Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3404 Assessment

Soon, he arrived at the gate of the camp.

It's loose on the outside and tight on the inside, so it doesn't look like the guards are too tight.

At the gate of the camp, there were only two teams of ten people standing.

In other words, there are only about twenty soldiers of the demon army guarding it.

Seeing Ye Xinghe's arrival, two soldiers immediately walked up.

One person said in a cold voice: "Who is it?"

The voice was crisp and without any nonsense.

Ye Xinghe looked them up and down.

These two people were obviously the most ordinary soldiers in the demon army.

But even this should not be underestimated.

He thought to himself: "Sure enough, there are no weaklings in the demon army."

Ye Xinghe said calmly: "I heard that the Demon Slayer Legion is recruiting warriors, and I want to join the Demon Slayer."

"Oh, you want to join our demon army?"

A strong man who seemed to be a ten-captain stood up and looked Ye Xinghe up and down.

"The 90,000-person team of the Demonic Demon Legion has been fully recruited, and now only the scout team is still recruiting people."

He said coldly: "The scout team is extremely dangerous. They often need to go deep into the Nine Heavens battlefield to fight against the monsters and fight hand-to-hand. The requirements for strength are extremely high, far exceeding that of ordinary teams."

He looked Ye Xinghe up and down, obviously not feeling how strong Ye Xinghe was.

He waved his hands lightly and said, "You are not strong enough."

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "How do you know that I am not strong enough?"

The captain's eyes lit up: "Hey, it seems you are determined to join the scout team?"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

"That's right."

He wasn't picky. It didn't matter whether he was a scout or not.

Enter the demon army and fight your way up, constantly contacting the demon clan.

It would be best to get news about Chu Qingqiu, this is the most important thing.


The ten-capion captain suddenly waved his hand.

In an instant, the two soldiers of the Demon Legion who had stopped Ye Xinghe came straight towards him.

Seeing Ye Xinghe's expression change, the captain laughed and said, "If you want to join the scout team, you need to pass multiple levels."

"Now is the first level. Defeat at least two soldiers of the Demon Legion."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

Facing the two soldiers of the demon army who came to kill them, their strength was judged in an instant.

Peak Nascent Soul Realm, very good.

But it’s not enough to see in front of him!

Ye Xinghe stood still and didn't move. He just slapped his right hand forward.

Seeing being treated like this, the two soldiers of the Demon Legion had fire in their eyes and were instantly angry.

I felt ignored by Ye Xinghe.

The two men let out low roars, and in an instant, the light on the weapons surged, and the murderous aura was intense, pushing the power to the extreme.

Ye Xinghe smiled faintly.

The right palm shoots out frequently.

The next moment, several loud roars came.

The two soldiers of the Demon Legion screamed in surprise and were immediately knocked away.

Standing unsteadily and staggering.

However, after the two of them stood firm, they looked at their bodies in horror.

I found that I was unscathed.

The two of them couldn't help but be stunned.

The two of them haven't figured out what's going on yet.

Thinking of Ye Xinghe's direct disregard just now, I felt angry and prepared to kill him again.

At this time, the smiling and relaxed expression on the face of the ten-captain commander had turned into a bit solemn.

He said coldly: "Stop, it's still embarrassing!"

"This young master has already held back, and you still want to entangle him!"

He is a clear observer, but he can see clearly.

It wasn't that Ye Xinghe couldn't seriously injure them, but he deliberately spared them.

The two soldiers of the Demon Legion retreated in shame, with a bit of shame on their faces.

The ten-man captain took a step forward, cupped his hands and said in a deep voice: "I am Luo Chaoyuan, leading a ten-man team under my command to teach you how to do it!"

After that, he waved his hand, and the nine people next to him instantly came over to kill him.

Directly surrounding Ye Xinghe in the middle.

Counting him, there was exactly a ten-man team.

Luo Chaoyuan said solemnly: "The second assessment level is to defeat an entire team of ten people."

"Beat a team of ten, huh?"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that the requirements for scouts were actually quite high.

To defeat this ten-man team, one must at least be one level higher than them.

No matter what, he is on the verge of reaching the half-step Tianzun realm.

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