Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3419 Your Opponent is Me

The demon puppet guard seems to be angry, but it doesn't want to leave here and doesn't want to pursue.

It thought for a moment.

In an instant, the blue mist suddenly surged out.

The blue mist instantly turned into countless long blue dragon-like beings, chasing wildly outwards.

Shrouded towards Fang Hang and others.

Fang Hang and others were shocked and fled quickly.

The blue clouds and mist are endlessly chasing outwards.

However, the further Fang Hang and others escaped, the stronger the blue cloud and mist needed.

So, as Fang Hang and others stayed away.

The blue mist lingering on the body of the monster puppet guard has become much lighter.

The rest of it has almost no offensive power.

At this moment, in front of the main hall, Xie Xuhao was leading another pair of scouts.

Yu appeared in an instant and fiercely attacked the body of the demon puppet guard.

The demon puppet guards were caught off guard and were injured by them.

Several of the metal components on the surface of the body were directly smashed off.

Although, this injury is insignificant to it.

But it directly angered it.

However, just when it was about to attack, Xie Xuhao and others retreated outwards.

The demon puppet guards frantically chased him to the entrance of the hall.

But it seemed to think of something, but it returned.

However, its only long-range attack method at this time is the ballista.

The next moment, its huge claws pressed hard on the blue ballista.

There was a buzzing sound from the ballista.

The next moment, a giant metal crossbow with a length of dozens of meters appeared, as thick as a human waist.

It shot out fiercely, directly towards Xie Xuhao and others.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe came directly to Xie Xuhao.

Therefore, the metal crossbow arrow naturally targeted Ye Xinghe.

Shooting towards Ye Xinghe like crazy.

Ye Xinghe felt the power of this crossbow and was instantly frightened.

He felt that if he took the arrow head-on, he would certainly not die.

But I'm afraid that the injury is so serious that he will no longer be able to fight.

Ye Xinghe flicked his finger between the lightning and flint.

The blood-inducing pill flew out instantly and landed in Xie Xuhao's hand.

The huge crossbow arrow immediately changed its direction and pursued the Blood-Yin Tiandan.

Ye Xinghe said sternly: "Xie Xuhao, go up to the floating cloud boat and lure it away!"


Xie Xuhao responded, having already prepared, he immediately boarded the floating cloud boat.

The Yunzhou was activated at an extremely fast speed, carrying the Blood-Inducing Pill to kill outwards.

At this time, the ballista was locked again, and the aura of the Blood-Inducing Heaven Pill was released.

He was also led to chase the floating cloud boat, and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, the demon puppet guard tilted his head, seeming a little confused.

Ye Xinghe slowly walked into the hall and said with a smile: "Your opponent is me!"

The next moment, Ye Xinghe had no nonsense.

The magical power of destroying the world of demons is running, and the original aura of the world surges in the body.

In an instant, he arrived in front of the monster puppet guard and punched it hard on the head!

This monster puppet guard has three major killing moves.

One is the highly toxic blue poison around his body.

Fang Hang and another ten captains led ten team members to lure him away.

The second is the giant war machine controlled by it.

The giant magic weapon spear, which is more than a hundred meters long, has a cold light, strong murderous intent, and extremely powerful power.

Even if Ye Xinghe faced this blow, he would probably be injured.

As for this killing move, Xie Xuhao and ten other people held the Blood-Inducing Pill to lure him away.

The remaining killing move is also the strongest killing move.

Then it is the body of this monster puppet guard, which is comparable to the terrifying strength of the two-star Tianzun.

There are no tricks left, and Ye Xinghe can only rely on his own strength to deal with it.

In fact, Ye Xinghe also knew it very well.

I was able to weaken it to this point and distract it from its other two killing moves.

In fact, it has been achieved to the extreme.

Facing Ye Xinghe, the reaction of the monster puppet guard seemed to be quite slow.

It cannot be avoided.

With a 'bang' sound, Ye Xinghe punched it hard on the head.

The power of the world's origin surged out fiercely.

The head of the monster puppet guard was raised heavily and was knocked crooked.

It let out a howl and was knocked back a few steps.

However, Ye Xinghe's heart sank rapidly.

Because, he suddenly discovered.

This blow did not cause any fatal damage to the demon puppet guard.

Just fight it off.

And this is already Ye Xinghe's strongest offensive.

Ye Xinghe was horrified.

"The defense of this monster puppet guard is too strong, it is physically invincible!"

However, for Ye Xinghe, this was also expected.

He flashed and came to the back of the monster puppet guard again.

But he hit the connection point on the top of its head with another hard punch.

Ye Xinghe launched three attacks in an instant, attacking three different parts.

But he was looking for the weaknesses of the monster puppet guards.

It's just that this thing seems to have no weaknesses.

Three punches were struck, and there was a loud bang, and several pieces of metal components fell off.

But it doesn't do any fatal damage to it at all.

At this time, the demon puppet guards seemed to have completely broken out of their slumber.

It let out a ferocious roar, swung its body, and swung its huge, thick and long tail.

Like a giant whip.

Ye Xinghe couldn't dodge and was hit directly.

In an instant, it felt like being hit by a mountain.

With a low roar, he flew out and hit the stone wall of the hall hard.

A big hole was opened in the stone wall.

And he felt that countless bones in his body were broken and blood spurted out.

Already slightly injured.

Ye Xinghe shook his head.

"This beast's body is really powerful. Not only is its defense strong, but its attack power is also ridiculously strong!"

"With my current strength, I can only withstand five or six attacks from it at most. Any more will be directly killed by it, and my body will not be able to bear it at all."

Ye Xinghe's figure flashed rapidly and attacked the monster puppet guards one after another.

In fact, he had given up the power of his attack later on.

Each blow was just a light stroke, but it increased the speed tremendously.

Countless attacks were launched in just an instant.

Naturally, the demon puppet guards could not let him attack at will, and they also fought back crazily.

As a result, Ye Xinghe suffered four attacks from the monster puppet guards.

It was also after he fired hundreds of attacks.

Finally, he punched the demon clan puppet guard's abdomen where it connected.

But he suddenly felt that his fist was empty.

There was a loud bang, and the metal components there were smashed directly.

He made a big hole more than a foot deep.

The demon puppet guard also let out a howl and shook its body.

In the howl, there was a sense of sorrow and pain that had never been seen before.

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt happy.

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