily into the distance, but there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

A rage rose up in his chest.

He gritted his teeth and whispered: "Is this your intention to die?"

"It's hopeless, isn't it?"

"Don't worry, Qingqiu, I will definitely find you, and we will definitely be reunited!"

"No matter where you are, no matter how powerful the enemy in front of you is!"

A moment later, when Ye Xinghe saw the Suffering God General, his first words were: "Go back and tell them that I am willing to accept the arrangement and go to the Demon Slayer Army."

The God of Suffering will be slightly stunned.

He vaguely guessed something.

But he was also a human spirit, so he didn't say much, he just nodded and said: "Okay, then I will go back and make arrangements. Don't worry, young master."

At this time, Ye Xinghe suddenly felt a burning sensation in his dantian.

Just when he was a little surprised, he saw a shadow flying out of his dantian.

It fell directly on his shoulder.

It was actually a one-legged strange bird.

It looked ugly and made two unpleasant crunching sounds.

The strange bird stood on Ye Xinghe's left shoulder, slowly combing its feathers.

Ye Xinghe was stunned for a moment and lost his voice: "Bifang Shenniao, why did you come out?"

"You can actually materialize it into reality!"

Bi Fang's divine bird had been staying in his Dantian before.

Ye Xinghe didn't expect that it could come directly to reality.

At this time, the Bi Fang Divine Bird was only about half a foot tall, but it looked a bit cute.

Hearing this, it tilted its head and looked at Ye Xinghe.

Suddenly he turned around on Ye Xinghe's shoulder.

In an instant, a burst of light surged in front of Ye Xinghe, and then condensed into the appearance of a large cauldron.

It was the divine cauldron that had been staying in his dantian.

Then, Bifang quacked twice, seemingly speaking to Ye Xinghe.

And Ye Xinghe naturally understood the meaning.

After a while, he slowly exhaled and nodded slightly.

"It turns out that they are all helpers given to me by the Eternal Emperor before he fell asleep."

The Eternal Emperor has regained some strength.

Previously, in order to help Ye Xinghe, he resisted the God of Suffering.

After exhausting all the strength he had finally accumulated, he had to fall into deep sleep again.

But after all, he has recovered a lot and can already control the Bi Fang Divine Bird and the Divine Cauldron.

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself.

"It turns out that the real name of this cauldron is the Great Oven of the Emperor of Heaven."

"With the Heavenly Emperor's Great Oven and the Bi Fang Divine Bird here, as long as there is a prescription for the elixir, I can refine it even if it is a Heavenly elixir level elixir!"

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself: "This will be a great help for my next plan."

"This is the Nine Heavens Battlefield!"

Above the void, Ye Xinghe looked at the scene in front of him with complicated eyes.

At this time, he was standing in the sky, with a thick black cloud beneath him.

And far in front of it, there is an extremely spectacular scene.

It was an extremely thick gray fog.

The vastness of this gray fog is unimaginable.

Looking to both sides, there was no end in sight, spreading to the horizon.

Going up and down, there are at least tens of millions of miles in height.

There is an unspeakable danger in this thick gray fog.

You can vaguely see it, and there are some inside from time to time

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