Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3414 Belated Revenge

"The team I was in before was completely wiped out during this mission, and now I am the only one left!"

Everyone shook their heads and were not optimistic about Qu Jinze and others.

Mu Weishan waved his hand.

A flash of cyan light turned into a cyan token and fell into Qu Jinze's hand.

He waved his hand and said, "Go ahead."

The next moment, everyone felt that the world was spinning in front of them.

When he could see clearly again, he was back outside the outpost.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but sigh in his heart, how powerful Mu Weishan was!

Among this demon-suppressing army, there is indeed a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Everyone boarded the floating cloud boat, left the outpost, and moved forward.

Xie Xuhao was beside Ye Xinghe and explained in a low voice: "This is a very famous task even on the list of people. There were at least a dozen strong teams or lone strongmen who took it before, but they either fell or died. Returned in vain."

After his explanation, Ye Xinghe found out.

In these years, the powerful men from the human race and the Heavenly Demon World have been fighting constantly in the Nine Heavens Battlefield.

This ruins is actually an outpost established by the human race before.

Later, it was attacked by the monster army.

In order to regain their position, the human race dispatched ten thousand strong demon-suppressing legions.

A protracted fight began with the demon clan.

In the end, the outpost was beaten to pieces.

Neither side gained any advantage and each withdrew its troops.

Among them is a fragment of the ruins of the outpost, but I don't know what happened.

The great demons in the world of heavenly demons who died in the battle above have immortal souls after death.

Turn into a monster puppet guard and guard here.

The place where the monster puppet guard is located is the only place where the human army must pass when advancing.

Therefore, it is regarded as an eyesore and has been tried to eradicate many times.

Therefore, it has become a famous task on the list of people.

Soon, the floating cloud boat moved forward for three days.

The further you go, the more confusing the rules become.

However, for Ye Xinghe, it is nothing.

He adapted quickly.

The various fragments in front of me began to increase and become more and more dense.

The traces of the wars that year began to show up, making people feel horrified to see them.

After arriving at a place, many floating cloud boats suddenly stopped.

Next to it is a fragment of huge rock, which is flat as a whole, like a huge plate.

It's quite iconic and very conspicuous.

Qu Jinze brought everyone here.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Ye Xinghe, and he said with a smile: "Everyone, we are only one day away from the place where we hunt down the monster puppet guards. It can be said that we are almost at the end of the field. In this case, let's start assigning tasks. ”

Everyone listened solemnly.

However, what Qu Jinze said next made everyone stunned.

Qu Jinze pointed at Ye Xinghe and said calmly: "Ye Xinghe, you can complete this task."

"If it cannot be completed, I will naturally take military action."

"If it is completed, I will also give you a big reward."

Everyone was stunned.

This is the tenth-ranked task on the list, and it is extremely difficult.

Everyone originally thought that hundreds of people from the entire scout team had taken on this mission.

But even so, if the entire scout team goes on this mission, there is a possibility of failure.

And it's not low.

Let alone one person.

He is completely asking Ye Xinghe to die!

Gu Tianhui's eyes turned cold, and he stood up and roared: "No, if you let Ye Xinghe complete this task by himself, wouldn't you risk death!"

He is Kong Nanyan's person and has received Kong Nanyan's instructions.

Keep an eye on Ye Xinghe to prevent him from getting into any danger.

At this time, he no longer had any scruples and said angrily: "Previously, Lord Wan Fu had specifically ordered that you should not avenge yourself publicly and act in accordance with the rules."

"What, you forgot?"

Qu Jinze was not angry, he had already figured out the key.

He said calmly: "When it comes to avenging private revenge, I naturally have to act according to the rules."

He casually pointed to the three captains of ten and said: "Your three teams combined, there are almost twenty masters, accompanying Ye Xinghe."

The faces of the three captains of ten and the more than twenty masters under their command suddenly changed.

Qu Jinze didn't bother to pay attention to their reactions. He looked at Gu Tianhui and said coldly: "I acted according to the rules. Can you find anything wrong?"

Gu Tianhui is speechless

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